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What do you consider a "quality" post?


Apr 26, 2014
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Well it's easy to get away with things when you slip an $5 bill under the paper...
Dangit why didn't I think of that when I had to write a Humanity and English essay last term?! Brb getting 5 bucks.
*next day at school*

Me: Hey, Miss. Um... Can I make you a deal? *slides 5 bucks under the essay paper*
Ok thanks Miss!

*the following day*

Headmaster through the intercom: Nat (yes that's my IRL name c: ) head to me headmaster's office at once!

Me: fffuuuu


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
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Like others have mentioned, I typically look for:

- Grammar
- Humor
- Paragraphing

Grammar is incredibly important for me in a post, because it can be hard to read posts that don't use punctuation, and end up with mile-long run-on sentences :p

Humor is also important simple because I love to be able to have a laugh while reading a post, instead of just reading something super serious.

Paragraphing is also important, especially if the post is long because it's super difficult to read the entire thing when it's just in one big blob XD
I think number two is where I fall in your books... I seem to get more and more serious as my posts get longer and longer. Could be something to work on in the future.


Aug 20, 2012
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I think number two is where I fall in your books... I seem to get more and more serious as my posts get longer and longer. Could be something to work on in the future.
Welp, everyone's got something c:


Apr 20, 2012
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Did you need something? >_>

With the creation of "The Best Forumers V2" thread and this one, I'm hoping that it'll urge more people to create more thoughtful, detailed posts. As it stands, there are a number of forumers who post "quality" content, but you never know - Perhaps this'll give someone new ideas for how to change their writing. The comments on this thread hopefully provide ideas and tips, and the other thread gives a way to compare to the "best" forumers according to the community.
I personally don't think that thread has really inspired people to finally type better posts. It seems like a lot of people think that "tryharding" the forums and posting a lot is going to get them anywhere on that list, which is just so incorrect in any standpoint. Besides, foruming shouldn't be a competition that everyone's entered in. It's supposed to be something cooperative; sharing ideas, giving ideas, opinions and constructive criticism. People shouldn't have to change themselves just to earn a spot on that "oh so prestigious" list.

Also, people shouldn't be let down when they see someone that generally is...well...better than them. In every aspect. Posts, likes, knowledge, use of grammar and conveying ideas. I know you probably have experienced this many times, people envious of you. People jealous about how much you've built your online equivalent, and how well it's doing. I'm not saying what you're doing is inspiring negativity, but...well...very frequently, I see people let down by how high the most prestigious forumers are. What we need to do is treat every forumer equally. No celebrities, but individual users that should all have an equal social status.

Wow, I just realized I drifted very far away from the topic and I started getting sort of philosophical. Sorry xP


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
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I personally don't think that thread has really inspired people to finally type better posts. It seems like a lot of people think that "tryharding" the forums and posting a lot is going to get them anywhere on that list, which is just so incorrect in any standpoint. Besides, foruming shouldn't be a competition that everyone's entered in. It's supposed to be something cooperative; sharing ideas, giving ideas, opinions and constructive criticism. People shouldn't have to change themselves just to earn a spot on that "oh so prestigious" list.

Also, people shouldn't be let down when they see someone that generally is...well...better than them. In every aspect. Posts, likes, knowledge, use of grammar and conveying ideas. I know you probably have experienced this many times, people envious of you. People jealous about how much you've built your online equivalent, and how well it's doing. I'm not saying what you're doing is inspiring negativity, but...well...very frequently, I see people let down by how high the most prestigious forumers are. What we need to do is treat every forumer equally. No celebrities, but individual users that should all have an equal social status.

Wow, I just realized I drifted very far away from the topic and I started getting sort of philosophical. Sorry xP
I never made the thread to make the forums a competition. Infact I made it to allow people to be acknowledged and for the users voted to understand that they do have an impact on the forums. If it is going to become a competition, I'll just request a lock, honestly.

As for me, what makes a detailed post is having humor whilst being quite serious aswell. I am going to use myself as an example- many of my posts arent long, but still make an impact, why? Because of the impact I made when first joining, the colours were so vibrant allowing me to be noticed. I also think I am drifitng off my reasons but eh. Another reason for me being, I guess, a semi-good forumer is me achieving 1,000 posts in 4 months. This made people aware that I was really serious about what I was doing, making me well know.

As for now, I am not really motivated to do anything, post, update my thread. My computer broke today so that got my self-motivation down, and quite frankly I should probably go.

Back onto topic- Having humor into your posts allows people to not only like your posts, but you leave a lasting impression on them too. For that reason I believe that having humor in your posts, but also being quite serious too, makes a quality post.
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District 13
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Back onto topic- Having humor into your posts allows people to not only like your posts, but you leave a lasting impression on them too. For that reason I believe that having humor in your posts, but also being quite serious too, makes a quality post.
I totally agree! The way I see it is, when you CAN be humorous, its good to be, it just depends of the situation, if it requires being serious then be, but if it doesnt, then humor is always nice to have! Ive gotten the impression some people think you have to bee extremely uptight to be a good forumer or, for that matter, and Im not taking about anyone specificly nowadays, to be a good staff member... as I've said, this is just an impression of mine, but I really noticed that some people in the past, the better a reputation they built, or the higher a staff rank they got, they became distant and overly serious (I repeat because people love to assume things, Im not bashing at the staff nor at any specific person, its more of a misconception that has caught my eye over my time here). Humor is much more important than people give it credit for, of course, that is depending what humor, it shouldnt go too far (I have a very dark sence of humor, which is very frowned upon unless you share it, which is why, I would never go around using many of the jokes I know around people who dont know me :p)


Mar 22, 2014
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A quality post can come in all different shapes and sizes, what it really boils down to is what the post is relating to. It could be a quick, witty, humorous response on a fun of light-hearted thread. It can be a well thought out block of text explaining in detail something related to the topic or stating an opinion.

Not all quality posts have to be long, they can still be short and thoughtful. It all depends however the thing that all good posts needs are good grammar (if the thread is serous), good aesthetics (to make it appealing to look at while reading by using proper spacings, etc), and it must relate to the topic.

Just a couple good examples of quality posters in my opinion would be Mooclan and duckluv321 who constantly seem to plan out what they're saying and execute everything in a professional manner c:
That was like the worst post ever, learn to forum

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