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What's your funnest game?

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May 3, 2012
Reaction score
I am curious to know. What was your funnest game?
Mine was on the second map. When the countdown ended and the Games began I ran towards the bricks houses. After getting a stone sword, a fishing pole and other miscellaneous items, I went around the area, driving people off. When night fell I stayed in a house that had a iron door and switch. Now the only way someone could get in was through the leaves on the roof. Around midnight I noticed that someone was walking outside, in the streets. I was sneaking so he couldn't see my name. He went into a few houses, then stopped at the iron door. After a while he went down along the street and I lost track of his name. I assumed he had wandered into a different part of the city. I hadn't actually seen him, so I didn't know if he was a threat. When dawn broke, I came out of the house, went down the street a little ways and HE WAS RIGHT THERE! He was holding a diamond sword and wearing chainmail and iron armor! I froze for a second but noticed he was looking the other way. I ran as fast as I could towards the mountain, forest, rapid place. After killing a chicken and a cow, I went to the top of the rapids to fish. I started becoming a bit unfocused when I noticed movement in the corner of my eye. HE WAS COMING UP THE DANG RAPIDS! He reached the top and started towards me. I ran past him, (he was using a track pad) and went down the rapids. As I reached the bottom I turned around and he was chasing me. I swam to the shore and booked it for the Cornucopia. As I was running into the forest surrounding the Cornucopia, I nearly fell into a pit that led into the subways. I reached the Cornucopia, checked two chests, looked up and he was coming out of the forest. I ran past him(again) and into the streets. My food meter was running low and he was still after me. I was ready to accept the inevitable, until I saw the entrance into the subway. I quickly ran into it, not looking back as I reached the bottom. My heart pounding, I waited and waited. When he didn't show up, I assumed he was at the top, waiting for me. I went further down the tunnel, dodging arrows and explosions. I noticed a side passage and went up it right into the middle of a building. Food meter low and night time, I need a place to stay. I notice the factory with two chests and went there. Putting my back against a wall, I waited. The phone rang and I answered it. Right after I hung up, I died. Someone had climbed down the vines on the wall and had assassinated me. With a few congratulations from some Specs,( and a couple of trolls saying I should have stayed and fought with no armor and a stone sword against iron guy instead of wasting everyone's time with running away) I watched the death match. It was iron guy vs a guy with leather and gold armor and a stone sword. After exchanging a few volleys of arrows with each other, they had a stand off. Leather guy asked for a iron sword and iron guy said no. Leather guy rushed iron guy and knocked him back. He shot him with a few arrows and then got behind him( track pad again). We saw iron guy exploded into a pile of swords and armor. LEATHER GUY HAD WON!!! Specs were giving their congrats to him and it was GGs all around.
That's my funnest game. What's yours?


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Has to be my first game, I had no idea where to go and I was lost. But luckily, I managed to find a person with
a stone sword, food and armor which gave me hope :D. After exploring a bit and killing a few more people is when the worse part happen :/. I got into that house with the lava pool and I realized I was trapped. I kept looking everywhere but to no avail, so I killed myself to not stall time. It was pretty fun


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
The *Most Fun game I played was my very first one, because I didn't expect to win, but I did singlehandedly :)
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