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Wow. A very... surprising... Goodbye.


Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
I never thought I'd be making this thread.
I thought I'd be here forever.
But MCG... I'll never forget it.

Sure my I've only been here a few months.
Or have I?
I've been here a few years, to be honest.

Yes, Im a banned player. I had quite alot of alts, but now its time to go.

I could write you a massive story of how I joined here back in May 2012.
In-fact I did. But screw that, I just want to thank all the people who helped me to get where I am now.

Goodbye. Thank-you.
In no particular order.
SkeletonBoss - Wow. We go back far, dont we? You were my first friend in this community. You took me under your wing when I had 10 wins, and you had 100. You were always better than me, and we always argued, but I can never thank-you enough, because without you, this list of thankyous wouldn't even exist.
Isak - We didn't know each other long, but whenever we played we always had good banter, oh, and thanks for showing me that awesome Zone85 route that hardy anybody still knows about ;)
eshancowee - You turned 'dab', but you always awesome to talk to when you were here ;)
CaptainBullDog - We always teamed in-game, and you always said you'd add me on skype, you still haven't though ;p
Minialan9 - Possibly the coolest guy I've ever known. You were a very cool guy and probably the furthest person up the leader boards I've known. You introduced me to alot of people on this list, thanks for being awesome.
thingy182 - Remember me? Yup. We always had fun together, we were like batman and robin, me being robin of course. :p
Jacksonbanan - What can I say about you? You are the coolest guy I've ever met. You're so funny and confident, you're hilarious and you never get too serious. You're like a swedish version of me. If you're ever looking for someone to just joke around with, this is the guy. You're gonna go far.
MRWilcox - Possible the first ever chill mod I've talked to. I know some bad things happened to you as mod, but dont let them get you down, k? You're gonna do well, and I know it.
duckluv321 - I remember when everyone had 'duck4mod' in their signatures. That was pretty darn cool. And now look at you, you're a sr. mod. You're gonna do very well. Goodluck in life.
Mooclan - What can I say about you? You're an awesome guy. Sophisticated, smart, pretty funny too. I know you've had some family troubles and things, and hell I dont know if you still like me xD, but you're a mod now, and you're gonna help out everyone here so much. And Im not even talking about only in minecraft. Goodluck with katie bro c; .
Nujaan - We didn't talk much, but when we did, you seemed pretty cool. Just had to say that.
Karivar - Bro, you are so awesome and so cool. We used to always play games together. We should do that more often, we always had immense banter.
ThePixelHusky - I know you hate me now, but you were usually chill when you weren't angry with me. You're a cool guy and your graphics are good too. Carry on doing them, they have some potential.
riskyarmy143 - You were my irl best friend, and we always would have fun playing games together, no matter how nooby you were, :p.
Zacharoutio - Probably the best sr. mod. I'll never forget that game where we teamed and you just sponsored me and enderpearl out of nowhere. <3.
Toast - Best. Mod. Ever. You were a great staff member, and an even better person. We never talked, but I always admired you. And btw, I always voted for you in the MCG Awards :p.
The_Arena_Master - I cant put into words how much I admire you. You are so awesome, and hopefully the staff will realise what they've done and let you back.
SharkyCraft_ - I dont know why you started hating me, but your graphics are so awesome and you're such an awesome dude, I still admire you.
Munnzeh - I'll never forget that game where I called you a hacker and you were just like "God apples are OP" (Fallen Kingdom). Your graphics are good too, and they were my first inspiration for my own.
Saimo - Thanks for giving away all my alts ;). You were pretty awesome, but cheeky aswell. xD
Cam - Hosted the even that gave me diamond donor, and overall my favourite admin.
MCGamerzism - We have a kinds love-hate relationship, dont we? Either way thanks to THIS guy I got banned on the forums, but its all good now, and we're friends now. And anyway, you're a great youtuber, and a great builder, and Im so sorry for the things I said back when we used to argue.
Niekrm - A great builder, and a great guy.
Ice_Man1 - An amazing redstoner, always better than me atleast, but hey, we're awesome together, and I hope you go far, ;)
Perkins - I cant thank you enough for giving me diamond donor for free. Hell I dont even know you, I'd never even talked to you, and you just gave me diamond donor out of nowhere. Thank you so much, you're an awesome guy. We should talk some time.
Tryhard_Batman - You were one of the best mods out there, I dont know why you're not still in the staff team, but you did your job so well, and I admire you so much.
Blamph - You probably dont remember me. I only spoke to you once, but you were an awesome guy, and I admire you like so many others.
GeneralTrouth - You took me in, and treated me like you're best friend. You recently came back, and I hope your youtube goes really well. Trackpad players for ever, right?
ChadTheDJ - I doubt you'll read this, but if you do, thankyou. Thankyou for making this place so amazing, and letting me meet so many friends.
Sean - You were a really good member of staff, and an even better person. Go far. Please.
Miner9823 - You are an amazing forummer, and you should go fast. You're so smart, and you're like how I was back in 2012-2013. You'll make so many friends, and the fact that everyones noticed you shows that. But be ready for anything, this place isn't all hugs and kisses. Be careful. But have fun.
Exploding_Wrath - When I teamed with you that first time I didn't realise you were so amazing and skilled. We should play more games together. PS: I did finally make that montage :p
Tree_TheBigKind - You inspired me to start building again, thanks so much.
Thanks to everyone in Team helix , who encouraged me and helped me in my building.
Thanks to everyone in SkeletonArmy, who helped me so much in PvP, and would make me realise how I could release my potential.
Thanks to everyone in TheGenerals, who taught me that confidence is key, and that i could make so many new friends.

