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The Prevail II [US Clan]

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Mar 13, 2013
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - JPWDiamond
How long have you been in the clan? - Since the start of The Prevail, April 29 2014 I think :)
What would you do to help the clan? - I would do many things as officer to help out the clan if I get this rank. First off I would help to end all the flame and arguments that have been recently happening in our clan chat and I would help to prevent more from happening. I also would consider myself a great leader in times of need such as bringing up the clan spirit in time of need like if we just lost a big battle I could help people not get down on themselves. Lastly I am a very experienced player to The Prevail since I know almost all of the routes that we run and I can help guide all of our new members on those routes to let them know the map as well as me!
Why do you want officer? - The main reason that I want to be an officer is because I love The Prevail! I love everyone who is in this clan and I know that it can make it very far with the leadership and player that are in the clan atm. Lastly I think it would be a great experience for me and I would be able to help the clan and it's members a lot!
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - Like I said earlier I would help this clan by reducing the flame/anger inside of the clan, encourage and help people participate in more clan events and also teach all of the new members all of our call outs and routes so they would be able to get much more playing time in clan battles!

Thank you for the consideration and even if I don't get accepted as an officer I will still stay in the clan and love it as much as I did before I applied for officer :) <3


Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - HohoHD/Arian
How long have you been in the clan? - Well, it's funny because there has been almost like 5 verison of Prevail's, #Cryptonic #Prevail, #Ambitious #Prevail II, so if i would combined the amount of time i was in all of those clans, i would say 3 months.

What would you do to help the clan? -I would help this clan by setting up scrimmages with other officers and helping people dedicate and stay for this clan for a long time. Also helping people increase their pvp skills. And stop any flame in clan battles so our clan can be clean.

Why do you want officer? - The reason why I would want officer is because I use to be officer in last Prevail's and it was a success, The last Prevail was pretty long and we did alot of scrimmages. And also another thing i want to do when i am officer is to help some of the players that are having a hard tme with their pvp skills and make them become a better pvp'er

What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - I would help make scrimmages so the players wouldn't get bored, since there are TONS of people compared from the regular Prevail..
And also stop the disrespectful flame and that might happen in the future. I think this clan would be a great success!

Thanks for reading my application!


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Name (Real name) -Chris
IGN (In game name) -RFSphere
Skype and ts -You have me.
Wins out of games played (250+) - 290-1286-MCSG 254-1393-Hive.
Maturity level from (1-10) -7
Pvp strengths -Rod, bow, f&s,Strafes,sword.
Pvp weaknesses -Hackers.
Past clans -Prevail.
Do you love Hashtag? (MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION) - Yes, but no HOMO.


Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
IGN - CandyPixels
How long have you been in the clan? - I have been in the clan for 2 days, and i always will be in the clan, i love it.
What would you do to help the clan? - I would help the clan by: If there are any hacks I will deal with him/her by taking him into a separate lobby on teamspeak to talk with him and then kick him from the clan with your permission. If there is flame i will talk to them also about if you do it 1 more time you can kicked from the clan, or if its from the other clan i will contact the leader so i can talk to him: if the leader cant stop the flame i can get a moderator to come in her and deal with this. Lest but no least, if the other clan is ddossing I can tell them to stop or i will report them on the forums and i can tell there leader first.
Why do you want officer? - I want officer because i can help members get better with teamwork PvP and even help them to get officer or a bigger rank some day. I also want officer because i can make the rosters if any help needed, i could also find scrims/battles if anyone wanted to do it. I could help the trial people to 1v1 me to help them get member. I would also help if anyone would need help. I am a very good scrim leader so i would be perfect for a officer :D.
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - I could help the other members to look up to me so maybe some day he/she can be a officer or another rank. I could help win Scrims/Battles by Fightging along with the other people side by side, i could teach some of the people more teamwork even tho I'm 12. I am very active so if anyone needs help along the road I'll always be there. Thank You, Much Love <3

