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MCSG vs Hive Unofficial Clan wars?

Would you like to have unofficial clan wars against Hive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 64.2%
  • No

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • This has to be tweaked

    Votes: 6 11.3%

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May 10, 2013
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Lets just all say that MCSG would crush the Hive and get this over with. k?


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
you have proved yourselves on au but not on any other region. so to me, your skill ranges from randy to god
from sexy man to cardinal to pope to god. quack is da god, darkrai is the pope, CallOfDutyNumber65 is the cardinal, kytra is the sexy man.


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
you have proved yourselves on au but not on any other region. so to me, your skill ranges from randy to god
I don't think we can prove ourselves fairly to other regions (connection wise) so I doubt I'm going to go asking for clan battle, I do remember asking to scrim forgotten for the lols on US servers, soul said he'd get back to me.. xD

I do, however feel in individual talent our players would outclass the majority of other clans in other regions I can't really judge any other clans on anything if I haven't seen them, (99% of US clans) and individual skill makes up a fair amount, although not all of clan wars. I'd love for Phoenix to be in the US clan scene, as it's way more active and I probably wouldn't have to have a VPN up in every clan battle, or make last second server joins so people can't follow us.
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Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Here is my view: It just won't work.

Mcsg players would have routes on mcsg, hive players will have routes on hive. The score would probably always be even. Furthermore, all of the greats from both servers are fine tuned to that server. The no cheat I am pretty sure is different, so it would be weird to play on the other server.

The only way I can see this working is on a private server with a seperate map that the players would have to study in advance.

Lastly, I think a more accurate judge of a server's SG is where the middle class lies, not where the greats are. Personally, I feel that mcsg has the better middle class.

Soz for the bad formatting and what not, I'm on my phone.
I agree with MOST of that but the middle class part no. Our middle class is tiny. We have had nearly 7 million players ever logged into the servers, 6 million of which have less than 2 wins. less than 5k have over 200. Here, about 9% of players hack, and 90% are terrible. We barely even have a middle class. Here, you're great or you suck. Hive doesn't have this. Overall there are very few awful people and even less good players. Our best is bombashious; their's is toxicwasteII. Not bashing toxic or anything he's good but he can't touch bom. On hive, about 5 people have over 1500 wins I'm pretty sure. Here, over 50 have more than 1500. And these good players happen to have alts too. But aside from wins, you must keep in mind that clan's are the best of the best. The middle class doesn't determine clan's. Put forgotten against hivechrome you know what'll happen. But along your other points, playing on a privately hosted normal server would benefit us. Almost no servers use the type of NCP hive does; any private server is much more similar to mcsg. Final point, most hive players are EU. Most mcsg players are US. Especially clan's. One side will complain no matter what host is used and where it's located. I gotta say that aside from the host part, mcsg would win.
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
I'm talking about Phoenix being #1 in the AU scene, you may want to read. :p
Well idk much about AU, but they seem decent.
I agree with MOST of that but the middle class part no. Our middle class is tiny. We have had nearly 7 million players ever logged into the servers, 6 million of which have less than 2 wins. less than 5k have over 200. Here, about 9% of players hack, and 90% are terrible. We barely even have a middle class. Here, you're great or you suck. Hive doesn't have this. Overall there are very few awful people and even less good players. Our best is bombashious; their's is toxicwasteII. Not bashing toxic or anything he's good but he can't touch bom. On hive, about 5 people have over 1500 wins I'm pretty sure. Here, over 50 have more than 1500. And these good players happen to have alts too. But aside from wins, you must keep in mind that clan's are the best of the best. The middle class doesn't determine clan's. Put forgotten against hivechrome you know what'll happen. But along your other points, playing on a privately hosted normal server would benefit us. Almost no servers use the type of NCP hive does; any private server is much more similar to mcsg. Final point, most hive players are EU. Most mcsg players are US. Especially clan's. One side will complain no matter what host is used and where it's located. I gotta say that aside from the host part, mcsg would win.
Hive Forgotten isn't that good/open any more xD.
For the private hosting, someone must provide the money for 1-2 months of hosting. On the private server (if we would have one), NCP would not be added. I trust the players to not cheat and so that it would be more convenient pvp. About the connection. Like I said above, the two clans, based on preferences, would always play on US Hive and MCSG, or EU Hive and MCSG. About AU, if you guys think you can play tolerating your bad connection, have at it. If you don't think your connection is good enough and you drop out, you're missing out on something, but I don't blame you for bad ping.
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