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The Breakdown Of ALL Basics


Nov 10, 2015
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So I've been playing MCSG for a good solid 2 weeks now on my first *Personal* owned MC account 'Ash65' and no I'm not an alt of anyone's I simply played on a shared account between me and my 3 friends so I'm not 'new' to SG but I am considerably new to MCGamer as I use to play on TheNexusMC before hand moving here.

With that being said let me explain the break down basics of the game mechanics and how to use everything to there fullest along with some helpful tips and tricks for new comers to the game all together looking to up there game performance or understand fully in depth some of the MC mechanics!

This Guide has been, for your convenience, broken down into * sections.
(To use this function just hold down ctrl+f and a little bar on your right hand side will come up where you can type in the following S1, S2, etc to jump to the different sections)

S1. Item Basics
S2. MCSG Do's and Don'ts
S3. MCSG Malicious Tricks

(Note I'm using the base of 10 hearts being 20 HP total so when I say 7 damage I mean 3.5 hearts not 7 hearts)

S1. Item Basics
In almost every FP (First Person)S(Shooter but not MC) there is normally the basic Melee and Ranged option, the sword is your Melee.
Now the sword is interesting as in MCSG you can get axe's as well so you have the ability to get anywhere from a wooden axe to crafting a diamond sword. The Damage difference is insane and vary's between 3-7 damage 'base'.

If you want to know the damage for all axes + swords here is a nifty link to help you understand what does what damage.

(Note that the damage 3-7 is a 'base' meaning what it is if the enemy had no armor so obviously when calculating hits vs armor there is a bit of an interesting variable, for crits just add +2 damage to whatever)

Functions of the sword:
Swinging: now obviously when you left click you swing your sword and the faster you swing (Learn to jitter click to improve/Jitter is when you click fast) the more hits that'll register and quicker you'll kill your enemy.

Blocking: When you left click your sword you will use it to Block, blocking your sword does the same movement decrease as sneaking but the damage you take from hits when you're blocking is halved, this means sword hits and bow shots. Blocking DOES NOT reduce fall, fire or suffocation damage. This is a very useful mechanic to use when running from someone who continue to send arrows flying your way when you're around 6 hearts or less as well as when trying to make someone waste there arrows. It's hard to predict a switch between moving normally to block and jumping around and even if they hit you it's half damage which means if you're full Iron and they only single draw back it'll do no damage at all!


As I mentioned before they normally also have a ranged option or for FPS the 'main' feature/weapon. The Bow in minecraft though is counted as a 'secondary' so it's not the main weapon in the game, but it's extremely powerful but it cost arrows to fire so if you plan to rely on the bow, find a way to get as many arrows as fast as possible. In MCSG on MCGamer you can get arrows from tier 1's AND 2's! 5 a piece even! Also you can get Feathers (5 at a time), Flint (1 at a time) and Sticks (1 at a time) so you can craft arrows! Also the bow has knock back varying on your charge while 1 charge knocks 0.5, 2 does 1 and full does 1.5 (Add 0.5 if they were in the air)
Everything you need to know about the Bow and Arrow

Bow Firing
Charges: There are a total of 3 different charges when charging a bow. In some Resource/Texture packs they have them colored so I recommend using a bow already color coded for each shot or editing your own so you can know when to fire/not. Charge 1 does a base of 1 damage, while 2nd charge will deal anywhere from 3-5 (it's RNG) and fully charged will deal 9 damage with a 1/5 to deal 10 damage. The distance for 1 charge is 1 block, the distance for 2 is anywhere from 10-30 as it takes a full second to charge unlike the first charge so it varies, at full charge the arrow can travel up to 64 blocks and flies with a speed of roughly 53 m/s.

Tips on the Bow
- When shooting the bow don't always wait for your enemy to stand still, guess where they're moving.
- During bow fights, try not to jump as when you jump you can't move more then half a block so it's easy to be predicted where you'll land and you'll most likely get shot so try to move side to side in mixed patterns during bow fights.
-During Bow fights try to keep your arrows fully charged when possible and try to trade each hit mostly if they're 'spamming' (shooting at 1/2 charges at a time) as over time if you trade 1 for 1 you'll beat them as you deal x2 the damage they deal with 1-2 charges.

Mixing Stuff With the Bow
You can't just rely on the bow to do all the work all the time. Maybe in death match when there is no where to run, mix up the Bow shots with damage from your Flint and Steel (We'll discuss later) and keep them away with the Fishing Rod (We'll also discuss later). Mix these things together with high accuracy on the rod+bow and you'll find yourself killing people with a lot of hearts to spare! :)

Fishing Rod
I laugh every time people say the fishing rod is useless which now a days you don't hear as much as the community advances and it has become a normal appearance in our every day PvP environment. The rod is especially special as it's uses vary from defense to offence. It can be the savior or the spawn of Satan.

