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YouAllKnow - Moderator Application

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Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
Your name: Yannick
Your age: 16
Your Minecraft username: YouAllKnow
Do you have any MCBans? (If so, explain): None so far, dont plan on getting any either.
Do you have any bans on our servers? (If so, explain. If you have had a successful ban dispute, please provide a link): none at all
Past administration or moderation experiences: I've been a garry's mod server moderator and i've ran a few small servers but that's about it.
How would you punish players for breaking the rules?: I would kick or ban according to how serious of an issue it is towards other players or game play. if it doesn't interrupt the game but it is an offence i would kick after confirming i am allowed to do so.
Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?: Because kelly and slasher are sexy beasts and i am willing to help the community and help other players have an enjoyable time. i also think players shouldn't have unfair advantages over others and id like to be able to make a difference if i do see someone acquire them.
In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?: I find myself enjoyable to be around but just enough to know that work comes before fun. if I'm in a game and someone calls me into another game cause of a hacker or anything of such I'd choose to leave and help or ask another moderator to donate their precious time as a favour
Do you have the ability to record video?: Most certainly do
Do you own a microphone?: Very much so indeed, yes
How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?: I work till 6 pm GMT +1 after that i am free to spend as much time as wanted or needed which is probably around 5 hours a day max
Where are you located? (Time zone): GMT + 1

I, Yannick, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCSG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.
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