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My opinion on the anti-cheat system that is falsely banning people


Aug 5, 2014
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1. You can't just remove a system that has been in place and even though it isn't perfect still works better than everything else we have.

2. You can't just freak out because a few legit players were banned, the staff are getting on it, it's been mentioned in many other posts.

3. You can't blame the moderators for being lazy, have you been in their position? They aren't just for banning hackers y'know, yeah there are moderators for a reason, they do many other things moderators do to keep MCGamer running, without them, we wouldn't even be discussing this right now.

4. You can't be 100% sure something works, the universe doesn't work that way, you have to continuously test it and improve on it, which is exactly what some Sr. Mods mentioned that they are doing.

From what I've seen, many people are looking at this situation as if it was the end of the world and everyone is turning on the members, which is not the case.

Also, I'm not just siding on the moderators just to get moderator position, but this thread, this thread is overreacting to situations that have already been addressed and worked on.


Jul 3, 2015
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1. You can't just remove a system that has been in place and even though it isn't perfect still works better than everything else we have.

2. You can't just freak out because a few legit players were banned, the staff are getting on it, it's been mentioned in many other posts.

3. You can't blame the moderators for being lazy, have you been in their position? They aren't just for banning hackers y'know, yeah there are moderators for a reason, they do many other things moderators do to keep MCGamer running, without them, we wouldn't even be discussing this right now.

4. You can't be 100% sure something works, the universe doesn't work that way, you have to continuously test it and improve on it, which is exactly what some Sr. Mods mentioned that they are doing.

From what I've seen, many people are looking at this situation as if it was the end of the world and everyone is turning on the members, which is not the case.

Also, I'm not just siding on the moderators just to get moderator position, but this thread, this thread is overreacting to situations that have already been addressed and worked on.
I agree, my dood.

all i hope is the anti cheat gets better and it's flaws are fixed.

and i get unbanned plz croe/vanicle!!


Feb 21, 2015
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For one, some people have been recording when they have been banned. It isn't as good as what mods say about it. Don't come on the thread acting like this is a good anti-cheat system when legit people are getting banned.
If people are really getting banned for the wrong reason and they do have proof then they can easily get it pardoned.
The anti cheat bans hackers before mods can ban hackers, You have no idea how many times we record hackers a day, and once we have rendered and uploaded we go to deal with them and they are already gone, but in that time before they could have won 2-3 games.
The new anti-cheat system has banned way more guilty people then it has innocent.
The fact is, If they really had proof and was recording at the time, then they would still be playing the fact is, we know what triggers the anti-cheat, and trust me it cannot be triggered by accident.
The anti-cheat system doesn't detect lag or sprint jumping. It is way more complex then people give it credit. The fact is, it is here and it is working.


Feb 21, 2015
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accurate?? why is there hackers still hmm? I was on a alt and seen a hacker. and the same hacker twice also. This person on the forums posted a vid of him getting banned randomly and he didn't hack. this isn't fair at all!!
The anti-cheat doesn't detect when someone is running to fast. It detects the whole hack client, and nothing is perfect it has been obvious from the start that people would try to get around it, It isn't that the anti-cheat isn't doing its job, It is that people are smart and will do anything to not follow the rules.


Jul 5, 2015
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If people are really getting banned for the wrong reason and they do have proof then they can easily get it pardoned.
The anti cheat bans hackers before mods can ban hackers, You have no idea how many times we record hackers a day, and once we have rendered and uploaded we go to deal with them and they are already gone, but in that time before they could have won 2-3 games.
The new anti-cheat system has banned way more guilty people then it has innocent.
The fact is, If they really had proof and was recording at the time, then they would still be playing the fact is, we know what triggers the anti-cheat, and trust me it cannot be triggered by accident.
The anti-cheat system doesn't detect lag or sprint jumping. It is way more complex then people give it credit. The fact is, it is here and it is working.
That's unfair, a few people get banned from the anti cheat, and they weren't hacking. Stop saying the anti cheat is 100% true it isn't. Everybody knows that. There are a few people who got banned unfairly, and doesn't deserve to be banned lmao, just because they have no evidence doesn't mean anything. Also, who are you? I've never heard of you even on the forums or even getting mod?


Feb 22, 2015
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If people are really getting banned for the wrong reason and they do have proof then they can easily get it pardoned.
The anti cheat bans hackers before mods can ban hackers, You have no idea how many times we record hackers a day, and once we have rendered and uploaded we go to deal with them and they are already gone, but in that time before they could have won 2-3 games.
The new anti-cheat system has banned way more guilty people then it has innocent.
The fact is, If they really had proof and was recording at the time, then they would still be playing the fact is, we know what triggers the anti-cheat, and trust me it cannot be triggered by accident.
The anti-cheat system doesn't detect lag or sprint jumping. It is way more complex then people give it credit. The fact is, it is here and it is working.
your still trying to say that people are hacking if they was banned by the anti-cheat? There are a few videos out there where people recorded it.


Feb 21, 2015
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The fact is, If there are videos of people getting banned wrongly, Feel free to send them to a mod for us to give to a dev or just report the bug yourselves.
The fact is for the mods to be banning every hacker, we need the communities help as well
and as I am sure you can see, a lot of the community would rather find the flaws in the community and have a huge debate about them, then help us fix them.


Jul 9, 2015
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So here recently a lot of my friends / players have been getting banned by this flawed anti-cheat system. The thing is, MCGamer has mods for a reason. This anti-cheat system is falsely banning a lot of good players, when the mods can just moderate the server. The /report system was made for a reason. Mods should just jump to the servers where players are being reported and do the job. This anti-cheat system is going to continue to ban people. Perm-bans by a flawed system seems a bit rough. If you decide to keep this at least put the bans to 3 days or something. Only thing that is happening right now is that hackers are still not getting banned, and most legit people are. Clearly this system isn't working so why not remove it.

Waiting for a couple mods to be banned by this flawed anti-cheat system. Then maybe the other staff will realize that this isn't needed. As I said before you have staff for a reason. Why release this when it isn't ready to be released? To me it feels like MCGamer staff is just getting lazy. Honestly remove it until you are 100% sure that it will only ban someone if they are hacking.

This is a opinion, this post was not made to cause flame, please don't delete this.
Feel free to move this to another section, not sure which one this would have fit under.

I totally agree with you! Today I got banned for jitterclicking and it detected an auto clicker

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