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Youtuber query - how to get vip?

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Jan 7, 2013
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Just gotta say your probably not doing this but don't make a channel for Vip make it for the enjoyment!


Aug 29, 2012
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This is true, provided your map is accepted and put on the MCSG servers.

Being a famous YouTuber has nothing to do with being granted VIP status. Being active in the community i.e. being active on the forums, reporting hackers, being active on the servers, and having a dedicated youtube fan base are some of the ways that you could be granted VIP. Please keep in mind that the Owner, Chadthedj, is the only one who gives VIP status and it is rarely granted.
So why did Bajan get it o_O


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hi! Thanks for all the replies, they are helpful.

It was only a query as I was curious :) as I am kind of new to mcsg it was just something I was interested in.

I will be doing my video recordings / youtube video's as this is something I want to do myself and I've seen "purple" tagged names around and gathered from a few other players that VIP could be granted through being a youtuber which is why I asked :) as a good popular youtube channel will bring in more players for MCSG hopefully! But there are also a lot of youtubers out there :) so I also agree on this factor alone, VIP should not be handed out so freely.

As I'm gathering video's for my youtube, sadly but also fortunately I have gathered various evidence of players using hacks. It's quite shocking as to the number of players abusing something which is free, which is what irritates me more. But regardless of if they play for free, contribute or not, they should not be hacking. So as TPH_Toxin kindly explained.

I'm active on the servers :) I'm on pretty much every day in my spare time (I have a fair bit of it, but also moving in around 3-4 weeks so yeah!)

Forums! Signed up yesterday to send in the report of a hacker. So this is something that I will be doing if needbe on a daily basis (Hopefully not! As I hope once they start being banned, it will thin out so that whilst we may not be able to stop ALL hackers... together we can thin them out so that they are very few and far between...)

So yeah, hopefully if I stick around long enough and ChadTheDJ or some others see that my interests are purely for good and a great portal of servers, then I may be honoured with the title of VIP. My main reason for enquiring was of course that it would benefit me and the server greatly, especially if I'm able to get on to a server without having to try 5 or 6 different ones due to them being full, etc. It would help in the long run for both my Youtube video's and the capturing of hackers.

I was pondering applying for Mod or something of a similar rank, but at the moment I think I'll focus on my Youtube and moving. Maybe after I've moved, if I have enough spare time to dedicate I might consider applying. Not sure yet.

Regarding maps! I am working on some Survival Game maps, however they *hopefully* will be of a high enough quality and calibre that I will attempt to auction these off. If this is something MCSG would be interested in then I will provide information closer to them time when map(s) are complete :)

TL;DR - Thanks for the replies! :) I'll be working on my Youtube anyways, being active on the servers (as I already are!) and active on the forums, as from yesterday... and reporting hackers and nuisance players (Got a lot of recordings to go through!)

See you ingame hopefully! Goodluck :) You'll need it! :eek:


P.S. - Finanacially I am unable to contribute to mcsg however advert wise, ie: youtube. I am able to contribute more :) also help out by reporting hackers and others alike!

Man, you rule. If you do everything that you said you would up ^there^ then MCSG have gained another amazing player, fourumer (is that a word) and you-tuber.


Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
I wouldn't either. He promoted hacking, not to mention the bacca problem in February/March.
Just a quick question,but how did he promote hacking. Are you speaking of him using better sprint mod?
Sorry if I sound like a noob, but what was the bacca problem in February and March?


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Just a quick question,but how did he promote hacking. Are you speaking of him using better sprint mod?
Sorry if I sound like a noob, but what was the bacca problem in February and March?
Yeah, he openly used Better Sprint leading many players to.

And the baccas caused lots of strife in game and on the forums, especially when he was banned.
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