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Two Steps Forward, One Step Back - My Verdict On the New Maps


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Arena, I gotta say, usually I disagree with you.
I see your long posts or threads, and most of the time the "constructive criticism" has turned into a well-written rant with some fancy wording.

But, I have to give it to you, this thread is one of the only threads that I agree with 100%.
I loved the look of Origins, and having seen @Guinessis 's work on another server, I knew that it would be amazing before I even looked at it. Suffice to say, I was not disappointed.

Now, although Vida Cova looked pretty with shaders, I personally thought the high up spawn would allow O.P players to totally destroy lesser equipped opponents. I was assured that with no chests up top, it was not O.P at all, but simply added another factor in strategies. I was not sure, but allowed the vast amount of Team Apollo members to convince me of it's worth.


District 13
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Two steps forward, one step back. Isn't that just one step forward? o_O


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Contrary to your game, my first run on Vida Cova went rather well. I would agree there are too many chests, and I'm interested in going back and fixing it. I ended up killing a few people in the canyons during the game, and I acquired full iron and a stone sword. When I went to corn for refill there were 5 players left, not a very uncommon number. I saw another guy with full iron kill a lesser geared player , then I killed him. When DM started, the other players had Chain/Iron/Leather, one with a stone sword and one with an iron. I jumped down as I noticed they were both aiming at me. I watched them fight up top, then I finished off one who got knocked down. The other guy jumped down to fight me and I defeated him. I'd say that the game was fairly satisfactory.

Now I don't see why you can complain about DM having 2 leather guys and a decked guy. That situation has happened to me on nearly EVERY map I've ever played. It's apparent that that is not always how it plays out, as my game had at least 4 heavily armored players. Maybe the guy in your game slaughtered everyone else with good stuff. I know that's a strategy I use; leave the leather guys so DM is easy and eliminate any competition where I have the entire map to maneuver. Just one bad game doesn't mean the map is bad. If that were the truth, I'd hate everything.

I'm not saying the map is without flaws, flaws I wish to fix, but I think that you may just have had a bad game.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
I have to hand it to you, great job on this. I agree 100% about what you said about everything. I know Team Apollo could do better than this. It's not that the map was "rushed", but that we didn't really revise it very much. Once we were done, I could tell there were major terraforming flaws and other flaws, but I didn't want to tell them because it was my opinion and they probably wouldn't listen to me. So here it is; on the servers.

I also agree with what you said about the chests. We were all crammed into the TeamSpeak, and the leaders told us to choose a direction and randomly place chests. I told them I wasn't very good at it, but obviously I chose a direction and placed them. Needless to say; some chests are so incredibly easy to find. And obviously, there was barely any revision and barely any of the misplaced or badly placed chests ever got removed.

I didn't see this as a very "competitive" map build. It felt more like a practice map, to practice our skills. I knew from the moment we began building it wouldn't be liked because it was large and it was a jungle map. I still went with it, though. They kept mentioning it would be a "breakthrough" because it would bring back the survival feel, but I feel as if this map was a step backwards. Sorry guys :/

(tried not to be too bias)


Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
I wouldn't give Origins a 9.5 but it is definitely up there with the best. However I completely agree about how bad Vida Cova is - I have to say, I really dislike that map, the terrain is dull and repetitive and landscape is crammed full of tier 1's.

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Gosh you can't accept maps. Gosh be nice to them, there new to mcsg!
A bit of a note, Team Apollo is nowhere new. Some of the members in it have been involved with the MCSG community as long as I have, which is about a year and a half. I'm not going to simply praise a map if it's brand new to the MCSG catalog.


District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
Haven't gotten a change to try out Vida Coda, but as for Origins, I've only played it once and amatuerly didn't even realize there was a hole at corn and fell to my death. I did however stick around another 8 minutes for the match, meaning the map is pvp packed and it looked pretty good if you could make it out of corn.

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