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Your best win


Jul 27, 2013
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My first win was my best one:

I got a stone sword and full iron of spawn and camped in a corner on sg3. I won 9herts giegie no rie piezie


Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
I was on Winds of Change. I had to verse about 3.5 teams (one team member teamed with someone else after his team-mate died)

I versed one team that had about 4-6 armour bars (about 12 combined). One of those players was a hacker. Anyways, I killed that team, I'm on low health, and then what do you know? The janitor gods smile upon me as another team comes along with about again, 12 armour bars combined.

So, I quickly gapple, run for a bit, get some nice ping on one of them and kill them as the other one charges towards me. He knocks me into the water inside of corn (not the ocean part) and I'm on 1 heart, so I bowspam him and kill him, adrenaline rushing through me.

A while after this encounter, I see two people in full iron not yet teamed. But, seeing me (I'm known as a decent player on AU) he asks the other one to team, and he says yes. So, with no Flint and Steel and hardly any arrows, all I can do is run and try and split them up to fight one of them and kill the other one later. Which is what I do.

I kill one guy and it goes to deathmatch, and then, there's 3 of us on that small boat with full iron. The countdown is going, and the guy who was originally asked to team asks this new full iron player to team? What does he say? Of course, the only word in a noob's vocabulary "Yes".

So, the guy that asked him runs to the other side, while I'm stuck fighting this new person. I kill him on about 5 hearts, and the other guy tries to bowspam me. So, I bowspam this guy and kill him on about 3 hearts, and that was one of the greatest wins that I can remember.

This was pretty recent, I think there might have been others, but I can't remember.


Feb 2, 2014
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So on SG4 I was going solo, and a few of my friends were playing, but it was an ffa, so I went for the teir 2 tree next to airfield and one of my friends were there already, I had a wodden axe and he had full iron and a stone sword, so I knocked him off the tree, somehow i Killed him, since i was pretty low at the time my friends decided to team and clean me up because I was fairly stacked at the time and I juked them out and landed both of them and flint and steel, climbed up brick building and knocked both of them off, so I decided to stay there and throw the spare loot that they had, I saw a person in full iron on the side of my screen as I was throwing the extra loot out, so I went out of my Inventory gui, and f5d and flawlessly got a 4 hit combo and knocked him into spawn. and in death match it was a team of two, they were stacked, but they didnt seem like the most experienced players so kept lighting them on fire and both of them burned to death.
Not my best game
But the latest one that was decent


Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
I was on Rugged Lands (ew), and there was a stream going on, and there were lots of good players in the game. I luckily made it out of spawn, however I couldn't get a weapon for basically the whole entire game. Then, right before deathmatch, I ran into spawn, picked up a massive pile of stuff, and put it on. The other guy then proceeded to /kill for no reason so I ended up winning with out killing anyone.
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
On Survival kingdom got a sword of corn killed two people got full iron execpt a chestplate killed a team of three then another team of 3 killed a randy then took out a team of two


Oct 5, 2013
Reaction score
Killed wicky9722, who is ranked #42 in MCSG, and his teammate, which was quite a good player, in a yolo 1v2 :)

(I was the 1 if you asked o_O)


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
Eh, the best win I've ever had was this one on demons breeze, where I was full iron diamond sword. I was standing up on one of those broken up bridges. The one I was on was near the serpent with the double tier two in it. There were 4 people, including me left in the game. I grab a tier 1 for secondaries, then I look up and see 3 people running away from the pirate ship, going towards the main island. I pull out my bow take one shot, hit the first one, he falls off the bridge and dies. I take another shot, and hit the next one, he falls off too. Then I take one more shot, and it hits him and he falls off into the lava aswell. GG

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