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Events Match Made March!

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Sep 8, 2015
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M A T C H. M A D E. M A R C H.

Hello there wonderful people of MCGamer!

If you are seeing this thread, that means that Match Made March has officially begun! Now many of you may be wondering what this is.

* http://goo.gl/forms/aibfYxMeG2 *

1. Lich and I have created a QUESTIONNAIRE, fitted with various Short Answer, Long Answer, and Multiple Choice questions that will give us an idea of your personality, interests, and character.

2. The Google Form will be open for 2 weeks. At the end of this, The MCGamer Matchmaking Crew will get down to business, reading each and every response and pairing each entry with the person we see most compatible with.

3. During the last week of March, we will host a TeamSpeak event for everyone to join, in which we will discuss some of the questions, as well as ANNOUNCE each of the matches. You and your partner may then create your own custom channels just to talk, play some MCSG, or just chill and get to know someone you may have never spoken to.

* If you were not able to attend to the ts event, don’t worry we will announce the matches on the Forums!


1. No trolling. Please give us serious answers.

2. No inappropriate answers.

3. Do not put another member's name for the IGN question
(If we find out, you’ll be removed from the event)

4. Don’t ask other people for their answers, as this would ruin the purpose of the event! Just try to answer it to the best of your ability.


How it happened

I was playing a game of truth or truth last night with my good friend Madi to get to know each other a little bit better and this crazy idea came to me at 1am. What if we hosted an Match Making Event? Since coming to this community i have met so many amazing people who i am glad to call my friends and most my family. Everyday i meet someone new every time i come down to a public channel and you guys usually assume i came to warn you guys or that someone was breaking the rules but IM NOT I PROMISE! I love talking to you guys and more times than not i enjoy myself getting to know you guys and joking around.

What's the point?

I feel like there are so many people in this community that we just haven't yet had a chance to meet, and I know we have "Meet the community" and in the past something similar to this was hosted by none other than my brother Lich but I wanted something a bit more tangible, something that would tell us something we perhaps never knew about ourselves or even our closest friends. Think of this as an opportunity to meet new people. Im excited, are you? ^.^

*All questions were created/edited by Lich and Andrew
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Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
I'm looking forward to being apart of this! It's going to be one swell time!
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