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Stopping Leaving Before Death

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Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Note: I realize that this has been suggested previously. However, since it is still quite an issue and I haven't heard anything about it being solved yet, I'm going to throw my two-cents in.

All of us have encountered these players. People so obsessed with points that they choose to log off before they die to avoid losing any points. It's cheap and, frankly, rather childish, preventing other players from gaining the points they deserve. My suggestion will not prevent them from leaving the games, but it will prevent them from 'benefiting' from this cheap behavior.

Suggestion: If a living tribute logs out of the game during a round, then the game will act as if they were killed by the last entity which struck them. In this case, this means that if Player 1 struck Player 2, then Player 2 logged out, the game would register that Player 2 was killed by Player 1 and utilize the point system accordingly. If Player 2 was last attacked by a mob before he/she logged out, then no points would be lost or rewarded.

1. Players no longer benefit for leaving before dying. If they leave while someone is attacking them, they lose points just as they would if they were actually killed.
2. Players gain points for what they actually deserve, and can no longer be cheated out of them by players too cowardly to face defeat.
3. Because it registers ANY entity, as well, players won't randomly lose points for leaving while being attacked by mobs.

1. There is, of course, a slight problem which might reward players who don't exactly deserve the points. For example, say Player 1 attacked Player 2 at the very beginning of the round; Player 2 then goes off and flees with nobody pursuing him. After a few minutes of wandering he decides to leave out of boredom - however because the last entity to strike him was Player 1, Player 1 would be rewarded points for killing him. A possible way to remedy this would be to have it based on a time-system: after 5 minutes if the player leaves it will act as if nothing ever struck him. This is because, for the most part, battles only last a few minutes - unless someone goes on a long-winded chase, it is unlikely a player will survive for longer than that.
2. Players could abuse this system, having their friends strike them first before leaving so that their friend gets the points instead of whoever else might be attacking them. This is unlikely, of course, and could still happen with the current system, but I thought I would mention it anyways.
Of course, the people who resort to this sort of behavior will complain about my suggestion, however I think it is rather fair to everyone and promotes playing fairly in the Survival Games.


May 15, 2012
Reaction score
I think this was already implement or will be soon ;D


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Chad has already implemented that when someone leaves the server, everything in their inventory dropped. He also said the he is working on the Exact thing that you are suggesting.


Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
I'm confused about the point system so if someone could help.

I was playing today and I'm 100% sure I started with 75 points. At the start of the game, I killed another player. The server told me I had been awarded 5 points. Later in the game, I killed another player and I'm not sure how many points I was awarded, because I didn't realize something was wrong. When I finally died, the server told me I lost 5 points. While I was a spectator, some sort of error happened and I was disconnected from the server. I don't know what it was; it wasn't a kick from a mod, it wasn't a donator, my game just froze and then some java error popped up.

Now here's the part I don't get.

My friend was on the server with me, but he wasn't disconnected. I asked how many points the game said I have. He would have known because it would have said "The_Soy_Man" has left the game. He told me that the game said I had 70 points. 75 points to start + 5 points for first kill + At least one point for second kill - 5 points for death should = a minimum of 76 points.

Why wouldn't I have been given my points? Does it not give you the points you earned if you're disconnected from the server? I feel like the points should be instantly added once you get a kill.

Can anybody explain to me why this happened to me?


Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Actually inventory was never part of my concern, really. xD

And I have yet to see anything about Chad saying he's working on something like that, at least from the minimal research I did. Perhaps I missed it, but if he is working on it, then bravo! That kind of 'tactic' is getting increasingly annoying with people trying it more frequently.

I'm confused about the point system so if someone could help.

I was playing today and I'm 100% sure I started with 75 points. At the start of the game, I killed another player. The server told me I had been awarded 5 points. Later in the game, I killed another player and I'm not sure how many points I was awarded, because I didn't realize something was wrong. When I finally died, the server told me I lost 5 points. While I was a spectator, some sort of error happened and I was disconnected from the server. I don't know what it was; it wasn't a kick from a mod, it wasn't a donator, my game just froze and then some java error popped up.

Now here's the part I don't get.

My friend was on the server with me, but he wasn't disconnected. I asked how many points the game said I have. He would have known because it would have said "The_Soy_Man" has left the game. He told me that the game said I had 70 points. 75 points to start + 5 points for first kill + At least one point for second kill - 5 points for death should = a minimum of 76 points.
It's a bug in the system. I should have about 200 points by now, but because it no longer adds points (it only removes points now) my score is at 70-something. They've said they're aware of the situation and are working to fix it.


May 30, 2012
Reaction score
I like the idea alot but another potential fault, what happens if:
Player A hits player B
Player C kills player A
Player B leaves


Apr 17, 2012
Reaction score
Because the last player to strike Player B was Player A, Player A would get credit even though he's a spectator at that point.
With that coding might become tricky since I'm not sure whether the system would become confused or not. Since I know nothing about code, that's something the staff is going to have to figure out, I'm afraid. :/


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I know enough about code to know that this is possible to do (or atleast I think I do).

Actually inventory was never part of my concern, really. xD

And I have yet to see anything about Chad saying he's working on something like that, at least from the minimal research I did. Perhaps I missed it, but if he is working on it, then bravo! That kind of 'tactic' is getting increasingly annoying with people trying it more frequently.

It's a bug in the system. I should have about 200 points by now, but because it no longer adds points (it only removes points now) my score is at 70-something. They've said they're aware of the situation and are working to fix it.
I didn't think it was, I'm just saying that is already completed. It's not that important but I figured it was worth mentioning.

So we are updating all the servers with the new stable build of the Survival Games:

- Slimes no longer spawn
- Donors now no longer override the whitelist
- Help no longer is accessible by players (no more finding exploits the easy way)
- Player on logout now drops their inventory (points will be awarded to last player attacked by eventually)
- Moderator ranks are now added into the game (light red color).
- Admins rank is now dark red, not purple.



Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
I know enough about code to know that this is possible to do (or atleast I think I do).

I didn't think it was, I'm just saying that is already completed. It's not that important but I figured it was worth mentioning.
So what happened to me HalfSquirrel?


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know, that's just a problem with the points. They are working on a fix I believe. In a game I played today I got like 8 kills for 5 points each (40 points) then died (to a hacker... I saw him kill another guy with super speed and hit from more than 5 blocks away) and lost 29 points. I ended up with the same amount I started with.

By the way, we need more mods on in the morning of EST (right now). I'm finding hackers on almost every server I go on and it was the same yesterday morning.
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