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Does clicking faster really make you better at PVP?


Jun 5, 2013
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This might seem extremely confusing to explain by text, I think a video would explain it better but I'm gonna do it anyways. I've always been hearing that Minecraft PVP sucks because whoever clicks faster wins and all you have to do is spam the mouse as fast as you can. I don't find that necessarily true, but I could be wrong. When I spam click the left mouse button as fast as I can(which is pretty fast), my swinging pattern goes "Swing Swing Pause Swing Pause Swing Swing Swing Pause etc...) and swings at irregular intervals. That's because the sword takes a certain time from the start of your swing to the end of it. And that small time in the the between, you aren't able to swing until it comes back to the original position. So clicking fast means you are clicking in between that interval and your next click after that click in between the interval might not be in sync with when the sword actually comes back, so it will be delayed sometimes, but sometimes it could be exactly in sync creating an irregular swinging pattern. Again, kind of hard to explain what I mean. But I found that if I click at a at a speed of about 3.5 to 4 clicks per second the sword swing back and forth the fastest. And that also doesn't even count for the fact that every time you hit someone, they get into the red state so you if you want to hit someone the fastest you have to hit them immediately after they get out of the red state simultaneously. Spam clicking is going to make it really hard to get both your sword swinging and them getting out of the red state exactly in time. I've practiced timing my clicks at a medium pace before instead of spam clicking, and I hit them significantly faster. I'm probably analyzing Minecraft waaayyyy too much xD but I have nothing better to do with my life so that's besides the point lol. But with that being said, is it better to spam click or to perfectly get your hits in sync(which is clicking at a medium and steady speed)?


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
This might seem extremely confusing to explain by text, I think a video would explain it better but I'm gonna do it anyways. I've always been hearing that Minecraft PVP sucks because whoever clicks faster wins and all you have to do is spam the mouse as fast as you can. I don't find that necessarily true, but I could be wrong. When I spam click the left mouse button as fast as I can(which is pretty fast), my swinging pattern goes "Swing Swing Pause Swing Pause Swing Swing Swing Pause etc...) and swings at irregular intervals. That's because the sword takes a certain time from the start of your swing to the end of it. And that small time in the the between, you aren't able to swing until it comes back to the original position. So clicking fast means you are clicking in between that interval and your next click after that click in between the interval might not be in sync with when the sword actually comes back, so it will be delayed sometimes, but sometimes it could be exactly in sync creating an irregular swinging pattern. Again, kind of hard to explain what I mean. But I found that if I click at a at a speed of about 3.5 to 4 clicks per second the sword swing back and forth the fastest. And that also doesn't even count for the fact that every time you hit someone, they get into the red state so you if you want to hit someone the fastest you have to hit them immediately after they get out of the red state simultaneously. Spam clicking is going to make it really hard to get both your sword swinging and them getting out of the red state exactly in time. I've practiced timing my clicks at a medium pace before instead of spam clicking, and I hit them significantly faster. I'm probably analyzing Minecraft waaayyyy too much xD but I have nothing better to do with my life so that's besides the point lol. But with that being said, is it better to spam click or to perfectly get your hits in sync(which is clicking at a medium and steady speed)?
The animation of the sword swinging has nothing to do with when you are able land hits. You land a hit when you're aiming at a player's hitbox and you click, so the more quickly you click, the more likely you are to click while aiming at your opponent and thus land a hit. That said, accuracy is far more important. You need to find a compromise between clicking reasonably fast and aiming precisely, as well as pulling off good strafes and using your secondaries to your advantage.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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The animation of the sword swinging has nothing to do with when you are able land hits. You land a hit when you're aiming at a player's hitbox and you click, so the more quickly you click, the more likely you are to click while aiming at your opponent and thus land a hit. That said, accuracy is far more important. You need to find a compromise between clicking reasonably fast and aiming precisely, as well as pulling off good strafes and using your secondaries to your advantage.
No, you're partially wrong. If you click 7 times per second, you'll get the same amount of hits as if you clicked 10 per second. Minecraft only registers a few clicks per second when it comes to PvP. This is coming from someone who got this today:


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
No, you're partially wrong. If you click 7 times per second, you'll get the same amount of hits as if you clicked 10 per second. Minecraft only registers a few clicks per second when it comes to PvP. This is coming from someone who got this today:
I didn't clarify well enough. Obviously you can't land a hit for every click, forgot to say that. I don't think your description is entirely accurate though- Minecraft doesn't just filter out half your clicks, it just doesn't let you hit somebody once you've hit them in last 1/3 (or whatever it is) of a second. Clicking faster still does help- if you're clicking at a constant 10 clicks a second, you'll will hit an opponent slightly more often then somebody clicking at 5 times a second as you are more likely to click just as you are able to hit them again. Also, clicking faster helps in the sense that your clicks are more likely to coincide with you aiming at an opponent's hitbox.


Clicking faster still does help- if you're clicking at a constant 10 clicks a second, you'll will hit an opponent slightly more often then somebody clicking at 5 times a second as you are more likely to click just as you are able to hit them again. Also, clicking faster helps in the sense that your clicks are more likely to coincide with you aiming at an opponent's hitbox.
My thoughts exactly.


Jun 29, 2013
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No, when you hit someone there's a tiny delay before you can hit them again (When they glow red) And this delay is equal for everyone so no, it doesn't matter who's faster at mouse spam.


May 23, 2013
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Yes clicking fast does help go on YouTube and type in Huahwi tips and tricks and watch it and there he says clicking faster does help


May 28, 2012
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Does anybody want to do a MythBuster's video on this? I feel like this can be debated.


Feb 1, 2013
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It helps only up to a certain point. Eventually there is a point where minecraft cannot detect a higher amount of clicks and you will only register the max amount possible for the game. I don't know the amount, but I'm pretty sure what I said about it being useless to click faster at a certain point is true.


May 28, 2012
Reaction score
It helps only up to a certain point. Eventually there is a point where minecraft cannot detect a higher amount of clicks and you will only register the max amount possible for the game. I don't know the amount, but I'm pretty sure what I said about it being useless to click faster at a certain point is true.
The same is true with fps. You don't need a 250+fps when a good 100 is just as good, you can't really tell the difference. Too much fps can crash your Minecraft, there's a reason why you can adjust your fps limit.

So what I'm wondering is if clicking as fast as Minecraft registers will do as much damage as clicking 5 times per second, or 10 times per second.

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