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How to fix MCSG

Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
@Yannick @NagolGames @ChadTheDJ

*insert intro here*

Suggestion #1: Rebrand MCGamer and just call it MCSG

In my opinion this would be great as everyone calls this server MCSG anyway. Also, think about this: this server has always been and will always be an SG server. If a new player is looking up minecraft survival games servers, www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com will definitely catch their eyes faster than www.MCGamer.net will

Suggestion #2: Add 1v1 to Battlegrounds

1v1 has always been a highly requested gamemode, and, in my opinion, the best way to implement would be right into battlegrounds. Basically, make it so when you join the server/die you are given the option to join a 1v1 queue.

Suggestion 3: Hire more developers

I get that this is waaaay easier said then done, but it's clear that the current developers aren't catching up to the glitches and new hacks coming out everyday. There hasn't been a development change log in 4 months, whereas they used to come out, at worst, weekly. Too not be misunderstood. I'm not bashing on the developers (as I'm sure they have more than enough experience and knowledge for the job at hand), I'm pointing to the small number of them. I get that devs have lives too. That's why we need more. Enough to where, if there is a game-breaking glitch, it doesn't take more than 24 hours to fix.

Suggestion #4: Anti-cheat.

I don't think I even need to mention how terrible the current anti-cheat is. Obviously when there are people speeding across the map at ridiculous speeds there is a problem. There are more departures from MCGamer then there are from Heathrow. Jokes and giggles aside, the current anti-cheat is probably punishing more legitimate players than hackers. I can say from my own experiences that at least 15-20% of the playerbase is filled with hackers. If the developers can make a new, more effective no-cheat, this alone will probably bring a lot of players back.

Suggestion #5: We need an owner

For those who don't know, Chad has his own computer repair business which has taken taken a lot of his time and shifted his interest away from MCSG. Right now we need an active owner, who is constantly monitoring the staff team, the server and the community. The best-suited for this position, in my opinion, is Yannick as he has already taken on a lot of the owner duties that Chad isn't full filling

Suggestion #6: Listen to the community

I think we can all agree that MCSG's largest mistake was not listening to the community at critical times. Ex: 1.8 Update etc. It's as simple as this. You need to fix the game-breaking problems (like the anti-cheat) before even thinking of getting a new hub/lobby, or other small/insignificant quirks.

Suggestion #7: Bring back AU/CA

By closing the AU and CA servers you have essentially forced away 2 decently-sized communities. Canadians can still play US so that would be 2nd on the list, but AU is left nowhere. If you don't bring AU back as soon as possible there won't be much of a community left and nothing to salvage.

Suggestions #8: New Staff Team

I think it's safe to say that we need a new staff team. When I play on US there are some mods here and there, but on EU they are no where to be found. Again, I'm not bashing on the mods, I'm bashing on the number of them. For MCSG's size we need at least 50 mods (Split evenly across regions) 10-15 Sr. Mods and 5+1 Admins (+1 owner).

Current number of staff members:

TOTAL: 49 Staff
Moderators: 38
Sr. Moderators: 8
Admins: 3

By personal experience I'd say that 80% of the mods play on US and 20% on EU.

Suggestion #9: Quantum Donor

I get that Quantum is supposed to be this fancy rank that is only released when the server needs more funding, but seriously, there are so many people who want to buy it, and how can extra money hurt?

Suggestion #10: General Glitches (that I have personally found)

  • Sometimes regular SG games turn into UHC-SG games.
  • Sometimes, when trying to eat food, it takes forever (literally never ends).
  • Bow sometimes doesn't shoot.
  • You can sponsor 2 of the same item (if 2 people click it at the same time).
  • 1/2 the time, when I connect or do /hub, there isn't a hub for me to join.
  • Fire doesn't place after a really quick turn.
  • MCSG Maker sometimes doesn't create a server.
  • Servers sometimes go offline mid-pregame.
  • /join and /watch sometimes tries to put me in Pregame/Deathmatch/Otherwise un-joinable games.
  • In UHC-SG, crafted golden apples don't stack with regular ones and golden heads don't stack at all.
Suggestion #11: General Improvements (not critical).
  • Balance tiering and spawnpoints in UHC-SG. (way too OP at the moment)
  • Add /whitelist for donors (you decide what rank). This would be good for donors trying to play with friends, as usually, even with a party, it can be hard to join the same game.
  • Add back MCSG Maker with credits. (Right now there is pretty much no purpose for credits, so no one will buy them).
  • Add back Iron Donor for a price of your choosing (I suggest $2 a month) and only give it access to full games and 1 extra vote (or none at all) since those are the 2 main reasons why people even buy donor in the first place.
  • Add /join SG 24/48/120 (Self-explanatory)
  • Make lobby times shorter (1 minute)
Suggestion #12: Bring Back the Old Stats System

