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Qualified builder

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Nov 6, 2015
Reaction score
Member Name LifeTime

Additional In Game Names: Katy_VZ

How old are you? I am 18 years of age.

Location: I live on the western coast of the United States.

Do you have TeamSpeak?
I do have Teamspeak and I use it to talk to other players almost everyday, alongside with Skype it is an amazing communications tool.

How many hours per day ? (weekdays)
I play about 3-4 hours on weekdays, with the occasional day where I have sports and other duties to attend to.

How many hours per day ? (weekends)
On the weekends, I spent about 5-6 hours at the maximum. Realistically that is a very large amount of time.

Have you ever been architect or builder on this or any other server? Yes I have been a Builder on the badlion server, as-well as the Octovon creative server and if there needs to be validated evidence I can contact old administrators and arrange that.

References: Please give IGN's
Old Ign,



My name is LifeTime or some call me katy, yes I am a male figure! There is a somewhat crazy story behind that name, but that is something that would have to be discussed at a later time. I have a somewhat diverse background into the building community, and this server is an amazing display of something that I would love to be apart of. I was pointed in the direction of this application by one of your moderators when I asked if they had some type of build team that I could look into. I would love the opportunity to be apart of this team to get a feel for what it is all about! I am somewhat of a social person, I am not afraid to tell you how it is, always keeping it in a respectful context. I hope that there is somebody who will read all of this application. I feel that I have put enough effort into it to show my hard working ethics.

Why should you be Builder?
I couldn’t comment on other candidates for the job but I can say that, having now been building for a solid two years, I have built up a very enviable network of contacts which I think most other candidates would find hard to beat. I have developed successful relationships with key decision makers in numerous build teams and this enables me to achieve a very quick and beautiful builds much faster than average. I believe that my previous track record is supportive evidence of what I would be able to achieve for you if you decide to appoint me to the role. I’m ambitious, highly driven and I relish a challenge. I hope that these qualities are sought after in this environment! I respond to constructive criticism in a way I feel every applicant should, In a broader context, criticism is an assessment, review or observation that can even be in the form of appreciation. In the context that I feel the application is trying to prevail, constructive criticism is a nearly inescapable aspect of a build team. Every time you build something you are openly inviting others to come and look at it as-well. Anyways When the criticism meets these necessary criteria, there is a strong foundation for learning to occur, and for both members to benefit from honest criticism. I also have a wide range of knowledge with server tools used for bigger projects, foe example World-edit swell as Voxel. I feel that I have displayed a vast knowledge with such tools already in my time building Experience Such tools as world-edit and Voxel are essential tools that I feel I have a general to slightly advanced feel for.

What builds have you completed on the server and where might they be located? There are three maps that I have built on badlion, these maps are currently in the rotation.

I have a very unique position as a builder on several servers, some of the bigger name servers that I have built for, include.

These three servers thatI have listed are servers that I fell I have grown to appreciate. I can say without a doubt nobody is the perfect builder, we all need to use others ideas and critique in a positive environment. For whom this concerns, if there is needed proof that I have build for any of the following servers, I can arrange for verification to be provided by to proper administration of the server.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Additional Question,

How do you respond to critique and criticism?

In a broader context, criticism is an assessment, review or observation that can even be in the form of appreciation. In the context that I feel the application is trying to prevail, constructive criticism is a nearly inescapable aspect of a build team. Every time you build something you are openly inviting others to come and look at it as-well. Anyways When the criticism meets these necessary criteria, there is a strong foundation for learning to occur, and for both members to benefit from honest criticism.

I am somebody who loves to hear what others are thinking if it is on the server or about INRL things! And criticism is a subject that many should take to heart.

I have worked on bigger projects, they are stuck on a server that is currently down. As far as the community aspect, I wish there was a question as to how long I have been communicating with the community because I am a quite active player on the server as-well as on the TeamSpeak!

How much experience do you have using Voxel and Worldedit?
I feel that I have displayed a vast knowledge with such tools already in my time building and staffing the built team servers. Such tools as world-edit and Voxel are essential tools that I feel I have a general to slightly advanced feel for.

Build Picture Uploads:

Build Picture Link:

If you are looking for a builder please contact me in Skype or VIA pm's on the forums!
I look forward to coming into contact with somebody who may be interested in picking me up.

Skype: LifeTimePortal [I am aware that giving out your Skype can result in, ddos attacks. I am of a more knowledgeable type when it comes to this so no need to warn me.]

Please feel free to msg me with further questions if needed, make sure to mention that you are from MCSG

Kind remarks


District 13
May 20, 2015
Reaction score
Nice Story Brah Brah hope you apply for Red Forest or Helix :3


Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Very nice work man! Best of luck on finding a team!


Team Helix
May 27, 2013
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District 13
Dec 27, 2012
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Due to this team being Inactive, this thread will be moved to "Archived Build Teams".

PM at any time if you would like Thread unlocked.
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