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Top 10 US Clans of ALL Time

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Dec 23, 2012
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Whatever clan im in is automatically the best.
I agree.

On the other hand, my Top 10 (US) from the good days:

1) Forgotten - Easy. Best clan ever, non-stop anal penetration.

2) Rebels - Been around since the beginning of clans and miraculously still running (barely). Faded in and out of the best clan spot over time and continued to impress no matter how many drastic changes came to their clan. (Trivium, Elevate, etc.)

3) Titans - Probably the only clan that some have ever considered to be the best while Forgotten was still around. Titans had been able to consistently challenge and beat Forgotten, unlike any other clan in history. Titans was easily the greatest clan that I was ever in, and one of the best of all time.

4) Primeval - Decently easy to put them here above the rest of the clans at the time. Primeval was considered to be one of the best during Forgotten's prime. They put them to the test when no one else was able to. They were a great example for the clans who came after them.

5) Rivals - Corey somehow managed to turn a clan of nobodies into one of the best to ever play on the servers. It's incredible looking back and thinking that the little clan of randoms that you would easily beat could make that big of a turnaround and become one of your biggest threats.

6) Elevate - Gumby's little split-off of Rebels became the most dominant clan of the time. Aside from that little last troll-battle against Rebels, Elevate had a perfect record and had no one in their way.

7) Sovereign/Triton/Prodigious - Frog has made more clans than I have fingers, but these were the best. Sovereign was a constant threat to clans when all of the greatest were in tact. Prodigious managed to make the Clan Wars final the first two seasons (Techaton) although most did not expect them to. I sort of faded out when Triton was a clan, but I heard they were alright.

8) Eternity - Native also managed to turn a band of misfits and randoms into a large threat to clans when no one had expected it. Although he managed to get some help from Stab and turn his entire clan around and manage to become a powerhouse.

9) Destiny - they were ok. jcc clan.

10) Forsaken - Another one of the clans to come out of the shadows and become a threat to the rest of the ones at the top. Toxic and Stab took their YouTube subs and somehow made them good.
Last edited:


Dec 23, 2015
Reaction score
I agree.

On the other hand, my Top 10 (US) from the good days:

1) Forgotten - Easy. Best clan ever, non-stop anal penetration.

2) Rebels - Been around since the beginning of clans and miraculously still running (barely). Faded in and out of the best clan spot over time and continued to impress no matter how many drastic changes came to their clan. (Trivium, Elevate, etc.)

3) Titans - Probably the only clan that some have ever considered to be the best while Forgotten was still around. Titans had been able to consistently challenge and beat Forgotten, unlike any other clan in history. Titans was easily the greatest clan that I was ever in, and one of the best of all time.

4) Primeval - Decently easy to put them here above the rest of the clans at the time. Primeval was considered to be one of the best during Forgotten's prime. They put them to the test when no one else was able to. They were a great example for the clans who came after them.

5) Rivals - Corey somehow managed to turn a clan of nobodies into one of the best to ever play on the servers. It's incredible looking back and thinking that the little clan of randoms that you would easily beat could make that big of a turnaround and become one of your biggest threats.

6) Elevate - Gumby's little split-off of Rebels became the most dominant clan of the time. Aside from that little last troll-battle against Rebels, Elevate had a perfect record and had no one in their way.

7) Sovereign/Triton/Prodigious - Frog has made more clans than I have fingers, but these were the best. Sovereign was a constant threat to clans when all of the greatest were in tact. Prodigious managed to make the Clan Wars final the first two seasons (Techaton) although most did not expect them to. I sort of faded out when Triton was a clan, but I heard they were alright.

8) Eternity - Native also managed to turn a band of misfits and randoms into a large threat to clans when no one had expected it. Although he managed to get some help from Stab and turn his entire clan around and manage to become a powerhouse.

9) Destiny - they were ok. jcc clan.

