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[Apply Here] The Hell Games 7 {Quarter Quell}

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District 13
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I will never get accepted into this because there are so many applications, but why not actually try?
IGN: Gamer101luke
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Because I have applied for EVERY SINGLE HELL GAMES and I havent really gotten much luck.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: I'm about 666th but I have been gaining tons of wins lately.
Can you record?: Possibly
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes
How many subscribers do you have? 4. I haven't posted videos yet.
What timezone do you live in? US CT
Additional info:
I had the first post on the first hell games thread so I should at least get a cookie. :D
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Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
What is your In-Game Name? My In-Game Name is MattZeeX, the same as my forum name! xD
What is your Age? I've just recently turned fifteen about 3 months ago.
Why would you like to participate in this event? I decided I would like to participate because I've never really participated in any kind of PvP tournament and I've always really wanted to. I've watched Chad's livestream and seen the Hell Games and it looked really cool, I enjoy anything Hunger Games related (except the movies and all those stupid books "The Entire Hunger Games Encyclopaedia", it makes me sick how people reap the profit of other's hard work).
What is your position on the leaderboards? Czech my signature ;)
JK, ranked #574.
Will you be able to record this event? I am willing and able, I hope to record this event even if I do lose.
Do you have a YouTube channel? Yes I do, http://www.youtube.com/mattzeex
How many subscribers do you currently have? I have about 116, a small fan base but it's growing daily
What timezone are located in? I am in GMT+8 which means this event will be hard to stay up for but I've managed to before.
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer network? I was banned once for caps however I was unbanned due to a misunderstanding (I wasn't actually using caps:p)
Any additional info? Pick meh ai oscillating wind turbein.
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Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: CruelDefiance
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I believe that the Hell Games is one of the most important events in thr community. It really is a great deal of fun for everyone. I would love to be a part in the hell games 7 for many reasons, it would be amazing if I had the opportunity to participate in the Hell Games, and I believe it would be a lot of fun!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 2000th
Can you record?: I can record yes.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): I iust started yes.
How many subscribers do you have? 20 off 3 videos
What timezone do you live in? I live in the central time zone.
Additional info: I really love the MCSG community, and I believe that this would be a very good thing for me. Ive always wanted to be in the Hell Games, and I believe that it is an amazing event:) I would have a blast playing in it.
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Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
Here is the application template:
IGN: Antlersqueeze
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: A chance to play with community members, players more talented than I, get to participate in a community event :)
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 264
Can you record?: I can.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Nope
How many subscribers do you have?
What timezone do you live in? Eastern USA
Additional info: I have been playing survival games for more than a year! I would love to get an opportunity to play with members I have seen on the forum and on the leaderboards.


Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: TheKidz101
Age: 13, 14 in a day
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I've never had the opportunity to compete in this event and it sounds like a lot of fun!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 38th, I'm no longer a no-lifer but still maintain my "Elite" status in the Rebels.
Can you record?: I can but I don't upload, may hand it over to a friend to upload.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): No :c
How many subscribers do you have? ^^^^
What timezone do you live in? PST
Additional info: Erm, hi (I've never been in a Hell Games before) :p
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Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Age: 11
Do i want to be a part of this event: Yes i haver never been in it and it seems like a lot of fun, also i want people to see that im not that bad at MCSG
Where are you located on the leader boards: I dont know on my other account like 1k
Can i record: Yessir
Do i have a youtube channel: No i am making one soon
Timezone: eastern!
Additional info: i really want to be in this, this is a great opportunity for be and i would love to be a part of this
Thank you for reading my App!


Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: celinevanelden
Age: 17
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: it is an awesome event and some friends of mine won/participated in the other Hell Games
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: Somewhere were 255 wins brings me
Can you record?: I am
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): I do
How many subscribers do you have? 9 ^^ didn't start uploading yet, gonna start soon
What timezone do you live in? GMT + 1
Additional info: I'd love to be in it, who doesn't want a girl to participate in the Hell Games? :)


Apr 26, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: cooperluff1
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: hell games seems to be pretty awsome so i would to play a aprt in these memorable events
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: -tofardown-
Can you record?: yessss
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): making it recording stuff
How many subscribers do you have?
What timezone do you live in? est
Additional info:
im awsome and ur awsome
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: EllaTheAwesome
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I was killed by the fellow who was letting his buddy use his account (I forgot his name). But I had a blast either way and would love to be part of this event again.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 1,234 (122 wins)
Can you record?: Yes, but I won't unless I have to, because it makes me have about 1/2 as much FPS than if I wasn't recording
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, but I only use it to upload hackers
How many subscribers do you have? 16
What timezone do you live in? Pacific (3 hours before EST)
EDIT: I have no MCSG Bans
Additional info: I know I was in the top 18 on the last Hell Games, but I remember someone saying that folks who were killed by the alternative account guy could reapply for the next games. If that is untrue, then please ignore this.
That being said, I'll love you no matter who you choose. :D
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Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: mineboss4300
Age: 11
Why Do you want to be a part of this event?: Well I have seen many Hell Games and have wished to be a part of it because it seems like such game were you get alot of rush and just have a good time!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 1293 (with 220 wins :) )
Can you record?: Yes I can!
Do You have a You Tube channel (If so then answer the next question)?:Yes I do it is Youtube.com/MineBoss4300MC
How Many Subscribers do you have?: I have 17 (-.- I know -.- )
What Timezone do you live in?: EST
Additional info : Hi World :)


Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: jackbgf
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I want to play with the best of the best and see if I can hold my own!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 510
Can you record?: yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): yes
How many subscribers do you have? 364 (As of 8/24/2013)
What timezone do you live in? central
Additional info: I have been playing mcsg a lot lately and have been recording it for about a year. It's an awesome server and I would love to take place in the Hell Games event! My Youtube Channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/jackbgfgames
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Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: EliteVolume
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I would like to part of hell games because I have been watching for awhile and wanted to take part in the fun event :)
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: rank 792 page 32
Can you record?: yes i have fraps
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): yes
How many subscribers do you have? i have had to channels 1 had 200subs my new one has 50subs
What timezone do you live in? Eastern
Additional info: I am cool very very cool XD
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