I love you all. But now, it is my time.
Time to go.
'If my world were to cave in tomorrow, I would look back on all the pleasures, excitements, and worthwhileness I have been lucky enough to have had. Not the sadness, not my bad luck or anger, but the joy of everything else. It will have been enough.'

Over and out.​
Last edited:


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
WOW! I didn't expect a mention...I didn't even know you were Otto, thank you <3


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
You'll never be forgotten Otto. Goodluck with your future endeavors my fellow user! :(


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
It's sad to see someone else go. Good luck in your future endeavors.


Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
I never thought I'd be making this thread.
I thought I'd be here forever.
But MCG... I'll never forget it.

Sure my I've only been here a few months.
Or have I?
I've been here a few years, to be honest.

I could write you a massive story of how I joined here back in May 2012.
In-fact I did. But screw that, I just want to thank all the people who helped me to get where I am now.

Goodbye. Thank-you.
In no particular order.
SkeletonBoss - Wow. We go back far, dont we? You were my first friend in this community. You took me under your wing when I had 10 wins, and you had 100. You were always better than me, and we always argued, but I can never thank-you enough, because without you, this list of thankyous wouldn't even exist.
Isak - We didn't know each other long, but whenever we played we always had good banter, oh, and thanks for showing me that awesome Zone85 route that hardy anybody still knows about ;)
eshancowee - You turned 'dab', but you always awesome to talk to when you were here ;)
CaptainBullDog - We always teamed in-game, and you always said you'd add me on skype, you still haven't though ;p
Minialan9 - Possibly the coolest guy I've ever known. You were a very cool guy and probably the furthest person up the leader boards I've known. You introduced me to alot of people on this list, thanks for being awesome.
thingy182 - Remember me? Yup. We always had fun together, we were like batman and robin, me being robin of course. :p
Jacksonbanan - What can I say about you? You are the coolest guy I've ever met. You're so funny and confident, you're hilarious and you never get too serious. You're like a swedish version of me. If you're ever looking for someone to just joke around with, this is the guy. You're gonna go far.
MRWilcox - Possible the first ever chill mod I've talked to. I know some bad things happened to you as mod, but dont let them get you down, k? You're gonna do well, and I know it.
duckluv321 - I remember when everyone had 'duck4mod' in their signatures. That was pretty darn cool. And now look at you, you're a sr. mod. You're gonna do very well. Goodluck in life.
Mooclan - What can I say about you? You're an awesome guy. Sophisticated, smart, pretty funny too. I know you've had some family troubles and things, and hell I dont know if you still like me xD, but you're a mod now, and you're gonna help out everyone here so much. And Im not even talking about only in minecraft. Goodluck with katie bro c; .
Nujaan - We didn't talk much, but when we did, you seemed pretty cool. Just had to say that.
Karivar - Bro, you are so awesome and so cool. We used to always play games together. We should do that more often, we always had immense banter.
ThePixelHusky - I know you hate me now, but you were usually chill when you weren't angry with me. You're a cool guy and your graphics are good too. Carry on doing them, they have some potential.
riskyarmy143 - You were my irl best friend, and we always would have fun playing games together, no matter how nooby you were, :p.
Zacharoutio - Probably the best sr. mod. I'll never forget that game where we teamed and you just sponsored me and enderpearl out of nowhere. <3.