10) Forsaken - Another one of the clans to come out of the shadows and become a threat to the rest of the ones at the top. Toxic and Stab took their YouTube subs and somehow made them good.
Most accurate post I've seen so far


Dec 10, 2014
Reaction score
As people are giving opinions, care to share your own top 10 list? I'll start cuz why not?
1. Forgotten: There's no denying this, they were a tight knit unit and almost nobody could oppose them
2. Rebels: Another fairly obvious pick in my opinion. They've stayed together longer than anyone else and have found a way to somewhat dominate in every region they have existed in.
3. Phoenix: I don't know much about AU clans but I do know that Phoenix was amazing, and in their prime they probably could have contested Forgotten if they were given an equal playing field.
4. Emperors: I know what I do about Emperors from watching them in US Clan Wars when they participated, and even with their disadvantage of ping they surprised me with their talent and were incredibly impressive.
5. Titans: Zeno seems to leave legacies in the clan community (like Rebels) and Titans is no different. At one time they were the only challenge for Forgotten and were undoubtedly one of the greatest clans to have been on these servers.
6. OrganizationV2: I wasn't in Organization in it's prime but from what I've heard this version was by far the best and they knew what they were doing. They had a great leader in Korrenian and they managed to beat big names (Rebels twice though I know some people have some controversial opinions on that).
7. Triton/Prod: Nobody can really deny that Frog has led amazing clans and he has backed that fact up countless times, just look at all his rings.
8. Rivals: Rivals as a clan was a strong group and nobody could deny this fact. They went toe to toe with some of the greatest, and even if they lost they made it unbelievably close. On top of that Corey was a great leader and I've always had so much respect for him.
9. Elevate: When Elevate was formed they beat big names and Gumby knew what he was doing. At one point they were considered the best in their time until they eventually fell to Rebels.
10. Destiny: Destiny was a very dominate clan up to the time they disbanded. They tied for the most wins against Rebels (tied with Trivium). While I hate to admit it, we did have a great leader in Jccandfriends (don't let it go to your head) and we had some amazing fighters in there such as Apzy or CrimsonAura. Though I would like to put Destiny higher up they were big in a time of decline for clans, so there wasn't a great way to judge their true potential.

Honorable Mentions:
Protocol: There isn't much to say here, they dominated most people they faced. I wasn't around on these servers when they had their reign (I was taking a break for a while) but from what I heard they had no trouble taking many names.

Eternity: They were a good clan and Native knew how to lead better than most did. The clan as a whole was good and close to top 10 but not quite.

Primeval: In the old days they were a great clan and could definitely hold their own (as long as xSwagGiraffe didn't die off spawn). I don't think I know enough about Primeval to make a top 10 judgement, but I definitely know they were good.

CyanVolts: This clan was the beginning of big clans with their only enemy being the Blamphs. This clan was so huge for the beginning of this community you can't not mention them. They had names that would go on to be huge like The_Great_Tito and Soul (I believe). Even as they declined they were a great family (for the most part)

I'm also putting Rebound because Evin (qxerft) told me to, though we weren't even that great but he's reading this as I write.
Please add your list below, but you don't need to be as detailed as I just was.

Edit: I love that my post is longer than the thread itself. I could have made it into another thread but what's the point?
I respect your opinion but I believe Desolate can bring down any of those clan you listed. Why? Desolate has been around for about 4 months, we've developed team work to the point where no clans can handle. We don't depend on one person to carry the entire team, and we play aggressive, yet smart. We work together and bring down other clans even though we fight at times. We've fought, and yelled at each other but always manage to keep up at the end of the day. I want to see those clans you listed reband, and battle us, but I know most of those players have either quit or moved on to another game mode. Yes, some of the people in Desolate were in those clans you listed, but I do see Desolate as one of the best clans out there. If not, the best. :)


Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
Top 10 U.S. Clans of all time imo

1. Forgotten
2. Rebels
3. Protocol
4. Elevate
5. Prod/Triton
6. Titans
7. Rivals
8. Destiny
9. Eternity
10. Trivium


14. Vortex
18. Valor


645. Synergy
most accurate so far imo, mainly because protocol was considered #1 for a long period, and beat elevate and rebels more than once each during Protocol's prime. You did miss Desolate, however.


Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
I agree.

On the other hand, my Top 10 (US) from the good days:

1) Forgotten - Easy. Best clan ever, non-stop anal penetration.

2) Rebels - Been around since the beginning of clans and miraculously still running (barely). Faded in and out of the best clan spot over time and continued to impress no matter how many drastic changes came to their clan. (Trivium, Elevate, etc.)

3) Titans - Probably the only clan that some have ever considered to be the best while Forgotten was still around. Titans had been able to consistently challenge and beat Forgotten, unlike any other clan in history. Titans was easily the greatest clan that I was ever in, and one of the best of all time.

