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My Resignation: Lemonz87


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
A year and two days ago on July 12th, 2013, I earned my red name for the first time.​

Nearly 1000 kicks later...
Nearly 500 bans later...
Hundreds of mutes later...
Over 100 hacker videos recorded and uploaded
And over 100 times hitting Ctrl+V to get this posting “Thank you for reporting, the user has been dealt with to the extent of the MCSG rules. Have a nice day :)

I never thought that I would be writing this thread again. But here it is... V2.

I won’t be returning to the staff team this time. I know what resignation means and this is the end.

My Resignation:

And so it begins…

I was a young hopeful awaiting the day that I could help out the community that I loved so much by way of having a staff position.

I remember the day so specifically. Dave moved me back from the waiting room to the interview room and Tal_Pal assigned me my moderator rank. EdtheG spammed me congratulations pokes as KellieBreanne tried to explain to me the first steps of being a moderator.

Training didn’t exist back in the day, so I was put into a channel with CAm who had the all too terrifying task of teaching me how to be a moderator. Thankfully, as he has more than proved with his well deserved new Admin rank, he is a great teacher and happily put up with all my stupid questions that he continued to receive over the next few days.

And there I was, the brand new moderator on the servers. Practically invisible before my red name to the common player, I was beginning to become a little known. Even if to most people I was simply “that mod who banned them.”

For the longest time I made it my business to go about hitting every report abuse that I could, to be well known on teamspeak so that people would feel comfortable talking to me, and to make myself known and available to any new moderator that had questions. Each day I would rush to my computer to be able to hop onto MCSG and get some wins, hang out with some friends, clean up the servers, and fill out some ban forms. Those days were fabulous; but the reality is… thing change.

Sometimes things change for the better: for instance my PvP skill grew immensely. I know I am not nearly as good as the great PvPers of the day, but I was very proud of my 1000 wins and nearly ¼ ratio. I can win sometimes! :) Achievement Get: Don’t Suck at PvP

I also got very well acquainted in how to work in intense and stressful situations. My people skills amplified as I met knew problems and learned to face them until things were once again calm. I learned how to take responsibility for my actions and how to take anger and rage to channel it into something good and productive.

But sometimes; things change for the worse.

Why am I resigning?

Reason 1:

Remember how I used to be not well known? Well that certainly changed… Special thanks to Huahwi on this one.

I have known Garry (Sorry, It’s strange calling him Huahwi) since he had nearly no subscribers, I’m talking about one hundred or less subs. We became very good friends and for a while I was his only close online friend. We would stay up incredibly late at night playing TNT Tag and laugh, talking for countless unforgettable hours. That’s when things began to change. Garry’s channel exploded, and suddenly I became known to everyone as “that girl who kisses up to Huahwi for fame.” Garry didn’t have the time to talk so much anymore. We messaged eachother on Skype every day but soon the only time I would see him on TS would be to record. Never once have I asked him to record with me :/ he always came to me about it; which is another misconception people have about why I was friends with Garry.

And I say was… as in past tense because I don’t know where he went. He left me just like he left everyone else; I haven’t heard a thing from him and I don’t expect to.

But… Before he left, he managed to make me that girl who the fanboys came to asking where he went. I became the person that some people blamed for his disappearance. But mostly, harassment that I received just became this enormous storm that constantly got at me everyday.

“What are you going to do now that you can’t suck up to Huahwi for fame?”

“How does it feel to have your so-called friend leave you, he never liked you anyways.”

...and just so many more.​

And the most beautiful thing about this is, Garry isn’t here to help me diffuse any of the hatred. By his leaving and not saying anything people see it as him supporting what they are saying. So here I am… I can’t log onto MCSG without vile and hurtful messages flooding my screen. I take appropriate actions against all those who harass me in game but that doesn’t change the way people I meet on other teamspeaks or even other servers talk to me.

Which led to the reason why I decided to switch my moderator account away from Lemonz87. Because I was tired of dealing with the harassment; it was depressing and horrific.

So MCSG was no longer a fun place to be anymore for myself, it was full of harrasement and brought me down instead of lifting me up like it used to.

Reason 2:

School is beginning soon. Now I know this is the typical reason that a lot of moderators hand in their red name and it is now one of my reasons as well. Next year I will be a high school junior taking three AP classes and the rest honor level. My schedule will be packed especially with pre-season varsity level tennis taking up my entire afternoon and homework filling up my nights.

Reason 3:

I don’t have the enthusiasm that I used to. I’ve hit on this point a few times before blatantly stating it here; but my time has come. I am not 100% on the ball ready to make the bans and take action against rule breakers anymore. I am tired out and I just want to be able to enjoy the game instead of being a staff member.

Before I sign out there is one final thing I would really love to address: This is not a “rage-resign” due to not receiving trial Sr. Mod. Infact, I am on a leave of absence as I am undergoing some serious surgery tomorrow and I just returned home from a long vacation. I haven’t been able to attend any of the last three moderator meetings due to work or a personal problem and I wasn’t expecting anything of the sort. There are others much more highly qualified who I am sure will do a better job than I ever could.

