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Full Guide For The Beginner


Feb 5, 2013
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Hello, and welcome to cjgher's 'Full Guide For The Beginner'. Here, you will [hopefully] pick up several tips, tricks, and just plain old advice to help you gather some wins and earn the respect of lots of players.

Table of Contents
1: The Cornucopia
2: Chests
3: Chest Route
4: PVP
5: Inventory Management
7: Environment
8: Refill
9: Deathmatch
10: Item Importance
11: Basic Fundamentals of SG

[If I am missing anything, let me know right away!]

Chapter 1: The Cornucopia
Welcome to the Hunger Games, tribute. Here you will fight to the death with 23 [or 47 :p] other tributes until only one of you remain. I am going to introduce to you the most important place in any Hunger games map, the Cornucopia.

There are 8 chests at the cornucopia, which all contain the stuff you need to win: Armour, Food, Weapons, and other assorted goods. Now, you aren't always going to get something good from the cornucopia. Heck, sometimes you won't get anything at all. All you've got to do is engage your sprint and run to a chest, open it, loot it's contents, and run away. Pretty simple, no?

1) Going to the cornucopia isn't a necessity, but if you are confident that you can get there quickly, and get away quickly, then go for it! If not, just turn and run, or find your chest route [See Chapter 3].
2) If you get a weapon right away, do NOT go and randomly hit people! The only time I would advise this is if you see somebody with great armour [Gold+], chase them and kill them. It isn't worth it if they have nothing and you only get a paltry 5 points out of it.

Chapter 2: Chests
Trivia time! What's the difference between this chest...

And this one?

Did you answer the first picture is a Tier1, and the second a Tier2? If you did, you are correct!

Tier1 chests, contain the basic gear -- Leather armour, wooden / Stone swords, ingots, food, and other gear. Tear2, however, contains the game-changing items -- Gold - Iron armour, diamonds, iron, cooked food, and other great loot! The only other difference is that tier2 chests are more difficult to locate. Take the Tier2 picture shot in the water, for example. I could barely see it from when I was on the grass surrounding it! My point is, note which chests are tier1, and which are tier2 and memorize their locations. Seriously, Tier2 chests are game-changers.

Chapter 3: Chest Routes
I thought that this chapter was rather appropriate, because chest routes are one of the most important things in the game. Basically, a chest route is a route you take in a certain map that will offer you chests [T1 and T2 chests]. The best chest routes are the ones offering a decent amout of T2 chests. Watch this video for an example of a chest route.

On this route, there are 3 T1 chests, and 3 T2 chests. This offers a great variety of loot, therefore often resulting in a win whenever I play SG4.

It is very important to make chest routes. Without them, you are essentially done. If you are not familiar with the map you are playing on, download it and find some chest locations! Memorize the route you took to find these chests. Then, ingame, try the route! Does it contain atleast 1 t2 chest? Do you have enough stuff to survive until deathmatch with this route? If you do, congrats, you made a chest route. If not, go back to the map and make a new route.

Chapter 4: PVP
Mama mia, this is honestly the biggest part of the Hunger Games... PVP. Killing somebody isn't as easy as it sounds, and there isn't really an actual 'strategy' for killing people, but there are some tips you can follow...

1) NEVER stand still and left-click in a fight. Move around!

2) Attack your opponent from the sides. Attacking from the sides will usually allow you to get the first hit, because they have to spend half a second to turn around to find you. After you do that, don't just stand there and keep hitting! Keep running circles around them until they are dead!

Now you may be wondering... what should I do if I'm almost dead? There's a simple answer to that..

1) Run! You may see it all the time where somebody is running and the person attacking them is yelling coarse things at them and calling them 'scared'. In reality, you aren't scared. You are running away to regenerate your health so you can once again attempt to take down your opponent. Generally, a good time to run is when you are at 2-3 hearts left. On a side note, if the opponent you are facing is much better than you, run away right when you see them, then try and shoot them with arrows! Arrows can actually do a great deal of damage, and once you hit them a few times, charge at them with your sword and finish them off!

There aren't that many tips for archery, but all I can say is, if they are running away, shoot it a couple blocks in front of them. If done correctly, they should walk right into the arrow without realizing it.

Chapter 5: Inventory Management
This is alot more important than people think. An organized inventory will allow you to:

-Quickly leaf through your hotbar
-Declutter yourself of worthless items

My hotbar generally looks like this:


Generally, your hotbar can be customized to your liking. Obviously, if you don't use the fishing rod trick [Look it up, I'm not going to go into detail with it], then you don't need it there. Think about the items you have in your hotbar. Say to yourself "Am I really going to use a fishing rod"? if not, just throw it away. The same goes for your larger inventory.