LOVE YOU! <333


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Name (Real name) -Chris
IGN (In game name) -RFSphere
Skype and ts -You have me.
Wins out of games played (250+) - 290-1286-MCSG 254-1393-Hive.
Maturity level from (1-10) -7
Pvp strengths -Rod, bow, f&s,Strafes,sword.
Pvp weaknesses -Hackers.
Past clans -Prevail.
Do you love Hashtag? (MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION) - Yes, but no HOMO.
Accepted as member <3


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - iAgility
How long have you been in the clan? - I have just applied but I was apart of The Prevail. I was experienced as an officer in that clan along side with ipodahmad, TheSlimeGodHD and others. I was the fourth member to join your clan and stayed until the end. I am back and ready to make the clan improve.
What would you do to help the clan? - First I would like to state that I have lead several clans and have gained experience by joining other clans and learning from others. There are a few ways I can help improve this clan. First of all like a said before, I have experience with teamwork, setting up scrims ands battles, and leading clans. I have experienced different types of teamwork from different clans with different leaders. I have gained the ability to lead clans to victory through skill, teamwork, listening, while having fun. I realize some people take clans very seriously but the point of creating mcsg clans was to have fun and with a little sprinkle of competitiveness. I have seen the true meaning of clans, it to have a good time while meeting new people and teaching each other new tactics and pvp tricks. Although I have only been within clans for a few months, I understand how to treat and lead clans.
Why do you want officer? - I would like to obtain the rank officer because I feel as if I can take this clan to new heights with CreeperGoesPro and HashtagForTheWin . I can lead, teach skill, and help under the stress of leaders. I want it so I can get the clan to new levels of SwiggitySwaggity.
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - What I have said before, I can take the clan to new skill levels, teach teamwork, takeover if needed, and have fun with everyone. I have experience in clans such as Purge, Rivals, and my own clans. I am willing to stay loyal to one of my first clans ever for a while. Hopefully you can take this into consideration due to the fact that I am on my phone in the car.

Side note: if I am accepted I will be on break for 3.5 weeks :D
You have been declined. Assuming you are in another clan, and you also have not been in this clan yet.


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - JPWDiamond
How long have you been in the clan? - Since the start of The Prevail, April 29 2014 I think :)
What would you do to help the clan? - I would do many things as officer to help out the clan if I get this rank. First off I would help to end all the flame and arguments that have been recently happening in our clan chat and I would help to prevent more from happening. I also would consider myself a great leader in times of need such as bringing up the clan spirit in time of need like if we just lost a big battle I could help people not get down on themselves. Lastly I am a very experienced player to The Prevail since I know almost all of the routes that we run and I can help guide all of our new members on those routes to let them know the map as well as me!
Why do you want officer? - The main reason that I want to be an officer is because I love The Prevail! I love everyone who is in this clan and I know that it can make it very far with the leadership and player that are in the clan atm. Lastly I think it would be a great experience for me and I would be able to help the clan and it's members a lot!
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - Like I said earlier I would help this clan by reducing the flame/anger inside of the clan, encourage and help people participate in more clan events and also teach all of the new members all of our call outs and routes so they would be able to get much more playing time in clan battles!

Thank you for the consideration and even if I don't get accepted as an officer I will still stay in the clan and love it as much as I did before I applied for officer :) <3
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - HohoHD/Arian
How long have you been in the clan? - Well, it's funny because there has been almost like 5 verison of Prevail's, #Cryptonic #Prevail, #Ambitious #Prevail II, so if i would combined the amount of time i was in all of those clans, i would say 3 months.

What would you do to help the clan? -I would help this clan by setting up scrimmages with other officers and helping people dedicate and stay for this clan for a long time. Also helping people increase their pvp skills. And stop any flame in clan battles so our clan can be clean.

Why do you want officer? - The reason why I would want officer is because I use to be officer in last Prevail's and it was a success, The last Prevail was pretty long and we did alot of scrimmages. And also another thing i want to do when i am officer is to help some of the players that are having a hard tme with their pvp skills and make them become a better pvp'er

What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - I would help make scrimmages so the players wouldn't get bored, since there are TONS of people compared from the regular Prevail..
And also stop the disrespectful flame and that might happen in the future. I think this clan would be a great success!

