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Guide Welshy's Road to Moderator Guide

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District 13
Oct 2, 2012
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Seeing as I know people are lazy and don't like reading, I took the liberty of making a video of my tips and tricks to becoming a Mod.
i have watched that video like 1o times, the DAY i turn 14, i'm applying :D


Mar 3, 2013
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It was great that's a exactly how I made my application


Mar 10, 2013
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Welshy's Moderator Guide

Ok, let me tell you what this guide is going to be. I've been meaning to make this guide for a while now because im getting the constant questions of "How did you get mod?" "What did you put in your mod app" "Can you look at my mod app and tell me if it's any good?". So instead of answering them questions individually, I'd thought I would make a guide instead and maybe give you a few tips along the way to How to write a mod application and generally most things that would make you eligible to become a MCSG moderator. Now don't get me wrong, I have only been a moderator for little over a month, although I do think I am eligible enough to maybe help you a little on the matter.

Right, I'm going to start with the basics of even how you can become a moderator.

(1) Being involved : It helps a lot and gives you an advantage over other candidates wanting the mod position. Being really active and involved with the community such as being on our servers regularly, on our forums regularly and generally always involved in the community in some way shape or form. Doing this will give you a common understanding and knowledge on what the MCSG community is all about, you get shall we say, "Street smart". You know how to play the game, you know about the forums, you know how to talk to people on the MCSG servers, and you have a general understanding of what we are all about. I'm not saying you need this sort of knowledge but it does give you a huge advantage over someone that knows less than you on the matter.

(2) Being a good community member : If you are a responsible person on our servers and is always nice to people and helping them in any way shape or form, then you are a good community member. Being helpful and being nice to people gives us the knowledge that we know you are trust worthy and can help with other people's problems such as giving them advise on how to play the game, being caring and nice, always keen to generally help us, and if we knew you we're like this, then you would have a great chance of becoming a moderator. Although, if are a bad player and you have been banned before for something that was your fault, then I highly doubt you will become a moderator so sorry if you have been :/.

(3) Experience : Having experience in the moderating world is also a really good thing to have, If we know you have been a moderator/admin on other things such as websites, servers, streams and so on, then you will have a huge advantage over someone that hasn't. Don't lie about having experience in moderating/administrating because then we expect you to do well without problems and no help needed from anyone else because if you lie about this and you get accepted and do badly at the job, then I will doubt you will be a moderator for very long. Being truthful about this topic and being keen to learn about moderating even though you never have moderated then we will be willing to teach you the ropes of moderating and be more patient with you, and this is a better option than to lie about it.

Right, now that you sort of know how to become eligible for the moderator position, let's start talking about the Moderator application.

(1) Spelling and vocabulary : Now, it is essential that you know how to spell and to use a articulate vocabulary. Now im not saying use the biggest words you can think of and have the best spelling in the world because trust me I have probably done some spelling mistakes and grammar fails in this very guide derp. So a few spelling mistakes and grammar fails are completely fine and we expect it. Although continually spelling words wrong will decrease your chances of your application being accepted because on the forums and server you are always typing so correct spelling and grammar is essential. You must be able to also speak articulately because you need to sound at least a little smart and know what your doing, this will be a good skill to have when you do your interview.

(2) Quality over Quantity : Now, I see these posts often and people saying it to me "Oww my application is 4k words long" "Omg my application is so long". Right let me get this clear. It doesn't matter if you write a 800 word application or 8000 word application, quality is much better than quantity. Someone could write a 1000 word application and you could write 8000 word application, if that person's application has better quality than your's he is going to get it and not you, simple as that. Don't get me wrong you need to write a descent amount but just because you make your's longer, doesn't grantee your's will be better than his.

(3) Be patient : When you make your application don't expect your application will be read in a matter of days because it is highly unlikely they will read it within a few days, due to the amount of applications we get and due to not having many people to review them. Just be patient, I know it is harder for people to do than others but if you are patient then you will get 2 benefits for it. 1, we will see that you are a patient person and 2, if we see this skill in you it will improve your chances even more to becoming a moderator.

(4) Don't go off topic! : Now, if the question asks you "Name", don't start talking about cow's! I have seen a few applications my friends have sent me, and my gosh I facepalm when they just drift into another topic that is totally irrelevant to the question asked. Always keep your answers short, good, and sweet. When they review your application I doubt they read it word for word so if you only write down only what is necessary, then they will read the whole application word for word because then everything you are saying is essential and this is what they like to read. Don't go off the question and then start elaborating about something that is totally irrelevant because then this puts them off your application because then it becomes a waste of there time and become tedious and boring.

Ok, well when your application does get accepted, here comes the, I would say the most dreaded part of the whole process and most nervous part. The interview.

(1) Speech : I know this can be difficult for people who are from a country where there first language wasn't English. Although if you can speak clearly so that they interviewers can understand you perfectly then you will be fine, look im god damn Welsh so I can't speak perfectly, which they understand and are patient with, but if you can speak so they can just understand you then you will be fine.

(2) Nervous : Ok being nervous in these interview's can sometimes be nerve racking, but being a little nervous is really good because it keeps you on edge and focused so you can answer the questions faster and better without thinking to long about it. Although, being too nervous is a bad thing because then you are much more likely to mess up what your saying, you can lose your trail of thought, or you can even start to stutter your answers and mess it all up, and when you mess up the interview, then I highly doubt you will be a moderator for a while.... So no pressure like ;). All I can say is, be prepared for whatever they throw at you and you will do great :).

(3) Funny : Depending on who interviews you, being humerus and funny could favour to your side. We all love a laugh here and if you can make them laugh then you will win there favour and there opinion to benefit you. Im not saying try to be funny because I wasn't, although I would imagine if you can make them laugh, you will have there favour.

(4) Talking : Even though I just told you to be short and sweet in your application, the interview is where you got to talk for a while. The interviewers love long answers because then it shows you have alot of knowledge about the topic and it shows them what you know and how much you know. Delivering short answers to long questions isn't good because then it shows you don't know alot about whatever there asking you, so this is where you need elaborate and show confidence and your knowledge, so unless there short questions, keep your answers long. Although don't drift off the topic of the question and then start talking about something that is totally irrelevant!

Well this is just the basics and what I think you should include in your process to becoming a MCSG moderator.

If you have any questions then ask them below and I will try to answer every single one you have! Also you can share your opinion on the topic of this and even inform me of more basic things I should have added. Also tell me on where I should improve on this guide in a structural response.

Here is the link where you can apply! : http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.c...vailable-volunteer-staff-positions-mcsg.7389/

Thanks for reading guys! and I hope to see you as a MCSG moderator soon!

this is acactely what needs to happen

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