Ever since the stats were reset, and the new system was implemented we were promised loads more features than are currently in place (Example 1 Example 2). Rather than the current system, I think a good percentage of the community would prefer the old system, or a new system, but this time properly implemented.

Feel free to leave your suggestions down below and I will add them to the thread as I couldn't have possibly covered everything in one thread. I just went over the main points. If you are a staff member I want you to think about something. Would you rather accept the truth and do something about it or close this thread and call it a day. I'm not trying to cause flame or start a war. I only wrote this for the server's good. We grew up on this server and have countless memories on it. I would be really sad if stuff as basic as what I wrote above brought it down.
Last edited:


May 15, 2016
Reaction score
I agree with you, but I'm not Chad to take the decisions ;)

Also Yannick or Nagol can't do anything, they need Chad's permission :)


Jul 19, 2015
Reaction score
Most players on the server desire nostalgia. They want "old days" back. I haven't really been around long enough to have my opinion on this, but from threads, ingame, teamspeak QnA's, and questions to me (I was ex-staff) alot of people ask whether they can implement the old lobby, old maps and hubs. Another thing, they should implement the old sidebar, or edit it to not be so big and ugly and even the small one is ugly to. Anyway, just stating what I would want and what alot of the community wants. (even though I'm permabanned, would rather not see MCSG dead)

Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
the old lobby, old maps and hubs
When they say that, they aren't reffering to the maps themselves, but rather to that era. The era when ChadTheDJ was part of the community, the era of less hackers, the era when the great players were still roaming around.


Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
Very nice thread. Hope someone listens right now!


Jul 19, 2015
Reaction score
When they say that, they aren't reffering to the maps themselves, but rather to that era. The era when ChadTheDJ was part of the community, the era of less hackers, the era when the great players were still roaming around.
I'm pretty sure it isn't a metaphor. They actually want old maps and lobbys and hubs to feel as though they are in that time frame. Yes what you mentioned above is probably what they want - but let's be real, it isn't going to happen.
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
My suggestion is to have the server actually function properly on a consistent basis. There is absolutely no excuse for the server to be down like this for 3+ days.

Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
I'm pretty sure it isn't a metaphor. They actually want old maps and lobbys and hubs to feel as though they are in that time frame. Yes what you mentioned above is probably what they want - but let's be real, it isn't going to happen.
Thanks for pretty much rewording my answer and making it sound perfect


May 22, 2015
Reaction score
Most players on the server desire nostalgia. They want "old days" back. I haven't really been around long enough to have my opinion on this, but from threads, ingame, teamspeak QnA's, and questions to me (I was ex-staff) alot of people ask whether they can implement the old lobby, old maps and hubs. Another thing, they should implement the old sidebar, or edit it to not be so big and ugly and even the small one is ugly to. Anyway, just stating what I would want and what alot of the community wants. (even though I'm permabanned, would rather not see MCSG dead)
i agree with the statement, like i played mcsg back in late 2013 and early 2014 on the AU servers and it was fulled with no hackers and all legit players that just wanted to have fun and people didn't try there hardest to win the game and people had more fun and loads and the fills of game where so quick and they were fun easy games. but since the 1.8 update and since forth the community of all servers died down and the servers are only just at stable rate and the AU servers shutting down they have lost a few players.

Matt |

Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
My suggestion is to have the server actually function properly on a consistent basis. There is absolutely no excuse for the server to be down like this for 3+ days.
I was gonna put that in, but I think it will be fixed soon.
i agree with the statement, like i played mcsg back in late 2013 and early 2014 on the AU servers and it was fulled with no hackers and all legit players that just wanted to have fun and people didn't try there hardest to win the game and people had more fun and loads and the fills of game where so quick and they were fun easy games. but since the 1.8 update and since forth the community of all servers died down and the servers are only just at stable rate and the AU servers shutting down they have lost a few players.
And that held true for EU and US too.


Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Things to bring back:
-Double tapping "w"
-Players points displayed when joining or leaving a server
-Iron Donor
-Old maps/lobbies
-Old sidebar/No sidebar
-AS, CA, and AU servers
-Diamond armour in hub :)


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Suggestion #1: Rebrand MCGamer and just call it MCSG

In my opinion this would be great as everyone calls this server MCSG anyway. Also, think about this: this server has always been and will always be an SG server. If a new player is looking up minecraft survival games servers, www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com will definitely catch their eyes faster than www.MCGamer.net will
We already are the #1 search results for "minecraft survival games": https://i.imgur.com/Re8bbXl.png

Changing the domain will do nothing.

Suggestion #2: Add 1v1 to Battlegrounds

1v1 has always been a highly requested gamemode, and, in my opinion, the best way to implement would be right into battlegrounds. Basically, make it so when you join the server/die you are given the option to join a 1v1 queue.
This has been recommended many many times and the upper staff is aware of it, trust me, they've seen the threads about adding this to Battlegrounds.
Suggestion 3: Hire more developers

I get that this is waaaay easier said then done, but it's clear that the current developers aren't catching up to the glitches and new hacks coming out everyday. There hasn't been a development change log in 4 months, whereas they used to come out, at worst, weekly. Too not be misunderstood. I'm not bashing on the developers (as I'm sure they have more than enough experience and knowledge for the job at hand), I'm pointing to the small number of them. I get that devs have lives too. That's why we need more. Enough to where, if there is a game-breaking glitch, it doesn't take more than 24 hours to fix.
The issue right now isn't hiring developers, it's finding a quality developer that'd like to help Gideon, be dedicated to the network and actually has the skill to do so.

Suggestion #4: Anti-cheat.

I don't think I even need to mention how terrible the current anti-cheat is. Obviously when there are people speeding across the map at ridiculous speeds there is a problem. There are more departures from MCGamer then there are from Heathrow. Jokes and giggles aside, the current anti-cheat is probably punishing more legitimate players than hackers. I can say from my own experiences that at least 15-20% of the playerbase is filled with hackers. If the developers can make a new, more effective no-cheat, this alone will probably bring a lot of players back.
This isn't the biggest priority right now from the Developer's from what I've been told last time I asked about this personally, but trust me, they're aware that the anti cheat needs some additional work done to it.

I will not address suggestion #5 as it's not my responsibility or place to do so.

Suggestion #7: Bring back AU/CA

By closing the AU and CA servers you have essentially forced away 2 decently-sized communities. Canadians can still play US so that would be 2nd on the list, but AU is left nowhere. If you don't bring AU back as soon as possible there won't be much of a community left and nothing to salvage.
Much much much easier said than done both as a work force (development team and administration) and financially. When things are monetarily limited, expansion is limited to two regions. AU was not financially viable for MCGamer as it only had about 60-100 players peak time. As much as I dislike the fact AU was removed due to a loss of friends and friends in the staff team, I can understand where Chad and the Development team came from with this.
Suggestions #8: New Staff Team

I think it's safe to say that we need a new staff team. When I play on US there are some mods here and there, but on EU they are no where to be found. Again, I'm not bashing on the mods, I'm bashing on the number of them. For MCSG's size we need at least 50 mods (Split evenly across regions) 10-15 Sr. Mods and 5+1 Admins (+1 owner).

Current number of staff members:

TOTAL: 49 Staff
Moderators: 38
Sr. Moderators: 8
Admins: 3
I am very confused with this. This depends on the number of people who have quality applications, not the way things are ran. I am sorry to say but this does not make much sense to me.
Suggestion #9: Quantum Donor

I get that Quantum is supposed to be this fancy rank that is only released when the server needs more funding, but seriously, there are so many people who want to buy it, and how can extra money hurt?
Doesn't make it a unique sight to see in-game if it's always open for grabs! I actually commend Chad for keeping it a closed rank like initially promised, even if it does help with finances (as you mentioned, having extra $). I again, have to disagree.

I have nothing to say about #9 - #12.

But I have to say this was a well formed thread in the sense of how you relayed your message. Very respectful in my opinion. Thank you for that!

This message doesn't reflect the official view of MCGamer nor the MCGamer staff team.

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