Thanks for reading my application!
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - HohoHD/Arian
How long have you been in the clan? - Well, it's funny because there has been almost like 5 verison of Prevail's, #Cryptonic #Prevail, #Ambitious #Prevail II, so if i would combined the amount of time i was in all of those clans, i would say 3 months.

What would you do to help the clan? -I would help this clan by setting up scrimmages with other officers and helping people dedicate and stay for this clan for a long time. Also helping people increase their pvp skills. And stop any flame in clan battles so our clan can be clean.

Why do you want officer? - The reason why I would want officer is because I use to be officer in last Prevail's and it was a success, The last Prevail was pretty long and we did alot of scrimmages. And also another thing i want to do when i am officer is to help some of the players that are having a hard tme with their pvp skills and make them become a better pvp'er

What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - I would help make scrimmages so the players wouldn't get bored, since there are TONS of people compared from the regular Prevail..
And also stop the disrespectful flame and that might happen in the future. I think this clan would be a great success!

Thanks for reading my application!
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - JPWDiamond
How long have you been in the clan? - Since the start of The Prevail, April 29 2014 I think :)
What would you do to help the clan? - I would do many things as officer to help out the clan if I get this rank. First off I would help to end all the flame and arguments that have been recently happening in our clan chat and I would help to prevent more from happening. I also would consider myself a great leader in times of need such as bringing up the clan spirit in time of need like if we just lost a big battle I could help people not get down on themselves. Lastly I am a very experienced player to The Prevail since I know almost all of the routes that we run and I can help guide all of our new members on those routes to let them know the map as well as me!
Why do you want officer? - The main reason that I want to be an officer is because I love The Prevail! I love everyone who is in this clan and I know that it can make it very far with the leadership and player that are in the clan atm. Lastly I think it would be a great experience for me and I would be able to help the clan and it's members a lot!
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - Like I said earlier I would help this clan by reducing the flame/anger inside of the clan, encourage and help people participate in more clan events and also teach all of the new members all of our call outs and routes so they would be able to get much more playing time in clan battles!

Thank you for the consideration and even if I don't get accepted as an officer I will still stay in the clan and love it as much as I did before I applied for officer :) <3


Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - Skullnight10
How long have you been in the clan? - 2 days
What would you do to help the clan? - Scrimm's an stuff
Why do you want officer? - I'm awesome
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - Gettting scrimms


Dec 4, 2013
Reaction score
Name (Real name) - Zachary Burgbacher
IGN (In game name) - zburgbacher
Skype and ts - just skype
Wins out of games played (250+) - 430/5011
Maturity level from (1-10) - 8
Pvp strengths - Fns, Bow, bow spam, rod, teams of 2
Pvp weaknesses - teams of 3+ and hackers
Past clans - #Berserk #Reverse, #Killems
Do you love Hashtag? (MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION) - Yes I ILY HIM <3


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
-=Officer Application=-
IGN - JPWDiamond
How long have you been in the clan? - Since the start of The Prevail, April 29 2014 I think :)
What would you do to help the clan? - I would do many things as officer to help out the clan if I get this rank. First off I would help to end all the flame and arguments that have been recently happening in our clan chat and I would help to prevent more from happening. I also would consider myself a great leader in times of need such as bringing up the clan spirit in time of need like if we just lost a big battle I could help people not get down on themselves. Lastly I am a very experienced player to The Prevail since I know almost all of the routes that we run and I can help guide all of our new members on those routes to let them know the map as well as me!
Why do you want officer? - The main reason that I want to be an officer is because I love The Prevail! I love everyone who is in this clan and I know that it can make it very far with the leadership and player that are in the clan atm. Lastly I think it would be a great experience for me and I would be able to help the clan and it's members a lot!
What would you do to help this clan by getting officer? - Like I said earlier I would help this clan by reducing the flame/anger inside of the clan, encourage and help people participate in more clan events and also teach all of the new members all of our call outs and routes so they would be able to get much more playing time in clan battles!

Thank you for the consideration and even if I don't get accepted as an officer I will still stay in the clan and love it as much as I did before I applied for officer :) <3
He is a goood leader.
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