KitMencha & Krypton & Frazzli185

Congratulations and good luck to all of you! I am sure you will all be amazing Sr Mods.

As I make my last post as a Staff Member here on the forums: I would like to show you my checklist:

Staff Goals:

[/] Become Moderator
[ ] Become Sr Moderator
[/] 100 Staff actions
[/] 500 Staff actions
[/] 1000 Staff actions
[/] Upload 10 hacker videos
[/] Upload 50 hacker videos
[/] Upload 100 hacker videos
[/] Complete 100 Report Abuses
[/] 6 Months
[/] One Year

I have complete faith in the rest of the staff team to take the servers as far as they may go. Although many people believe that moderators are lacking in certain departments and that Sr Staff is biased and corrupt; as someone who has been on the inside and knows how it is; I hope you can trust when I say that this is simply not the case. I know every single senior staff member and I can honestly say that at heart, they are all amazing people.

We all make mistakes; I know that I have certainly made a few. All I hope is that the good things I have done have outweighed the mistakes throughout my time as a staff member.

I have done all I can.

Peace out-

Haley (Lemonz87) (Bequtiful)

Special Mentions/Thank You:

Since this is a resignation- I will only be mentioning/thanking Staff Members and a few of my closest friends.


ChadTheDJ - I know that I have made some serious mistakes throughout my time as a staff member and I would truly like to apologize for any issues that I caused. I certainly know there were feelings hurt due to direct result of my actions and for that I am deeply sorry. Your server has changed my life and I can not be more grateful for the amazing experiences that I have had here. Thank you so much.


CAm - We have certainly had our ups and downs but no need to get all personal here. I am incredibly happy to see you with your well deserved Admin rank. I know that you worked your butt off for these servers and nobody else deserved the new admin position more than you. Thank you so much for everything, cya around.

Dave - Hey Dave. We have certainly had some misunderstandings as well, I hope that everything is cleared up now- I certainly feel like it is. I am planning to stay on your build team although I am leaving staff here, just know that I am always willing to help. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to help the amazing builders on your team and to give me a chance when no one else would.

Col_StaR - You do your job like no-body else I have ever seen. You handle situations perfectly and are simply one of the best mediators I have ever laid my eyes on. Thank you, simply for being amazing and flawless at what you do.

Le0 - You are incredibly kind- more so than nearly anyone else I have ever met. No matter who a person is you give them a warming welcome and guide them to whatever it is they have come to you for help with. You are kind and caring to all and are just an overall amazing person. Thank you.

-=Sr Mods=-

_AquaTechMC_ - Michael… *cough* Mman1234fcn83i *cough* I barely even know where to begin with you. The days of the Lemonade stand I shall simply never forget. The endless hours of laughing and beautiful moments were countless. I still use the words from your dictionary when I’m feeling my sassy mood coming on! I love you to death; you have been incredible and simply the best type of friend I could ask for. You are caring, considerate, and have never turned me down when I have come to you in need. We have listened and helped each other through tough times and I am sure that this will not come to an end anytime soon! ILYBAE Thank you!

ChandelleMC - *cough* fantastictardis *cough* The nicest person that I know. Period. Chandelle you are amazingly kind. Those Lemonade Stand Days though… XD!!! I know that I can trust you with anything and that you will take any issue thrown at you and treat it like it is your own. Your advice and consoling … or should I say… Chansoling is unlike anything else. ILYBAE Thank you!

LadyOfLove - Thank you for taking me under your wing and letting me help with your beautiful new map! Let me know if you ever need help building anything in the future :) <3

KellieBreanne - Thank you for teaching me how to be tough… We have had our own misunderstandings and I apologize for anything hurtful that I have ever said to you.

(in no specific order)

Celine | Sphaera
Tal_Pal - Plez.

-=Ex-Staff & VIP/”Friend”=-

SixZoSeven <3

-=My Baes=-

@ Philly67


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
Bye I am sad to see you do. I hope you are happy with your decision and you have a happy life.


Staffing Team Representative
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Haley you were one of the very first moderators that I became friends with in this community and you have brought me and levi along with ying alot of happiness in the time that you were staff here and I'm sure that will not change :*)!!! I would like to thank you for supporting me through the times that I applied for staff and the cheering and congrats from when I actually got it. I will always remember the Lemonade stand and the overall fun! We are soul sistas forever ILY GIRK!!!!


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
You're the first mod I ever saw, way back yonder when i was but a wee green bean...I haven't talked to you much recently but I hope to still see you around. We all understand what it can be like, the repetition that occurs at times. Regardless, you've set a good example for many newer mods, and players alike :) you will always be my fav citrus <3


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Man, now I wish I had taken the time to get to know you better :(. Good luck with whatever life brings you, and I totally understand your reasons for resigning.

I happen to know firsthand that Varsity Tennis can be stressful sometimes ;)

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