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Oct 20, 2012
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Persuasion is a very powerful tool in society. Use of it can result in drastic changes in the world, such as creation of global movements and uprisings. The leaders of our nations are decided through the persuasion of the public. However, persuasion is not limited to these elements of society. Every day, we are persuaded by the people and places around us, to act, dress, speak, or do anything in a certain way. Persuasion, is how trends are created.

Trends are quite evident in schools, most commonly, with fashion trends. Social groups and friendships are often decided simply on the clothing children wear to school. Children will often be excluded from groups if they are not wearing Nike runners, or the type or style of clothing that is currently trending. In my school, trends are not particularly common as is it a uniform-school and we can't really 'express' ourselves with different clothing or styles, however, those who do not own an Apple iPhone, rather, a Samsung, are ridiculed. Often, what is considered, 'cool' or 'in' is controlled/manipulated by the powerful/popular kids or adults, as many feel pressured to conform with what they are wearing to not be considered an outcast by other students. I find it quite ridiculous that people would be excluded, simply due to not owning a possession etc.

My question to all of you guys, is, do you have any trends in your school or neighborhood? How do you react to these?

I see myself as somewhat of a non-conformist. I do own an iPhone, however, I do not feel the need to purchase the 'trending' products simply because the popular children set this to be the 'style' - I rather value my own identity and try to remain as unique as possible.

Sorry the thread is kinda short, but I wanted to write something somewhat thought-provoking, haven't done so in a while.


Aug 30, 2013
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We really do not have any trends however a ton of people my age are obsessed with FNAF 1&2


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
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The Trends -

There are many trends that are in my school, I think what is trending at the moment for my school is that 'My name is Jeff' quote. Everyone says it and it gets quite annoying at times. I find it really funny too, but it does get a bit repetitive. What some students also do is they think they are cool for still saying 'Your Mum' after every comeback you give them. It is really repetitive and I am left sitting there saying "Can you not?". There is also a trend to wear Reebok's - the shoe brand. Everyone wears them and they think they are cool for doing so. I am really glad that people have stopped wearing Vans though. (Sorry for this little rant, this is what I have to go through.)

As for my neighborhood, I can't really think of a trend other then decorating your house for Halloween or for Christmas. :/


Oct 20, 2012
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The Trends -

There are many trends that are in my school, I think what is trending at the moment for my school is that 'My name is Jeff' quote. Everyone says it and it gets quite annoying at times. I find it really funny too, but it does get a bit repetitive. What some students also do is they think they are cool for still saying 'Your Mum' after every comeback you give them. It is really repetitive and I am left sitting there saying "Can you not?". There is also a trend to wear Reebok's - the shoe brand. Everyone wears them and they think they are cool for doing so. I am really glad that people have stopped wearing Vans though. (Sorry for this little rant, this is what I have to go through.)

As for my neighborhood, I can't really think of a trend other then decorating your house for Halloween or for Christmas. :/
My name is Jeff is literally half of the phrases I hear in my school day, alongside 9+10
I forgot to mention that viral videos are pretty common trends in our school.


Jan 7, 2013
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Your mum.

I die a little bit inside when I hear these at school.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Trends are everywhere, and some trends are good.
But following a trend for the sake of following it or trying to fit in is stupid. There's nothing to be gained except for a slight gain in acceptance and notoriety, but after a month the trend will end and you'll be without money, dignity, and/or time. "Keeping up with the Jones's" is a pointless, Sisyphean task.
(From a business perspective, though, trends are extremely profitable. Just look at Apple!)

Personally, never pay for anything trendy. Go with what you like that has a net positive benefit to your life, and stick with that. Not only will you distinguish yourself as being different, but you'll be more comfortable with what you have now. You will always want to be trendy, but that's something you'll need discipline to control.
Trends are fleeting, but your identity is timeless (unless your identity is to be trendy, in which case you're already a lost cause).
Memes, viral videos, and whatever the internet's flavor of the next 5 minutes are fine, though. You don't have to pay for those.


Jun 21, 2013
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Trends are a really interesting thing to study.

It occurred to me the other day when I heard someone say "You are more like an average stranger now than you will be like yourself in ten years." Trends shape people a lot more than we think, in my opinion. They aren't necessarily restricted to funny videos or clothing styles; I think they are present in every single aspect of our lives.

For example, the personality type in which someone is very quiet yet cracks the occasional witty joke is a very popular one, at least where I live. Being excessively loud and outgoing to the point of looking stupid is also very popular where I live. I have to admit I laugh at these types of people, as no one is exempt from trends.

Accents are also particularly trendy. The classic southern accent, which cuts off the ends of certain words and often turns one-syllable words into two-syllable words, actually has very definite origins. It was developed in response to the result of the Civil War, to help create a unique southern identity. All accents, however, are currently being watered down by the internet. Most young people today will grow up to have far less prominent accents than their parents due to cross-cultural interaction through the internet.

Even ways of viewing psychology, though subtle, say a lot about who we are. Currently, a lot of people where I live tend to see creativity and organization as mortal enemies, though few come out and admit it. Strong awareness of bias plays into a lot of discussions I have with my friends. The distinctly American ideal of a person who is self-reliant and willful still survives in many of its people to this day, creating our favorite image: The poor, downtrodden citizen who rises up to greatness.

Anyways, everything that is created by mankind goes through trends, even math, religion, and science. I'll stop now so this wall of text doesn't become too large... If people spark more discussion here, I'll say some more.
Oct 31, 2013
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The Trends -

There are many trends that are in my school, I think what is trending at the moment for my school is that 'My name is Jeff' quote. Everyone says it and it gets quite annoying at times. I find it really funny too, but it does get a bit repetitive. What some students also do is they think they are cool for still saying 'Your Mum' after every comeback you give them. It is really repetitive and I am left sitting there saying "Can you not?". There is also a trend to wear Reebok's - the shoe brand. Everyone wears them and they think they are cool for doing so. I am really glad that people have stopped wearing Vans though. (Sorry for this little rant, this is what I have to go through.)

As for my neighborhood, I can't really think of a trend other then decorating your house for Halloween or for Christmas. :/
Your mum is a really bad joke, one day a guy told me I will -snip- and I got my cricket bat our and tried to hit him he also said that -snip- and that was it for him he got rekt I got suspended. Never let anger get to you. Also that told everyone in the grade not to mess with me. I let anger get to me.
But the trends are small boats also known as tinnys, vines and vans.

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