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The MCSG Story of ~TorchScar~

Oct 15, 2012
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I was indeed a quite avid reader of the Hunger Games novels. It intrigued me so much, that you could be just tossed into an arena to fight to the death. So fascinating. I had read every book within 3-4 days, it was definitely my favorite series ever. At this point, I had my Minecraft account for about 4-5 weeks, and just messed around on Single-Player. I eventually grew bored of such, and decided to try out some servers. Being such the Hunger Games fan I was, I decided to search "Hunger Games Servers" into google. I had first played on servers such as SkyDoesMinecraft's server, and other Misc. SG servers. I eventually got bored of them, and decided to find another server. I searched up "Hunger Games Servers" once again into Google, and found these beautiful words printed across my screen, "MCSG". I was quite the common noob to be had on these servers. I had 0 wins for about 150 games. I remember my first teammates. We were all noobs, we just wandered around trying to get apples and such. But, after awhile of this, I declared these servers too hard for noobish kind. I quit, to play on some other servers.


After playing tons on other servers, I decided to come back here, and try to secure my first win ever. After 5-6 games, I won!! It was the best feeling ever, I was so happy I couldn't stand it. After this exciting first win, I NEEDED more. After getting about 10 wins, I made a forum account. I immediately purchased iron donor. It 'twas awesome, no more getting kicked! Then, I decided to join a clan, but not just any clan, it was "TheBungled". KingJr <3. I applied, then soon after got the green letters stating "ACCEPTED". Ermeghard I was thrilled. I was soon added to the skype chat, of which was quite dirty :3. I met some really cool people such as Hiqhlights, Hawk62, and B1gtub (my first real MCSG friend.). I had tons of fun in Bungled, but alas, it gave way to other clans. It crumbled before my eyes :(. Then, after a short time in the Hotdogs, I started the clan that made my name- The Elite Squad. In doing such, I made some goods friends such as Plg21, toby22, etc. This was the month of which I really started becoming more "well known" as a member of the community.


This was around the time when EliteSquad really started to "boom". I was gaining members extremely fast and was having much fun in doing so. Then. There was a man. By the name of CraftyKratonite, who changed my life forever. I saw this guy apply on my thread, saying he wanted to join because, and I quote "WHY THE HECK NOT." This man was a smoking machine, I mean seriously, he sounds like he smokes 10 packs a day, but, back on topic now. Crafty became a good friend of mine, and we are still friends today :D. Still, I kept making so many friends from my clan, I felt so.. known. It was great meeting such nice, kind, and honest people like SilverJakler, Mooclan, and Kameronl109, etc.. Oddly enough, I got my 100th win on Christmas day o_O weird huh? But, me Mooclan and Crafty were really becoming the closest friends in the clan. We'd be in skype calls super early in the morning (for me at least) and would play for hours. Honestly, not THAT much notable stuff happened in these months, just lots of fun times :).
Oct 15, 2012
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Along come February, Winter break was long over (Some of my best times spent there.) and stuff started slowing down a bit. After long consideration, I stepped down from leader of EliteSquad, I couldn't take the stress of running a clan, and I honestly though we were heading in the wrong direction. I left the clan in the hands of Mooclan, who has since done a fantastic job running it. I met even MORE people (ikr, its crazy) such as darkflame7, Uncrowdedflyer5, MJM239, and MrTurnip_12. My wins were really going off the charts, I got 300+ wins in the span of 3 months, and my PvP was rapidly improving. I was really active on the forums, and was just having the greatest time ever here. I'd like to thank everyone who I've met throughout this wild ride, and to the people I'm going to meet. MCSG is my home, and I wont leave unless the servers shut down or Branbob83 kills us all. Thanks for reading :D


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
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I'm a sexy boi. Just so everyone knows, I taught torch everything he knows.


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
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By the way, how did you get that sexy signature Torch?

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