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Getting this server back on track and to what it used to be

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May 22, 2015
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before i write this i dont want staff or admins to take offense to this thread i just want to see this server and what it once was in 2014.

THE DREADED ANTI CHEAT. this is by far one of the main things that has brought mcsg down now people treat this server the same as hypixel i would say mineplex but actually they have got a somewhat okay anti cheat now so now its just hypixel and mcsg ;(. Sorry to tell you mcsg your anti cheat is Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom retarded. First of all you dont Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom tell players what they are being banned for by far one of the stupidest things ive ever encountered on this server. Lets put this in perspective of a cheater. Cheater - hmm i got banned for criticals for 1 minute this means i can go back on the server a minute later and freely hack again without criticals ! Alright why the bunnies are you banning people for 1 minute they are obviously coming back on you need to look at the real picture here banning people is meant to be a punishment and for them to reconsider cheating. GETTING BANNED FOR 1 Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom MINUTE ISNT A PUNISHMENT ITS A WARNING. and on badlion the server with by far the best anti cheat ever they dont give warninings unless you consider getting banned for 2 months at a minimum is a warning. ALSO i dont know what mcsg is going for here you dont need to take pride in custom making an anti cheat. No one Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom cares who made it they care about getting hackers off the server ive looked around and tested a few and this is by far the best public one
. I suggest the devs watching this if they even exist. but they might reply "we want to make our own anti cheat for the pride of our server" well wake the bunnies up the community doesnt care what anti cheat you use they just want cheater to be ridded off this server. I'm sure the devs could also add a few of the plugins they made from there anti cheat onto that one and the cheaters would decrease by atleast 30% from the current standpoint. Note if they do get another anti cheat people will claim to be false banned you need to investigate what could possibly false ban and what couldnt but ill leave that for the devs.

i dont know why the server hangs onto these gamemodes there are other servers that do it better. sorry mcsg but people never say "yo lets go play some mc gamer skywars its going to be lit " people play this server for the survival games not uhc games the park is meant for that and mcgamer is meant for survival games. If you want to population back up you need to focus it into a few gamemodes such as survival games and possibly battle grounds the 2 main things that seperate mc gamer from other servers. To get the population back on track it needs all focus to be on mcsg not split into several very small aspects such as uhc games skywars and etc. ALSO SOLO SG IS NOW DEAD COMBINE IT WITH THE REGULAR SG NO ONE PLAYS IT AND THE OG'S THAT CARRIED THIS SERVER BACK IN THE DAY KNEW TEAMS AS A PART AS THE DAILY STRUGGLE TO WIN A GAME. also remove 1.10 and 1.9 this server needs all players in the core of it to re populate it and its competiveness

Get some new active staff members. and get rid of the closet cheating staff members. Obviously closet cheating is the hardest form of cheating but as u see a good % of staff r banned on bl and lemme tell u they didnt get "false banned" Also get some new admins and be more lienent on who gets mod. MCSG needs mods to get rid of rule breakers but when huahwi gets denied for mod even though it was years ago it just goes to show you need to be more lieniant about how many qualifications you need to be mod i would also think some more devs would be needed but idk how active they are.

BRING BACK THE COMPETIVENESS OF MCSG. pretty much clans in a nutshell they need to be revived as badlions sg 2.0 is coming out and there is a built in clans feature mcsg really needs a way to spice it up and revive clans and make leaderboards more competitive not saying there needs a to be a reset to reset peoples spark but idk i dont know if its at a point to do that to bring back peoples hope to grind wins daily.

Thats pretty much it, i just dont want to see this server die as it was one of the servers i grew up on and learned to pvp. I miss the old 2014 days alot and i just dont want this server to die as badlion's sg 2.0 comes out next weekend i really dont know whats going to happen ive played 2 games in over months both times i get ALL OF THE BUNNIES by speed hacking 10 blockers that litterlly the most recent version of NCP could detect. I just dont want to see this servers status to continue to go down as almost all the old mcsg gods have quit this game since there favorite server is close to extinction. Those are just my opinion didnt mean to offend anyone just wanted to be blunt as major changes need to be made to this server to bring it back alive.
Some mod showing this to a dev would be nice since i dont know how active they are anymore since obviously they dont care enough to make a somewhat descent anti cheat. Likes are apperciated to get the point out and bigger thanks for reading hope it could help the server in some way as i would hate for it to die just like ocn and shizz <3 *wrote this in a rush hope there isn't to many grammar issues xd ok bye ty for reading


Jan 16, 2016
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Well, MCGamer can't perma ban anyone if caught by the anticheat. It is not fully developed yet, and it makes mistakes every once in a while.


Mar 4, 2016
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Thanks for your feedback. We've got the same suggestions before and the Sr. Staff is aware of it.

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