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US Clan League [Season: 1]

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Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN:UnbrokenVision
Games Played:900
If you trail me you will see that my stats don't account for my PvP


Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: DivuxHD
Age: 14
Wins: 1k Hive and Mcsg
Games Played: About 5k
Activity on scale from 1-10 Mid terms are coming so about a 7 but after that like 8.5
Maturity on scale from 1-10 8 it's depends the mood I'm in
Past Experiences In Events: hive events like 2v2s and stuff I was in the last IS leg
Past Clans: invincible, transfer, trail for triton.
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: First off I wanna start by saying I think this is great idea. I think I want to Because I'd like to know members and leaders. I think of my self as a decent leader, it's something new to try I'd think I'd really enjoy this

If not.
Minecraft IGN: divuxhd
Age: 14
Wins: 1k Mcsg and hive
Games Played 5k



Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: DivuxHD
Age: 14
Wins: 1k Hive and Mcsg
Games Played: About 5k
Activity on scale from 1-10 Mid terms are coming so about a 7 but after that like 8.5
Maturity on scale from 1-10 8 it's depends the mood I'm in
Past Experiences In Events: hive events like 2v2s and stuff I was in the last IS leg
Past Clans: invincible, transfer, trail for triton.
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: First off I wanna start by saying I think this is great idea. I think I want to Because I'd like to know members and leaders. I think of my self as a decent leader, it's something new to try I'd think I'd really enjoy this

If not.
Minecraft IGN: divuxhd
Age: 14
Wins: 1k Mcsg and hive
Games Played 5k



always a bap boi
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: WalkerRed
Age: 15
Wins: 369
Games Played: 3000 something.


Jan 3, 2015
Reaction score
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN:Nanos14
Games Played:4444?
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN:Ascendenxy
Wins:2500+ (On all 3 of my accounts combined,hop on Legacy TS to know them.)
Games Played:6-6.5k
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN: OGLad
Age: 13
Wins: 300
Games Played: 800
Minecraft IGN: ForceHacks
Age: 1o
Wins: 1562
Games Played: 3081
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN: cmclay45
Age: 16
Wins: 644
Games Played: 4530
Minecraft IGN: McOrangeBurger45 / AustinPlaysPC
Age: 13
Wins: 501
Games Played: 5000+
Minecraft IGN: Volcomort
Age: 10 and half
Wins: 1316
Games Played: 3855
IGN: Luhxial/Zetrica
Age: 15
Wins: Around 800?
Games Played: 4000-5000?
Minecraft IGN: FireFading
Age: 15
Wins: 500
Games Played: 1900+
[Regular player]
Minecraft IGN: xTranzio_
Age: 14
Wins: 500
Games Played: like 2200
[Regular player]
Minecraft IGN: BlueCaptainMC
Age: 16
Wins: 500+
Games Played: like 3000
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN: chriscomedies!!!!
Age: 15
Wins: 1200+ All accs
Games Played: 4600+ all accs
Minecraft IGN: Expectings - Claq
Age: 14
Wins: With all my accounts combined around 1500.
Games Played: Around 4000.
Activity on scale from 1-10 : 9
Maturity on scale from 1-10 : 9
Past Experiences In Events: I was a member in the US Clan League Season One
Past Clans: Divinity, Forsaken, Derelicta, Eternity, Kronic, Arise, and other Flipzyy's clans.
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: I believe I should be a Team Captain because I'm a very mature individual, and take situations very smoothly. I'm a friendly person, sometimes I joke around, but if I'm bored and geto n the MCGamer teamspeak, and I actually try to make friends, other than trolling etc. Another reason I believe I should be a Team Captain because I think I would fit in, although the other authorities at the moment is lakers, jay, and techaton, I believe I would get along with both of you, and I would be guessing that the Team Captains would have to get along with the refs/authorities. As well I'm a good clan leader, me & Flipzyy lead Divinity, and Arise, both of them coming very civilized clans with awesome teamwork, and respected from all.
Minecraft IGN: SportsFan2565
Age: 15
Wins: 2100
Games Played: 6100
Minecraft IGN: TopOfTheWorldGM
Age: 14
Wins: 1067
Games Played: 3217
Minecraft IGN: KingBenji123
Age: 13
Wins: 300+
Games Played: 2200+
Minecraft IGN: Procieve
Age: 13
Wins: 100
Games Played: 600
Minecraft IGN: Clackz
Age: 14
Wins: 600 [Before StatReset]
Games Played:2000 [Before StatReset]
Minecraft IGN:Nightmqre
Age: 7
Wins: 287
Games Played: 1290 thinkz
Minecraft IGN: 62cook
Age: 13
Wins: 1450+
Games Played: I dunno it's in my sig
IGN: Hsnapn
Age: 16
Wins: 650
Played: 3700
Minecraft IGN: Lennoxbball
Age: 15
Wins: 1075
Games Played: 4790
yass lakers you took my advice !!

Minecraft IGN: BogenHD
Age: 15
Wins: 230
Games Played: 1000
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN:BrandoninioMC
Games Played:2228
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN: AggaliciousHD
Age: 13
Wins: 700
Games Played: 2.3k
Minecraft IGN: ShabbyShark
Age: 37
Wins: 2265
Games Played 6800
Minecraft IGN: innvisableninja
Age: 14
Wins: 701
Games Played: 3500
Minecraft IGN: Crafty_Laurence
Age: 17
Wins: 1836
Games Played: 5621
Minecraft IGN: BiboyQG
Age: 17
Wins: 2029
Games Played: 3403
Minecraft IGN: ImFlipzyy, Exttend, and Vlooms
Age: 14
Wins: 1900~ (with all accounts)
Games Played: 8500~
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN: _xSoulEater
Age: 12
Wins: 102
Games Played: 830
Minecraft IGN: DivuxHD
Age: 14
Wins: 1k Hive and Mcsg
Games Played: About 5k
Activity on scale from 1-10 Mid terms are coming so about a 7 but after that like 8.5
Maturity on scale from 1-10 8 it's depends the mood I'm in
Past Experiences In Events: hive events like 2v2s and stuff I was in the last IS leg
Past Clans: invincible, transfer, trail for triton.
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: First off I wanna start by saying I think this is great idea. I think I want to Because I'd like to know members and leaders. I think of my self as a decent leader, it's something new to try I'd think I'd really enjoy this

If not.
Minecraft IGN: divuxhd
Age: 14
Wins: 1k Mcsg and hive
Games Played 5k

Everyone that has been quoted has been accepted for REGULAR PLAYER. Your names will be added to the draft pool. If you applied for team captain and have been accepted for regular player, that means you were denied from Team Captain. If you have not been mentioned at all that means you have been denied from everything. Thanks to everyone for applying!


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Exodus_King1
Age: idk
Wins: idk
Games Played: idk
Activity on scale from 1-10 7-8
Maturity on scale from 1-10 7-8
Past Experiences In Events: Been in CW and stuff and joined this thing last season
Past Clans: Spartans, Rebels, Romans, Forgotten, Titans trial, Rebels, Forgotten, Insanity, Forgotten, Elevate, Legacy
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]:
I lead better than everyone else that will apply for this spot. I know what im doing and have clan xperience. I can deal with people that I don't like in order to win this thing. I am very well known and can bring a lot of good gameplay to the game. Also i am permamuted so i can't communicate via chat meaning i have to talk 24/7.


Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN:Brigade50
Wins:500 something
Games Played: to many.


District 13
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Regular Player Applications: [OPEN]
Minecraft IGN: HohoHD
Age: 13
Wins: 332
Games Played: 2201
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