Toast - Best. Mod. Ever. You were a great staff member, and an even better person. We never talked, but I always admired you. And btw, I always voted for you in the MCG Awards :p.
The_Arena_Master - I cant put into words how much I admire you. You are so awesome, and hopefully the staff will realise what they've done and let you back.
SharkyCraft_ - I dont know why you started hating me, but your graphics are so awesome and you're such an awesome dude, I still admire you.
Munnzeh - I'll never forget that game where I called you a hacker and you were just like "God apples are OP" (Fallen Kingdom). Your graphics are good too, and they were my first inspiration for my own.
Saimo - Thanks for giving away all my alts ;). You were pretty awesome, but cheeky aswell. xD
Cam - Hosted the even that gave me diamond donor, and overall my favourite admin.
MCGamerzism - We have a kinds love-hate relationship, dont we? Either way thanks to THIS guy I got banned on the forums, but its all good now, and we're friends now. And anyway, you're a great youtuber, and a great builder, and Im so sorry for the things I said back when we used to argue.
Niekrm - A great builder, and a great guy.
Ice_Man1 - An amazing redstoner, always better than me atleast, but hey, we're awesome together, and I hope you go far, ;)
Perkins - I cant thank you enough for giving me diamond donor for free. Hell I dont even know you, I'd never even talked to you, and you just gave me diamond donor out of nowhere. Thank you so much, you're an awesome guy. We should talk some time.
Tryhard_Batman - You were one of the best mods out there, I dont know why you're not still in the staff team, but you did your job so well, and I admire you so much.
Blamph - You probably dont remember me. I only spoke to you once, but you were an awesome guy, and I admire you like so many others.
GeneralTrouth - You took me in, and treated me like you're best friend. You recently came back, and I hope your youtube goes really well. Trackpad players for ever, right?
ChadTheDJ - I doubt you'll read this, but if you do, thankyou. Thankyou for making this place so amazing, and letting me meet so many friends.
Sean - You were a really good member of staff, and an even better person. Go far. Please.
Miner9823 - You are an amazing forummer, and you should go fast. You're so smart, and you're like how I was back in 2012-2013. You'll make so many friends, and the fact that everyones noticed you shows that. But be ready for anything, this place isn't all hugs and kisses. Be careful. But have fun.
Exploding_Wrath - When I teamed with you that first time I didn't realise you were so amazing and skilled. We should play more games together. PS: I did finally make that montage :p
Tree_TheBigKind - You inspired me to start building again, thanks so much.
Thanks to everyone in Team helix , who encouraged me and helped me in my building.
Thanks to everyone in SkeletonArmy, who helped me so much in PvP, and would make me realise how I could release my potential.
Thanks to everyone in TheGenerals, who taught me that confidence is key, and that i could make so many new friends.

I love you all. But now, it is my time.
Time to go.
'If my world were to cave in tomorrow, I would look back on all the pleasures, excitements, and worthwhileness I have been lucky enough to have had. Not the sadness, not my bad luck or anger, but the joy of everything else. It will have been enough.'

Over and out.​
tf i didn't ur otto
Good bye as well!


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
Goodbye Oranges! I wish you the best for your future endeavors. I hope you find you path to where every you are heading. <3


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
I wish you the best of luck in the future. You surely made a good impression in this community

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