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The Prevail II [US Clan]

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Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
How long have you been in the clan? - 2 days (since its 1am for me now) and i joined yesterday
What would you do to help the clan? -Id make sure no disrespectful slurs or fighting is being thrown at players in the ts or forums.
Why do you want officer? - I am a good leader and you love me
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? Im always available and i can watch over the clan if needed to or asked to.
Denied, Reason -Lacks detail, you may reapply if you wish


Apr 15, 2014
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - wabzter
How long have you been in the clan? - I have been in the clan for about 30+ hours.
What would you do to help the clan? - I would help the clan by playing with the members everyday and leading scrims nicely and hopefully get better with the clan
Why do you want officer? - I want officer because I think I would fit great and it would help me in becoming more of a better member/participant of the clan. Also being officer will help me and maybe the clan get better at PVP!
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? -I would help lead scrims along side the other officers and i would try and solve problems that are going throughout the clan and make sure people obey the rules when supposed to. Also finally I would try and help the members in the clan get better while improving myself.


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - wabzter
How long have you been in the clan? - I have been in the clan for about 30+ hours.
What would you do to help the clan? - I would help the clan by playing with the members everyday and leading scrims nicely and hopefully get better with the clan
Why do you want officer? - I want officer because I think I would fit great and it would help me in becoming more of a better member/participant of the clan. Also being officer will help me and maybe the clan get better at PVP!
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? -I would help lead scrims along side the other officers and i would try and solve problems that are going throughout the clan and make sure people obey the rules when supposed to. Also finally I would try and help the members in the clan get better while improving myself.
You are pending


May 28, 2014
Reaction score
Name (Real name) - Kyle
IGN (In game name) - kyle_rimmer
Skype and ts - Skype: kyle_rimmer Ts: (my own ts)
Wins out of games played (250+) - 280/1000
Maturity level from (1-10) - 10
Pvp strengths - Fishing rod.
Pvp weaknesses - Bow
Past clans - Radient, TheHaunted
Do you love Hashtag? (MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION) - Well of course i talk to him all teh time on de skype


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Name (Real name) - Kyle
IGN (In game name) - kyle_rimmer
Skype and ts - Skype: kyle_rimmer Ts: (my own ts)
Wins out of games played (250+) - 280/1000
Maturity level from (1-10) - 10
Pvp strengths - Fishing rod.
Pvp weaknesses - Bow
Past clans - Radient, TheHaunted
Do you love Hashtag? (MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION) - Well of course i talk to him all teh time on de skype
Accepted as member <3


Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
How long have you been in the clan? - Ive been in the clan for about 2 days.
What would you do to help the clan? -I would take over if necessary and would do everything in my power to keep this clan a friendly and clean clan, Such as no hackers in our clan, no flamers, no ragers, NO BABIES AT ALL, and i respect both all of the mcsg rules and clan rules. I would never abuse my officer rank and do not plan to in the future if i get accepted.
Why do you want officer? - I know for a fact i will benefit this clan with my kindness and respectful attitude. I always do what i am told to do by the owner of this clan. I can help arrange scrims and clan battles also participating in them and doing my best as a mcsg player when i do attend the clan battles. I will also help make the roster at the start of the battle/scrim. I dont pick favorites in the clan, if you get caught breaking either the mcsg rules or the clan rules i will have no choice to punish the player/ member or tell someone of a higher rank.
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? I would improve my patience and make sure noone in the clan is being singled out by anyone, if i see this going on in the clan ts i will take action ASAP. No one in this clan will be treated differently then any other member.
I, Dan McNulty, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the Prevail Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in a demotion, permanent ban from the clan, or removal from the teamspeak.

Thank you for reading and taking this into consideration.


Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
IGN - CandyPixels
How long have you been in the clan? - I have been in the clan for 2 days, and i always will be in the clan, i love it.
What would you do to help the clan? - I would help the clan by: If there are any hacks I will deal with him/her by taking him into a separate lobby on teamspeak to talk with him and then kick him from the clan with your permission. If there is flame i will talk to them also about if you do it 1 more time you can kicked from the clan, or if its from the other clan i will contact the leader so i can talk to him: if the leader cant stop the flame i can get a moderator to come in her and deal with this. Lest but no least, if the other clan is ddossing I can tell them to stop or i will report them on the forums and i can tell there leader first.
Why do you want officer? - I want officer because i can help members get better with teamwork PvP and even help them to get officer or a bigger rank some day. I also want officer because i can make the rosters if any help needed, i could also find scrims/battles if anyone wanted to do it. I could help the trial people to 1v1 me to help them get member. I would also help if anyone would need help. I am a very good scrim leader so i would be perfect for a officer :D.
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - I could help the other members to look up to me so maybe some day he/she can be a officer or another rank. I could help win Scrims/Battles by Fightging along with the other people side by side, i could teach some of the people more teamwork even tho I'm 12. I am very active so if anyone needs help along the road I'll always be there. Thank You, Much Love <3



Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
Name (Real name) - Jake
IGN (In game name) - iAgility
Skype and ts - yes
Wins out of games played (250+) - 500+ with alts
Maturity level from (1-10) - 9
Pvp strengths - I'll pm u
Pvp weaknesses - ill pm u
Past clans - Prevail v1, adversity, elemental
Do you love Hashtag? (MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION) - naw, hashtag love me, but I love CreeperGoesPro
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