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What do you consider 'pinger' or 'pingplayer'?


Aug 25, 2013
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Haha, even with my 92 ping I still get called a ping abuser because I get sick rod, flint and steel, and bow combos up the butt.
If you go on Crisp you won't be able to hit some people cause one person I fought had 5 ping and couldn't hit him at all. And sometimes my dad is downloading something or i'm uploading, so then I get 110+ ping, still get combos, then: "omg wow nice ping aidan no gg"
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
pinger (ˈpɪŋə)
1. a device that makes a pinging sound, esp one that can be preset toring at a particular time.

Nice mcsg, nice. People call me a device that makes a pinging sound. Seems legit.

Anyway, I call a ping abuser something that DOESNT EXIST.
  • Where did people get these terms?
  • How does one "abuse" ping?
  • What determines good ping? A lot of hits? Skill nowadays?
Well, first, where did people get these terms?
To "abuse" ping really isn't a thing, just a term people like to use when the opposing player gets a lot more hits than you do, but in reality, it is just an excuse people say to describe someone who lives closer to where the servers are hosted. Really, they are just calling out players for absolutely no reason at all.

Abusing Ping
No, nada, nope. Not a thing. You can't control the ping you have, so technically, that term is false. People just use that excuse to basically say that you're good, or they think you're bad. Like, how do they expect you to change your ping? Do they think you'd move because they called you something bad? Doesn't make sense at all. If someone says this, don't make a big fuss about it. Just take it as a compliment.

What determines good ping?
People say getting far reach means you have good ping. NOPE. If you get far reach, most likely the no-cheat is weird. Some people say that if you get a lot of hits, then that means you have good ping. Not sure about that, but there really is no, shall I say, efficient way to see if someone has good ping. You, or them could be lagging, your hits just may not register, they may have weird strafe patterns, etc..

All in all, the terms "ping abuser" and "pinger" do not actually exist (minecraft-wise, that is), so if someone actually says one of those, just ignore them.


Feb 2, 2014
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Bad Ping = AKA The life of an AS Player
Aug 10, 2012
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the best ping you can have is when you have that perfect 3 bar where people can't hit you but you can rek them ;3 its so op


Aug 17, 2013
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There is no such thing as a 'ping player'. That phrase annoys me to no end. I mean really, as soon as anyone dies to someone else in a fair fight, they need an excuse. Was it 'bowspam'? No. Was it 'hacks'? No. So it was ping. ACCEPT A LOSS PEOPLE.

Due to me moving house a few times (sort of) I've played on a ton of different strengths of connection to EU. I've played on:
9 ping, 20 ping, 40 ping, 60 ping, and 120 ping. Does ping make a difference? Of course it does. There is no doubt that 9 ping is way better than 120. But when people who get 40 ping try to call people who get 30 ping 'ping abusers', it annoys me so much. Think about it for a second... the difference between the two is 0.01 seconds, and even in tight situations that is barely anything. You got 9-hearted because your opponent was better, not because he had some miniscule time advantage over you. Another thing: What is ping abuse? This has been asked so many times and no one has ever been able to come up with a decent answer.

What annoys me the most, though, is when people call others 'nothing but ping'. Seriously, if someone beats you and they have slightly better ping than you, they are almost certainly better than you. Even if they were playing with 40 more ping they would almost certainly still beat you. Just because your ego is bruised because you lost a game and it's made you look bad doesn't mean you didn't get beaten by someone better than you.

The whole ping thing pretty much boils down to the fact that cocky people need to face up to the fact that they aren't the best player in the world.



Dec 2, 2013
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In my personal opinion, ping abusing isn't a thing. Losing because of ping is a whole different thing. If you lost because you simply couldn't get the last hit, because their ping is better than yours, it sucks, oh well.

Also, if you think someone is a "ping abuser", change how you play. Let's say I see someone, and I've heard their name before, and I know they have a good connection to the server, the last thing you should do is immediately go in for a sword fight, even if it is a fair fight, because you're knowingly putting yourself at a disadvantage. You should try to get a bow hit or two, or maybe even three, and then try to go in for a sword fight.

Hopefully this helped anyone going through this thread looking for a strategy against players who have a better ping than you.

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