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The Organization | US Team | Clan Tryouts October 12th

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Feb 23, 2013
Reaction score
God I wish my family wasn't poor. A mic would come in handy during trial :p.


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Why'd you even apply than? Please don't offend a clan cause you got denied. And if you don't know why look at your last comment. I'm now asking you nicely to leave before this turns into a flame.
Let me take some time on this. Any mod can delete or get this locked at any point, and I don't care. But how can I possibly be denied for a comment left in the future from the denial? I am saying that it is a stupid reason because it has been a month since I have last actually been active with this whole Organization clan, and believe it or not, a person can actually grow up in that time period. Not to say I haven't been mature since day 1 of joining MCSG, just simply masking it. I say 'Go to hell org' because you're so bias to even allow me a chance to be back in even though my presence wouldn't even effect people's attitude towards me at all. In fact looking at your empty roster, I doubt anyone would even care if I was active/inactive, so long as you actually have people on it to fill the roster up. I have been requested to join back, so I did. And I simply do not accept such a bull reason as to 'People in the Clan don't like me'. When I was a leader, I didn't enjoy half of the roster, yet I still went with it. I could have possibly dealed with the fact that I didn't like Nova or Korrenian or anyone else, but now that this has been done, I won't. If you reply to this post, you can go ahead and be assured that I won't read it or care about it, in which replying is pointless in general besides getting your worthless 'reputation' points. And as once stated before, have fun in hell org <3

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
have fun in hell org <3
How bout you? Before you categorize us all, stop to think about those who have no problem with you, such as me. I do, now, cuz you categorized me. Try to think about what you say next time. :mad:


Let me take some time on this. Any mod can delete or get this locked at any point, and I don't care. But how can I possibly be denied for a comment left in the future from the denial? I am saying that it is a stupid reason because it has been a month since I have last actually been active with this whole Organization clan, and believe it or not, a person can actually grow up in that time period. Not to say I haven't been mature since day 1 of joining MCSG, just simply masking it. I say 'Go to hell org' because you're so bias to even allow me a chance to be back in even though my presence wouldn't even effect people's attitude towards me at all. In fact looking at your empty roster, I doubt anyone would even care if I was active/inactive, so long as you actually have people on it to fill the roster up. I have been requested to join back, so I did. And I simply do not accept such a bull reason as to 'People in the Clan don't like me'. When I was a leader, I didn't enjoy half of the roster, yet I still went with it. I could have possibly dealed with the fact that I didn't like Nova or Korrenian or anyone else, but now that this has been done, I won't. If you reply to this post, you can go ahead and be assured that I won't read it or care about it, in which replying is pointless in general besides getting your worthless 'reputation' points. And as once stated before, have fun in hell org <3
People in the clan not liking you can definitely play a big role in the process of being denied. Since you seem to be so up front about saying everything, I'll shed some light on the situation here. Chris said when you left v2 that you would not and I mean NOT be rejoining The Organization. I had it recorded but I lost the file along time ago. When he originally accepted you for trial I was ticked, He broke a simple promise he made to everyone in the Organization. Chris attempted to make me believe you have matured, I can see you haven't. You said to " Have fun in hell " That immediately depleted any chance of me ever thinking you changed. You even say you have grown up and from seeing how you reacted to being denied was a perfect example as to why you haven't. Go ask any clan leader if they would want you in the clan if when you were denied you reacted that way.

Sincerely, Korrenian.
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