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I may be in a state of mini-crisis.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, the title was a bit misleading/over-exaggerating, but at least it caught your attention enough to bring you to this thread.
As you may be able to guess, I'm going to be facing a large issue. In this case, tomorrow. I need the help of you fellows, the MCSG Forums.
(I feel a little bit like MCGamerzism by creating this thread, LOL)

So, here's the situation:
I'm entering my Freshman year in High School (Grade 9) in a completely new place. I did not attend the local Middle School, and I haven't attended any public school in over a year, meaning I will know absolutely no one, have no idea what's going on, and to top it all off I've only seen the campus a few times when driving by.
I'm not a popular/social fellow, never was, and never will be, partially due to my shyness and the other part due to my lack of aesthetically pleasing features... (AKA, I'm ugly.) With that said, I'm fully expecting to be a loner right off of the bat. But not only that, I'm going to be stuck in all sorts of awkward situations, such as:
-Not knowing where to sit in class/lunch
-Not knowing who's a bully, jock, class clown, or otherwise. (Except for my assumptions based off of their appearance, which can be misleading.)
-Not knowing any of the teachers or students
-Being confused when trying to get to classes and navigate the school
And a whole lot more.
And to top it allll off, school has already been in session for one week. I'm starting a week late (I was out of state last week) and so I won't know aaanything about aaanyyything.
Oh, and I'm also going to be a year older than my classmates. GG-NO-RE.

HALP? ;_; Seriously, this is worrying me.
Tips and comforting advice would be great :3 I've always been an awkward weirdo in school, but this is taking it to the level of 9000+.
My younger sister went to grade 8 (same boat as me - hadn't been in school for a year) and the first day, she was completely lost and came home crying, according to my mom. Now, granted she looks like a 6th grader in an 8th grade world and also acts like one, but still...+ to top it all off, I live in a sort of not-very-friendly neighborhood.

Also, feel free to share your own stories about High School (or middle school) awkward situations! Maybe I can be comforted by hearing about the pain and struggles of other people...jk


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Confidence padawan, confidence. Just go into hs with your head held up high and yolo it. Just not a stupid kind of yolo that gets you in trouble on the first day... You'll have a great time, trust me.


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Try to talk to people. Introduce yourself and try to make discussion. I know you said that you're shy, but you'll never make friends if you don't talk to people. Also go to football games/pep rallies/other school events, it'll help you to get to meet people.
Join clubs/sports <-- Very good for meeting people. If you really don't want to then you could stay a loner, but it'd be kinda awkward at lunch and during group projects etc. Talk to the main office maybe they'll have a map?

-Not knowing where to sit in class/lunch
Try to talk to someone before lunch.

-Not knowing who's a bully, jock, class clown, or otherwise. (Except for my assumptions
based off of their appearance, which can be misleading.)
Go with your gut instinct or don't talk to people (which I don't recommend).

-Not knowing any of the teachers or students
Again talk to people and try to talk to your teachers and get to know them (sometimes they're actually nice people).

-Being confused when trying to get to classes and navigate the school
Ask the main office for a map or a guide.

And a whole lot more.
This isn't a question.

And to top it allll off, school has already been in session for one week. I'm starting a week late (I was out of state last week) and so I won't know aaanything about aaanyyything.
Oh, and I'm also going to be a year older than my classmates. GG-NO-RE.
I can't really help with this one. :c
Last edited:


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, the title was a bit misleading/over-exaggerating, but at least it caught your attention enough to bring you to this thread.
As you may be able to guess, I'm going to be facing a large issue. In this case, tomorrow. I need the help of you fellows, the MCSG Forums.
(I feel a little bit like MCGamerzism by creating this thread, LOL)

So, here's the situation:
I'm entering my Freshman year in High School (Grade 9) in a completely new place. I did not attend the local Middle School, and I haven't attended any public school in over a year, meaning I will know absolutely no one, have no idea what's going on, and to top it all off I've only seen the campus a few times when driving by.
I'm not a popular/social fellow, never was, and never will be, partially due to my shyness and the other part due to my lack of aesthetically pleasing features... (AKA, I'm ugly.) With that said, I'm fully expecting to be a loner right off of the bat. But not only that, I'm going to be stuck in all sorts of awkward situations, such as:
-Not knowing where to sit in class/lunch
-Not knowing who's a bully, jock, class clown, or otherwise. (Except for my assumptions based off of their appearance, which can be misleading.)
-Not knowing any of the teachers or students
-Being confused when trying to get to classes and navigate the school
And a whole lot more.
And to top it allll off, school has already been in session for one week. I'm starting a week late (I was out of state last week) and so I won't know aaanything about aaanyyything.
Oh, and I'm also going to be a year older than my classmates. GG-NO-RE.

HALP? ;_; Seriously, this is worrying me.
Tips and comforting advice would be great :3 I've always been an awkward weirdo in school, but this is taking it to the level of 9000+.
My younger sister went to grade 8 (same boat as me - hadn't been in school for a year) and the first day, she was completely lost and came home crying, according to my mom. Now, granted she looks like a 6th grader in an 8th grade world and also acts like one, but still...+ to top it all off, I live in a sort of not-very-friendly neighborhood.

Also, feel free to share your own stories about High School (or middle school) awkward situations! Maybe I can be comforted by hearing about the pain and struggles of other people...jk
Moo, we're in this together, I'm entering a school I've never been in either ;-; I'm scared too :(


Oct 29, 2013
Reaction score
Stay quiet, figure things out. Just try and approach people that you could see yourself being friends with through high school. Don't find the popular the people and try and sit with and make friends with them. Just look around and see the people who you think are fun and will accept you (Good luck on your first day :D )


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Try not to bring too much atention to yourself, that will atract all the douchbags. Just try and fit in, but also be yourself by finding the right group of people for you.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
your teachers are your friends. they are so much more helpful than you can imagine, and they completely understand your situation. i am in the same situation you're in, except i'm not as emotionally and socially damaged as you are. no one really cares about your looks at this point in your school life, and since no one knows you, it is only an opportunity to go up. by that, i mean since no one has any reason to dislike you since they have no idea who you are, they'll only like you ^^


Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
im in ur boat too. just I wasnt homeschooled and know most people in the high school. i belive in u doe mooooooo :3


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
i just started highschool too but i just make a lot of friends :D i've gotten over 40 new friends since i've came


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Confidence padawan, confidence. Just go into hs with your head held up high and yolo it. Just not a stupid kind of yolo that gets you in trouble on the first day... You'll have a great time, trust me.
Are you embodying suicide right now I swear.
Yolo it wtf? You mean like walk in there and act like you own the place? Killing yourself has better options that slow and painful you know.

Sorry mini rant
Anyway, I experienced this when I went into grade 8 switching schools and such, believe it or not, no I really don't care, I'm popular in school.
K so first off you need to decide if you want to be like top of the food chain popular, or just like ya know swing by without any problems. So you need to first find a social group, which can be many people you have something in common with, for me it was sports, like say video games, and try to branch off.
Honestly I systematicley took over my school social system, I am legitemately on talking standards with the north and south (figuratively), what I mean by that is you will notice 2 social groups who are like number 1 and 2. Could be like basketball vs hockey or some Good. If you don't want problems you should try and stay away from that, because they will cause you to over commit.
So start off with some sort of group of people that you find have something in common with you, get really close to them, eventually you will get known through them, even something like: "Yo that cow kid's a fgt" is good enough. Then you can start branching off making new friends.
I just realized I don't want to type anymore bc I'm bored going to bed kbye

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