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Zombie apocalypse Roleplay.

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Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
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It's really what it says on the tin. This thread is all about role playing a zombie apocalypse, Walking dead style :p!. All you need to do is create your character and a bit of back story for him. After so your survivor(s) are in the world and they can do anything. Create a story for them, have them meet other survivors (You can meet other players of this game too!) , kill survivors off and make new ones, barricade a small town and make it safe.

Note: These are not Left4Dead style zombies, these are Walking dead, George A Romero zombies. Slow, dumb and killed by a head shot.

The app for your main survivor:
Survivor Name:
Back story:
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) :
Weapon of choice:
In a group or alone?:
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?):

Now the App is done your survivors can begin. Remember to keep it realistic, I don't want anything supernatural or impossible happening to the survivors.

It began in the night, the shambling corpses eating the living. They were an unstoppable force. Cities fell in minutes, countries in days, the world in a week. Only the damned still live in this hell. The few who don't die while billions are slaughtered. I leave this here for you, tell your story, show us your evil. Perhaps confessing your sins will lead us all to heaven. At least it may make us feel better.


Survivor Name: Lulu
Age: 17
Back story: Was abandoned by her family, when she went back to find her parents they were infected by the Zombie Plague.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Swift with a bow and is very headstrong :)
Weapon of choice: Bow
Appearance: Katniss Everdeen look alike :D
In a group or alone?: Grou[
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: 3 called Katie, Sean and Nick xP
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Sydney, Australia xP

Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Matthew
Age: 23
Back story: A graduate of university and a smart man, Matthew was never prepared for the apocalypse. He was never the strongest, the most fit. He was teased for his love of video games. Looks like all those game helped him out. He fought out of his apartment block and barely survived running out of London. He wanders the countryside surrounding London, and thinks what he will do next.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : He is smart, a handyman.
Weapon of choice: A hammer.
Appearance: Ripped up shirt and jeans. His head is a mop of long brown hair. His glasses are broken and useless, but are still hanging on his face.
In a group or alone?: No
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Nope
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): The countryside outside London.

I stumbled along a small dirt road while fumbling through my pockets for anything I took with me. I found an old chocolate bar, my car keys and a PSP.
"Great....." I said out loud. "What the hell am I supposed to do with this?"
I supposed that around now a normal person would break down and cry about the lack of civilization. But I was strangely numbed to it all. I guessed that perhaps I was as cold hearted as Jenny said I was. Ouch,I felt a twinge in my heart. Jenny, now there was a girl. I still had feelings for her, however small they were, the breakup was harsh. Too many faults on both sides. I wondered if she was still alive, if she had found her way to safety, to some military safe zone. But there was no time, I spotted a small barn across the way, it looked deserted , no sign of life. I walked up to the place. It was quaint, like one of them dream places you would see on a TV show. The barn was a stereotype of a typical barn. Red with white stripes, small windows to peek inside. Though as I walked towards it I could smell rotting flesh.
"Jesus Christ!" I shouted, holding back vomit. I rushed as far away from the barn as I could. The farmhouse was up ahead, I decided that if there was going to be any life or supplies, it would be there. i cautiously stepped up to the door and patted on it. To my surprise it opened a second after I knocked. To my horror as I looked up, the man with the beard pointed his shotgun at my head...

To be continued when others have posted!


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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Survivor Name: Francis
Age: 17
Back story: When everything went to Good, he was out of his home province, on a school camping trip of 1 week, they were attacked in the middle of the night having no clue of what was going on, many of his friends, classmates and teachers died. The few that survived all ran away with close to no clue of what way their home was, he never knew what happened to most of them, luckily for him he got a ride from a family who was going to his home city, Buenos Aires. After 3 days in the road they finaly got to the outside part of the city all in caos and pretty much destroyed and plagued, fearing for his family he ran off to his house without hesitation, the family tried to stop him telling him that it wasnt safe and that his family was probably gone, but they couldnt, and they never saw him again... this is where this story begins.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers): Agile and smart, knows how to use weapons.
Weapon of choice: A silent one, for now, just his Swiss Army Knife that he bought to the camping trip.
Appearance: Skinny, but of average strength and height.
In a group or alone?: Alone.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: N/A
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Argentina, outsides of Buenos Aires City.


Dec 8, 2012
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Survivor Name: Mannse
Age: 13
Back story: Awesome stuff.... :D
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : I can fly!!!
Weapon of choice: A big big big Butter Ingot
Appearance: A cake
In a group or alone?: 2 others of me
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Chris, Bernhard, and kaio
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): In Ireland

Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Mannse
Age: 13
Back story: Awesome stuff.... :D
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : I can fly!!!
Weapon of choice: A big big big Butter Ingot
Appearance: A cake
In a group or alone?: 2 others of me
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Chris, Bernhard, and kaio
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): In Ireland
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