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Guide What do I do when I see a rule violator?

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Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys,
So I'm confident there are alot of people out there that have spotted people breaking the rules and are extremly annoyed by it. This is why I decided to make a guide as to what to do when this happens. The most common rule violaters you see are people spamming, swearing or using caps in the chat but you can also spot people you belive are using some sort of hack / mod like for example Nodus or Xray. This guide will explain exactly what to do and how you can take action. If you are not familiar with the rules please visit the thread by clicking Here.

Ok, so here we go:

You are in game and you have spotted someone breaking the rules. The easiest thing to do is simply take a screenshot with the use of F2 if your on PC or FN + F2 if you are using Mac. If the person you see happens to be using a "illegal" mod / hack the best thing to do is record them with a program like Fraps (PC) or Screenflow (Mac). You have to decide by yourself what is most relevent, a photo / screenshot or a video.

Now, if you have taken a screenshot keep reading. If you have recorded scroll down and you will find instructions that are more suitable for you.

1. So a screenshot is taken and now you need to find and upload it. If you are on a PC you can find the screenshots by going into your "run" application and entering "%appdata%" and then selecting the folder ".minecraft". If you are on a mac go to your "Library" folder, find "application support" and then the "minecraft" folder. From here you can easily find your "screenshot" folder on both operating systems. Now find the correct screenshot and move it to perhaps your desktop or somewhere where you can easily find it and your ready for the next step. For a more in deapth tutorial click Here

The alternative way of doing this is going to "texture pack" on minecraft then simply clicking "Open Texture pack folder" which will take you to the same location as explained before.

2. When you have your screenshot somewhere it can easily be found its time to upload it online so you can later just link it in your report. The best place to upload the image to is Imgur. It's as simple as clicking "Computer" on the right hand side of the screen, locating the screenshot you took earlier and pressing "Start Upload". Once the upload is complete copy the URL under Direct Link.

3. So, you have copied the URL from imgur and when you are ready visit the Ban appel / Reporting page Here and post a new report by clicking the big green "Post New Thread" button in the right hand corner. Please visit This Page to see how a report should be formated. Once your done simply click "Create Thread" button and your DONE!

Your report will now be handled by a Mod or a Admin. Thanks for reporting and Well Done =)

What to do when you've recorded a hacker

1. So, you found a hacker and have recorded him with the best possible program. Make sure that you can see that the player is rule violating or hacking before you upload it to the internet. If you are not confident that the player is hacking report it anyways. Better safe then sorry.

2. Save the video to somewhere safe on your computer and where it is easily located. Now what you need to do is upload the video to Youtube. For this you will need a Youtube account, if you dont have one make one by visiting This Page. One you have your account go to the youtube home page and at the top you will find the "Upload" buttom. Press it. Now just simply press the screen and select the video you recorded. Wait for it to upload, customize the settings so its appropriate and then your good. I advice you to name the video in this way: MCSG Hacker - "Name of hacker". I also advice you to make the video unlisted, for a tutorial on how to do that Click Here. Shoutout guggex!

3. Now you have your video uploaded, copy the URL of the video and when your ready
visit the Ban appel / Reporting page Here and post a new report by clicking the big green "Post New Thread" button in the right hand corner. Please visit This Page to see how a report should be formated. Once your done simply click "Create Thread" button and your DONE!

Your report will now be handled by a Mod or a Admin. Thanks for reporting and Well Done =)

Good Luck :)
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