How it Works
The 'Rod' as it's called to shorten it has one use, knock back. Anyone not new to pvp already knows the important of 'knock back' as this is the bread and butter to making 'combos' (Consistent hits back to back without getting hit yourself). When using the rod the knock back will hit them in the air about a block up and back by an entire 0.5-1(If they jump) block, also these knock backs CAN stack while also being hit by it if hit when also hit by the rod you will take NO damage so if you rod spam your team mate into the enemy they may technically not register some hits due to you hitting them with the rod instead! There are 3 uses for this, the 'Rod Stun', 'Rod Retreat' and 'Boosting' as I call them personally and may be known by others as this as well.

Rod Stun
The Rod stun is extremely popular due to the effectiveness. You want to learn how to create combos? This is exactly where you should begin! When you hit someone with a rod when in range (3.5 for melee) and hit them in the air since they're in the air they lose half a block of range while you gain half a block of range due to this you can hit them from that 4 block distance that's normally not possible. You can rod, hit, move back if they didn't hit you, rod->Hit->Move Back->Repeat if they don't break the chain by hitting you. Also you can use the rod stun when rushing as consistently hitting your enemy with the rod as the strategy says 'stuns' there hits until you're about 3 blocks difference then you need to create the combo before they get the first hit.

Rod Retreat
This is the 'annoying' part of the Fishing Rod some people would say. The rod has amazing knock back for such a quick launch, knock back, repeat method and being defensive with high rod accuracy can just mean a world of annoyance for your enemies. When sprinting and walking backwards and rodding enemies away they actually DO NOT gain distance on you if you have good accuracy with it, because jumping increases the knock back they can only really normally sprint to you making it easier to aim and if you become extremely accurate and can hit the sprint+jumpers you'll almost always be able to 'fight reset' when you don't get the first hit.

This is pretty self explanatory from when I mentioned it as if you're in a team using the rod to hit your friend closer to the enemy is very helpful as when they engage rod spamming them again as I said earlier as well may make some of the enemies hits not register, learning to time this impeccable skill will make your team LITERATELY invulnerable.

Extra Rod Tips
-The Rod has a slight tilt to the right hand side by just a bit off the center of your cross hair so make sure to aim that, it also travels from that point when cast so you can cast and move your head somewhere else, no need to stay until it hits.
-Aim it towards where they're moving just like the bow
-The Rod ONLY uses durability when you pull it back in after the bob has attached itself to an entity (3 durability) or a block (1 durability) so you can cast the rod then switch to a different item slot then switch back to the rod (or not) and you wont use any durability but have the bob un-cast ready to use again later.

Flint and Steel (FnS)
One of the most dangerous things no doubt, fire. Flint and Steel in MCGamer can be found in Tier 2's ONLY but can be crafted using 1 flint and 1 steel, you can craft it in your inventories hotbar by placing them in any order in the crafting bench (Inventory and 3x3 crafting table order DOES NOT matter), on MCGamer in MCSG it has a total of 5 charges. If someone is caught in the fire it'll do 8 damage (but because of regen it'll do 7 so 3.5 hearts) and the best part is, it is consistent. Armor doesn't matter vs fire. So yes if you light someone on fire then crit them twice with a diamond sword they're automatically dead from the fire unless they use a Golden Apple.
Everything you need/want to know about Flint and Steel

Placing FnS
Timing your FnS takes practice but there is an easy way to do it. Place it when disengaging your fight(s). This is what I like to do when I go melee, crit x2 with a diamond sword, fns, then rod them away. It keeps you from taking unwanted damage from a fight easily ended through the fire. Also placing it at there feet when they run in range of you helps. There are many other tricks you can do like double placing with a space of 1 block, right before the fight starts 3 blocks ahead of you then go for a strafe, etc but depending on your style you'll find the right adjustments over time FnS is more of a mix and match. You don't need it but it's worth using if you have it.

Extra Tips on FnS
-Keep this in a hot keying slot, scrolling for this isn't the best as fire is amazing to quick switch to since it does deal such consistent amount of damage.
-Merging FnS do give it more charges
-FnS has 8 'Ticks' which will slow your enemy down for a second to walking speed when it deals damage, if they jump they'll be 'stunned' by the damage

S2. MCSG Do's and Don'ts!

DO: Get Chest Route's using videos from youtube/guides on the forums
DON'T: Go to a route you know if there is someone with a weapon/already at it and you don't have a weapon

DO: Use choke points when fighting teams to kill them with a mix of rod->sword hits then flying off to die to fall damage.

DON'T: Go to a choke point that has vines/ladders to reach if they're right behind you and you can get hit off.

~These are the main things, if you have other useful stuff for this tell me in the comments!~

S3. MCSG Malicious Tricks
-F3+A on 1.7.10 will reload all the chunks but players aren't considered chunks so you can see them in the unloaded chunks when doing so

-F3+B turns on hit boxes and also help see players when using the previous trick

-Setting a Toggle perspective key to something quickly clickable like R or to something hard to click like P then setting as a mouse side key will help check if anyone is around you/your area.

-Try to stay in open areas at all time so you can't get trapped and if you need to retreat

-Vs a team with less armor/weaker weapons then you try to make them go into a small house so you can force them to take you on one at a time or risk hitting each other!

-Hopefully this helps the newbies, tell me your helpful information for me to add down below!-



Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
These are great tips for the new people to survival games. great detail in all sections c:

+1 for helpfullness

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