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Guide Tips & Tricks To Becoming Moderator


Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
I am going to start off by saying, there most likely is a global thread just like this one, but this one will be different, coming from a moderator who applied up to 4 times, this will be tips and tricks from my point of view.

I am going to start off with some examples of things that you should do if you plan on becoming moderator, these things may be frowned upon over some players, but you're doing the right thing and we want you to know that.

Helping #1, Becoming a Helpful Member -

Example: 1
idkWhoIIs435: 3k3to4gogkrek34kotg4k
HelpfulMember: Please do not flood the chat.

I see this all the time. When a player seems to want to help the community, and tries to tell people right from wrong, he always gets yelled at, or mistreated because he doesn't have a red name, and sometimes I even see this encourage people to stop helping out. But let me tell you, there will be people like this, and if you really want moderator, you should keep helping, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because you're helping out the community greatly by doing this.

Example: 2
idkWhoIIs435: i hate u man u r probably ugly
HelpfulMember: Please be respectful.

Every day I see players being mean to other players, and it generally saddens me because this community would be such a better place if everyone was nice to each other. We always love when we see someone helping out and trying to make this community a better place.

Example: 3
idkWhoIIs435: bah
idkWhoIIs435: bah
idkWhoIIs435: bah
idkWhoIIs435: bah
koolkid409: bah
HelpfulMember: Everyone stop typing 'bah', it is considered spam and needs to stop.
idkWhoIIs435: bah

Usually the community has too much fun with the chat, too much to it gets to the point in where they're breaking the rules. Usually if you're not a mod and you try to make a campaign to stop, they usually will keep on going until a mod actually does punish them. But no matter what, always help out when you see things like this.

Helping #2, Attending Events -

It is always encouraged to attend MCGamer Events, that is if this includes Open Mic Nights, Q & A's, or anything along those lines that involves the teamspeak. If you attend a lot of events and get noticed by staff members, your chances of getting moderator increases greatly. That's why one of the questions on the application is 'Have you attended any MCGamer Events?'.

Tips #1, Having a good application -

Your application describes you, and makes the Sr.Staff know who you are, and gives the staff a base of what you're like. If you have a small application, then this shows that you don't really care about the position, as you didn't take your time in applying, but if you have a huge application, this shows that you're ready to take a step forward and become a moderator. Now remember, you're application will almost always get declined if you didn't do what I have been saying above, those are some of the most important things to Sr.Staff. I'd say make sure your application is at least 1000 words, anything shorter, in my opinion I'd consider short.

Well I hope you all found this thread helpful to you, and I hope you all use it wisely to become a Mod one day, I hope you all have a great day, goodbye.

(Credits To: Luflexed)
(Help From: Vigilo)

Thread may be subject to editing.


May 21, 2015
Reaction score
I did all those things, good guide.

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