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Events Roulette Night (Season 2) - Team Family Feud


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Roulette Night! We have mixed it up, shaken it up, other synonyms for stirring. This is Roulette Night Season 2! What? Season 2? What does that mean? Well, here's the plan. We have decided to split up Roulette Night into season. 5 Episodes, or Spins, that take place every few months. It will still take place on the same Friday night (same week as U.S. OMN). Each season will have a theme! Odd number themes will be Solo Seasons that introduces new games! Even season will be the newly introduced games, but with teams! Still confused? Let's dive into it, shall we?

When and Where?

On our Teamspeak (ts.mcgamer.net) we will be hosting the MCGamer Roulette Night every other Friday at 8 P.M. CST. Our next event will take place Friday, September 9th. This event is planned to take up to two hours.

Time Converter

What is it?

Every other week we will be cycling through several different, well known Game Shows. Currently, we have fully integrated 5 from the big stage to your monitor. On our teamspeak, you can currently participate in Family Feud, Password, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, and Word Whomp. These games will allow everyone who wants to join in to participate in the action. We have completed all of these Game Shows in their Solo form. This season, we are tackling them in teams!

How will it work?

We have surveyed 100 people! Two teams of three will face off with a series of questions. We ask one question. The first one to poke our event has the opportunity to answer the question first. If they get a correct answer, they can chose to pass or play. Whoever is playing now must come up with the rest of the answers or risk the opposing player taking all the points.
Bonus Round - Two players will each have a chance to answer 5 questions in under 25 seconds in order to reach 200 points. Both players will be asked the same questions, but you cannot give the same answer as the previous player.


Now, as this is team events, we will require you guys to sign up, in order to participate. Family Feud will require teams of 3. Please sign up for yourself and two team mates. If you do not show up to the event, your name will be removed from the sign up roster. We will be offering teams to sign up at the event itself, so you do not have to sign up right now.

Sign up Link: https://goo.gl/forms/GbQO5y3idesTtWz83

  • All MCGamer and Teamspeak rules apply. If you are unsure of what those consist of, they can be found here. http://mcgamer.info
  • No inappropriate or abusive answers will be allowed to counted.
  • Any user that abuses the mic we give them will be immediately removed from the event and their scores will not be counted.
  • Participants that receive the Contestant rank. This will give them the microphone, Do Not Poke, and Do Not Message. This will ensure that no cheating takes place.
  • Answers must not be discussed in the channel chat.
  • Cheating will result in the removal from our teamspeak.

Who doesn’t love prizes? Each game type will feature the same prize; however, they will be earned in different ways.

The participant with the most points between the two that face off will receive the winner Forum Medal. The runner up will receive the participant medal. In the bonus round, if the two players can reach a total of at least 100 points, they will both receive the participant medal. If they receive at least 200 points, they will be rewarded the winner medal.
Medals (Season 2 Medals Coming Soon):


Overseer - Giggums
Hosts - Yannick & Giggums
Crew - _Pyrrhic

If you are a staff member that would like to help out with this event, please get in contact with one of our hosts or overseer. If you are currently in the event, but would like to participate in one, let Yannick or myself know in advance so that we can remove you for the time being then re-add you later.

We hope that you are all eager to participate in this event. If you have any questions or concerns, let us know and we will do our best to cater to them. Any suggestions for how we can improve this event or games that you would like to see added are more than welcome. Just let us know your ideas! See you there!


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
- Added Sign Up Section
- Corrected Time Converter 2x

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