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Your Top 5 MCSG Players.

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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I really dont get how too write as eu Player: " the best Player is Egrodo or sixzoseven"
I dont want to tell you I think theyre bad but you cant know how good they re because I bet 95% havent even played 10 games with ANYONE of theyre list who is in another region.
Just because some players say theyre good you still dont know how good they are.
I fought egrodo once.
Should I say now that he's good or should I say he's bad because I won?
I dont say anything about his skill because I just fought him once.
You can see Videos of him. But maybe it was laggy for him and now you think hes bad.
Maybe the other persons were noobs.
You dont know much about the players in oher regions so there is no sense writing "1st Elisha 2nd Egrodo 3rd elebits"
Because you havent fought them often.

I think it just makes sense to write about the players of the region your normally playing on( for me its EU)
And dont forget: I never said Egrodo is bad. But I cant call him pro because I havent fought him often.
I just know that the others call him pro.
The thread is about who is the best in your opinion, not researching who is truly the best. That's impossible. Everyone has bad days, or lag in another region (for example, if you fought egrodo in EU, it could cause him some real problems with sprinting. Others may not notice it, but when you go from your main region to another, slightly laggier one, when you were pretty good at quickly starting a sprint, sprinting is a pain in the butt to do because the lag makes you wobble sprint like crazy.) Other examples include not having warmed up, (believe it or not, my first game of the day I tend to suck pretty bad. I haven't warmed up yet and my reaction time and aim is slow.) or even your opponent using a counter to your own strategy - I.E, my fishing rod strategy is countered easily by somebody with a agile, on the ground, hard to hit strategy, and also countered if I make a mistake to a guy who's completely aggressive and can't get away.

There are far too many factors. Even if you had fought egrodo 20 times and beat him 20 times, it doesn't prove much of anything. Especially since you two are in different regions = lag for one or the other. (Both if in CA, and the CA lag is just enough to mess with sprinting a bit. At least for me since I'm in the west.) The only way to accurately figure it out? Put him in his own region, give him a few games to warm up, and do this over a period of a week or two, recording his winnings/opponents/etc. That would be the only accurate answer, and even then...there is still a luck factor.

TL;DR: One fight doesn't prove anything and you know that, but neither would 20 fights. Egrodo is good - the thing that proves that is that so many people have trouble fighting him. His strategy seems to beat many people in this thread often. Same can be said for many others. Just remember - this thread is for your opinions, not for your research paper on who truly is the best. :p


Dec 30, 2012
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If I were to battle each person in MCSG 1,000 times each, I still wouldn't be able to choose who's the best.

Now, I've fought many people who many consider to be amazing, and I find them average. I've also fought people who have never been mentioned once on the forums as a good player, and they dropped me so fast I had no time to react. In my personal opinion, I think most people's idea of a good player is somebody who seems to be well known by the community, and has a crap ton of wins. (Not saying this is everybody's idea of a good player.)

Wins, in all reality don't show a good reflection of how "good" you really are, unless we're talking about how good you are at winning. If this is win based, then this is what I have to say. There's just too many variables that could be in a single match for you to win, here's a couple examples: (Some might also be related to popularity.)

- Luck plays a major part in the games, you can find a chest with amazing items and just mow people over the rest of the game with ease.

- Most players tend to play as a team, and if it's PVP based, teaming instead of showing yourself as a skilled individual, skill spreads throughout each member of the team making you shine slightly less. To put this into better words, teaming doesn't prove how good of an individual you are. It only shows how well you can work in a group.

- With sponsors now being added into the game, the more popular you are, the more chance of you earning a sponsor. It's debatable whether the potions you're sponsored are OP or not, but they DO give you a major advantage, especially if you're using a strength potion, and they have enough of an affect to give you a win. This can also relate to teaming, cause if you have a big team with lots of points, they'll sponsor you with all they have.

- People who you're playing with could be very unskilled, if you want to know what I'm talking about, play in the mornings on US. You'll see what I mean.

The thing is, PVP is how you can define if a person is good or bad. If they can't defend themselves on their own, they have yet to earn their skill. If they can go through matches just annihilating every player in their path, even if their opponent has better stuff than them, there you have a good player. The only problem is, it's widely agreed that whoever has the most wins is the best player. But, yet at the same time, you also have the problem that there's so many different players who's names are totally unheard of, yet they're better than some of the players that are number one on the leaderboards.

In all reality, there really is no best player. There's a fine line on MCSG between good players, and bad players. With the amount of different techniques and strategies people can use, that's the most you can narrow it down to. Yes, people can certainly have more victories than others, but as I had stated above, there's too many different variables that can play in the game to give you a not-so-skilled victory. Also as I had stated, it would literally take me years of playing and doing research to even find my few best players, it's just impossible.

Just my thoughts on how "good players" are, as far as I'm concerned.

I believe we have a new G33ke on our hands.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Everybody refers to me as the new G33ke, I'm not trying to be. :p
Believe me, I'm not trying to be either...
I just am, lol.

I can't help myself. I make large posts just because I need to use that many words to get my point across, not because I feel like making a G33ke post. :p


Jan 5, 2013
Reaction score
1.Zex (offiically best mcsg player in the world)


Jul 7, 2012
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I just want to check if I can change my message


Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
1. egrodo: because hes egrodo.
2. blamph: he was at the top for a while
3. jdgsnell: have you seen him play.
4. zeno: just cause he got 20 killstreak.
5. nate252
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