Chapter 6: Teaming
Okay, it's fun to team but not to be teamed on. Let me put it this way: If you rage every time a team kills you, how mad do you think a person would be if they died to your team? I'm not going to speak out against teaming too much, because it's up to you if you would like to team or not. HOWEVER, I would not recommend asking to team in a lobby, strictly because they might backstab you. Get a friend from real life who plays Minecraft to team with you, because you know they wont backstab you.

Here's one exception to teaming with randoms: Imagine you are in deathmatch. You have a gold chestplate, the rest of your armour is leather, and a stone sword. Another player has full golden armour and a wooden sword. The other opponent has full iron with an iron sword. In that situation, I would ask the full gold player to team on the full iron guy, because what are the chances of you killing him? If they say yes, than team up on that full iron player. The only downside is, once the full iron guy is defeated, the other guy will most likely start to attack you.

Again, when it comes to teaming, no comment from me.

Chapter 7: Environment
This is just a quick topic I thought I should bring up. Don't just hop onto an MCSG server and play a map you don't know. Download some of the maps MCSG uses [Breeze Island, Sg1 - Sg4. etc.] and check the map out in singleplayer. Get to understand the map before you play it. You will have a huge advantage if you understand the map and know where to go.

Chapter 8: Refill
This is a rather exciting part of the game. Every game, at midnight the first night, and midday the third day, a refill will occur. This means every chest in the map will be refilled. If it is a T1 chest, it will still have T1 items, but if it is T2, it will have its regular T2 items, still. This is where it gets fun, because the cornucopia has 8 T2 chests. The only problem is that lots of players, particularly the stronger ones, will go for the refill. My strategy is, if I am more strongly equipped, just go and wait at spawn. Make sure to watch out for other players coming though!

Now let's suppose you are less equipped. Hide just outside of spawn, but in a position where you can see the chests. If the refill occurs, and you see noone there, charge the chests right away, grab the loot, and get out. But if there is a far superior player there, let them have the loot. Lots of players will just leave behind good armour and swords because they already have them. Once they leave, go and re-check the chests. You may just get lucky!

Chapter 9: Deathmatch
Pretty simply.

Rule 1: Do not run away.

Never run away from the cornucopia area. If you do, you will be zapped with lightning, taking 2 hearts of damage everytime, until you get your sorry behind back into the cornucopia.

With that said and over with, let me discuss some strategies for DM.

1: If you are the superior player, just take out your other two players.

It's quite simple. If you are the best player there, just kill the other 2 players right away and be done with it.

2: If you are the moderately equippled player, be ready to fight.

Generally, the strongest player will attack the 2nd strongest player in DM. If thats you, be ready to fight! Again, if you get low, just run away and shoot arrows at him/her until their attention is directed to the other player.

3: If you are the worst equipped player, avoid the fight.

As soon as DM starts, just run to a safe place away from the fight. [Again, STAY IN THE CORNUCOPIA!!]. Once one of the other players has killed the other player, charge in and throw some hits. Hopefully, and usually, they will be low health from the previous fight.

But lets say the strongest player immediately attacks you, the weakest player. What do you do? Run by the other player and pray that the stronger player will take them down instead of you.

Chapter 10: Item Importance
[Almost] all items are important. Naturally, there will be some items you dont want. For example, I do not take raw chicken from chests. That is my non-important HG item. This is where item importance comes into play.

Lets say you get a chest that looks like this...

Right nice ain't it? But let's say another player open it at the same time you do. What do you take first?


Answer: In my opinion, I would take the items in the following order....

Raw Chicken

It's all opinion based, so pick wisely [and quickly]!

Chapter 11: Basic Fundamentals of SG
Remember to follow the basic MCSG fundamentals, which are:

- Sprint jump around.

- When being chased, double tap F5 to check your back, tap F5 once more to return to normal.

- Don't waste time in-game asking random players for team.

- Try not to rage

- Group item importance when opening chests [See Chapter 10].

- Be a good sport

The End
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hopefully it helped you out, and if it did, please leave a like ;). It lets me know you want more helpful threads like this.​
On a side note, if you have any questions, please post them down below and I will answer them when I can.​
If I left out any important details, please let me know and I'll add them first chance I get.​
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour!​


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
This is probably one of the best guides on this site. If I had seen this when I first started playing, I would be doing much better than I am now.

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