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My Story


Jan 6, 2013
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Well, I am here to tell you all, that I [TheOBO1] have been thinking for a long time about the question "wether to quit MCSG or not". All I can say is, I think, I finally found the conclusion. I am going to quit the MCSG community... If you know me (read it all babies<3).

My MCSG life began in the middle of August, 2012. I had just watched the Hunger Games movie and I loved it. I was so glad that I went to see the movie, even though I had read the Hunger Games trilogy. A friend of mine had told me about this MC server hosting Survival Games, and this is how I came here. I basically loved the game, I could not stop playing it, I was addicted. The PvP was amazing and way better than the two other PvP biased games I had played on MC (TIMV and faction servers).

After I had been playing for a while, I decided to join the forums. Here I found my first MCSG friend, his name was Unpredictable711. This guy, was amazing. We played the game 24/7 and had loadssss of fun. He also bought me my first donor(Iron donor), and I was so grateful. Sadly, Unpredictable711 started to love Tekkit so I lost him.. On the other side, I found out there was clans and teams on these forums sites, and I got into a clan called TheSlimeArm. The owners there was named TeIIo and iFroxFTW, even though I didn't stay for long, these two people became someone I have never forgot.

Also, I have got to talk about the old Swish times. I really, really enjoyed this time of my MCSG career, because this server is what made me pretty good at the game. Especially one guy taught me a lot. So thanks a lot _zeX99_ for helping me out with my PvP. Also it was really nice fighting you guys: Venkin gcb99 Elgoldo Kallbergz xExtract Canziano iDufferz @Isaacdumbledore and teovald. Thanks to you guys!

Furthermore, I was in many, many, many different clans. Through these clans I have met a lot of people. So thank you: MahxiXBL ExKing Celine | Sphaera Eskild|Quadrum_ iProGames MrGrubi iMaaatt jaaayx Builda_Br3tt joethepro15 bcfcAnt wjabice Austin_HG w0wmonkey and everyone else out there that I have been playing with, you all made my MCSG life very intense and special with CW`s, FFa`s and so on.

When we are talking about clans and teams, I have also been owner of #TeamXtraction and two times The Generals. I met a lot of cool people through the 6 months of leadership of these two clans. I will miss you all, but hopefully I will still be talking with you, even though I quit MCSG.

Now to the real deal. I have some words for the people I really enjoyed playing with and the people who really made me love MCSG;

Franbulious, I do not know if you are still around on the forums man, but you my man! You are the coolest and funniest guy from Croatia I have ever met. We had loads of fun together, and you were a really nice guy, and I will always love you<3

ianianmense, Ian, what can I say? You are my bby<3 From the very beginning in our nooby days, we played together, and you are one of a few people, I have had on my contact list on skype for more than 1 and half years. Ian, you are an amazing guy, and I wish you the best of luck in the future, I also hope you can get your crush one day and #fuckherrightinthepussy.

NoahSailer, you my friend, will tease me so much for writing this, but I dont care Noah. Because I really loved having you as a friend, you are a nice & funny guy, that I can joke as much as I want to with. I wish you the best of luck getting into the higher leagues on LoL, I know you can do it. (Pffttt, JK you suck).

Zinc, Idk where to start. You are one hell of a nice friend. You got an amazing personality, and I wish I one day will meet you when we are older, since both of us lives close to each other. I wish you all the best of luck in the world, and hope you will have a great life.

PiixL, JAMEEEESS!!!! You are my man, the most funny guy I have ever met, and I mean your voice(omfg so sexyy) I really, really hope you get to do whatever you want to do in your life. I loved to speak to you, and I hope we can still be skyping sometimes.

Ryska, Well.. You my swedish pig, you are one hell of a guy. We have had so much fun together, and we have played soooo many games together, that I do not know what to say to you.. You are an amazing guy Ryska, do not ever forget that! You are funny swede, and I love to talk to you. Even when you raged when I used to FnS spam you in our 1v1s so I could have a little chance of winning the game. I love you, and I hope you will live a long and peaceful life<3

Serzion, My kankerlove. You are the one, my best friend. I love you. You are amazing, fantastic, kankernigga, hurensohn and a funny guy. We will definitely still be talking, and have even more fun. All our moments together, on MCSG, LoL and Hive, I do not regret one single second from the time I spent online with you, so thank you Kalmah/James/Serzion that you accepted my cocky 1v3 challenge ingame at Sg4. :D
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2012
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Its 11 30, im drunk as jack sparrow and this stuff makes me cry ;-;
Thank you for the amazing times dude. Hope our paths cross again <3


Oct 15, 2012
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Bye the guy who got me in to clans and Swish <3
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Aug 5, 2012
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Sad to see you leave, really :/ You're a good guy. Lykke til ;)
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Jan 6, 2013
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Sad to see you leave, really :/ You're a good guy. Lykke til ;)
Haha, takk a "ZniZ97" <3 Kommer ikke til å glemme de gamle swish tidene våres med flat pvp land og glasskulene ;) Sorry for all flamen, vi har hatt den siste tiden :/


Aug 5, 2012
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Haha, takk a "ZniZ97" <3 Kommer ikke til å glemme de gamle swish tidene våres med flat pvp land og glasskulene ;) Sorry for all flamen, vi har hatt den siste tiden :/
haha, savner de Swish tidene :p
Ja, har vært en del "flame" i det siste :/ men vi får bare prøve å glemme det ;) Du er en god venn c:
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Apr 29, 2014
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I've never talked to you, but it's always sad to see someone leave the community. Good luck in the future, mate. <3 :(
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