4) Primeval - Decently easy to put them here above the rest of the clans at the time. Primeval was considered to be one of the best during Forgotten's prime. They put them to the test when no one else was able to. They were a great example for the clans who came after them.

5) Rivals - Corey somehow managed to turn a clan of nobodies into one of the best to ever play on the servers. It's incredible looking back and thinking that the little clan of randoms that you would easily beat could make that big of a turnaround and become one of your biggest threats.

6) Elevate - Gumby's little split-off of Rebels became the most dominant clan of the time. Aside from that little last troll-battle against Rebels, Elevate had a perfect record and had no one in their way.

7) Sovereign/Triton/Prodigious - Frog has made more clans than I have fingers, but these were the best. Sovereign was a constant threat to clans when all of the greatest were in tact. Prodigious managed to make the Clan Wars final the first two seasons (Techaton) although most did not expect them to. I sort of faded out when Triton was a clan, but I heard they were alright.

8) Eternity - Native also managed to turn a band of misfits and randoms into a large threat to clans when no one had expected it. Although he managed to get some help from Stab and turn his entire clan around and manage to become a powerhouse.

9) Destiny - they were ok. jcc clan.

10) Forsaken - Another one of the clans to come out of the shadows and become a threat to the rest of the ones at the top. Toxic and Stab took their YouTube subs and somehow made them good.
cern wheres protocol at !


Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
Speaking on behalf of AU. (All clans had to have dominated for over 1 month, super clans which were made as a joke don't really count.)

#1 - Phoenix: Had the most stacked roster of all time, in any region. To be completely honest, we were pretty bad at everything. Just it's really hard to lose if every single one of your top lineup players can take a 1v4 and hardly ever dies. (Refer to Nick & Mitch 2v10)

#2 - Poets: A more disciplined version of Phoenix, player quality went down (Nick, Jimmy, Alex and Zane was still an amazing lineup). AU as a whole wasn't as good as it used to be when Poets was a thing so the PvP dominance was still there. (Refer to Nick and Jimmy 2v10)

#3 - Envy: This was literally a one man clan. Topgear was a crazy carry and single-handedly destroyed in team-fights. Only clan to take a legitimate round of Phoenix. (Won a 3v4 when they had less players. They still ended up losing 3-1, but that was a crazy play.)

#4 - Fade: Underrated due to their shitty reputation of hackers/DDoSing but like, went 70/3? In clan battles they were mostly legit, PvP was never as good as Phoenix or Poets but it was better than the majority of AU.

#5 - Apex: Really, really overrated by many people simply because they had a ton of wins. Despite their reputation of being the clan saints they really didn't play as fairly as people expected. They forged evidence to get Darkrai perm banned in the middle of Apex v Phoenix and threw a party afterwards, lol. Whenever I think of this clan I think of so much lost potential. They had really good players in Red_Dog, Musty, Blake and Flok but never used that lineup because the owners generally put themselves in. They played really defensively which hindered them imo. Despite this, they were still a really good clan.

EDIT: Honourable Mentions

#: NuggetZ: Probably better currently than 2013/14. Jed, Julian and Zane + 4th are a solid lineup.

#: Exile: Really let down by lack of depth in roster, Chris and Ryan as hard carries but without them it's a bunch of good players, full potential is great though.

#: Blitz: Above average in everything, no stand out strengths or weaknesses.

I really can't speak for EU clans and I only have a small opinion on US clans so I won't make a list, but globally AU Phoenix, US Forgotten and EU Forgotten were all the best at the way they played CBS. The thing is, US does 6v6-8v8, AU does 4v4-6v6 and EU does 2v2-4v4. All these clans played in different ways. US Forgotten would have decimated AU Phoenix in an 8v8, and AU Phoenix would have destroyed EU and US Forgotten in a 4v4.

Comparing these clans is impossible, I really want to say that Phoenix had the edge on PvP after playing in both AU and US but the players in EU Forgotten were pretty crazy too. (xExtract comes to mind, same with BomBashious for US)


#1: AU Phoenix, US Forgotten and EU Forgotten.

#2 not better than the top 3 so doesn't matter

I hope that can give an insight to AU and compare the top 3 clans from each region in a global perspective, because each region is so different in it's community and different playstyles in CBS.

I'd love it if people could agree with my stance on how clans match up globally, if not I'm sure after some discussion we could come to a conclusion on the best global clan.
what about AU Protocol?
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