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[Apply Here] The Hell Games 7 {Quarter Quell}

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May 5, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: bilzybob
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I want to be apart of this event because I have never ever ever ever ever ever ever been good enough.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 10k somewhere
Can you record?: yes. But I won't
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes. But it's bad.
How many subscribers do you have? 10000000000000. (I have 0)
What timezone do you live in? GMT
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? No.
Additional info: Why would you even say no to me?
Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
Here is the application template: derp
IGN: Vulza / Mwinkl3sHD I have two.
Age: 12 D: Almost 13.
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: This is the rea ldeal. It's interesting to see something like the real hunger games...I've been wanting to apply, but didn't. <--- Don't make that look desperate.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 1400. 210 wins on Mwinkl3sHD, On Vulza I have 1o. I just got it :3. Mwinkl3sHD is not banned.
Can you record?: Yes I can.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Mwinkl3sHD <-- Just search that.
How many subscribers do you have? 20 =/
What timezone do you live in? Pacific
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? No sir, and I have like 2 kicks :3.
Additional info:
No, not really. Pick me >;3 <3


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: depaor01
Age: 12
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Becuase I have never taken part in a hell games before and it looks like great fun! I would love to take part because I like the mcsg community!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 4,500
Can you record?:
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, Here's my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/MinecraftStatueBuild
How many subscribers do you have? 85
What timezone do you live in? GMT
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? No
Additional info: I have been playing mcsg since June 2012 and I have been playing since! I only realised you could apply now so I gave it a try! I know I aint the greatest player but I sure tryhard! I volunteer as tribute!

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Here is the application template:
IGN: CaptainJS
Age: 14.5
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: The Hell Games is the most famous (and only) official tournament on MCSG testing PvP and survival skills. It seems like a ton of fun judging by the livestreams, and I really want to participate in it! I feel as though I can add an underdog type feel to it if I get accepted. I especially enjoy it because everyone has equal chance of winning, no matter how good they are because the only chests are at the middle! I also want to show my skill and use it to compete in this amazing event.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 408
Can you record?: Yep!
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes!
How many subscribers do you have? 31
What timezone do you live in? EST
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? Nope!
Additional info: Everyone says they can win this. The problem is, everyone can't win! Only I will win. :p

Seriously though, I hope I can get a chance! :)


Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score

IGN: spax4
Age: 12 13 soon
Why do you want to be a part of this event?:I would like to be part of this event because i have watched previous events and it looks really good so i would love to play in it.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?:
1.3k - 222 wins at the time im posting this.
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): yes
How many subscribers do you have? like 24 i started recently.
What timezone do you live in? Gmt its 16:30 right now.
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? No i do not.
Additional info:I love mcsg, because its awesome.


Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: charlietreeman
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: because I want to be against the best people there are and I really want to play :D
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 498
Can you record?: Nope, sorry (I could use bandicam but then I will lag hard)
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): No
How many subscribers do you have? None
What timezone do you live in? England
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? No
Additional info: My name is Charlie, if you didnt guess already



Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Mannshausen (dat swag)
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Hell games are ursumm!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: Before they put the servers on the hub about 125, then they did (my internet crashes in hub)
Can you record?: Yus!
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes
How many subscribers do you have? 2, 1 video. :p
What timezone do you live in? GTM + 1 Europe/Germany
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? Nope.
Additional info: I love waffles.


Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: xX_WhAcKeYo_Xx
Age: 13.5
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I love MCSG! Its my favorite server and i would love to take part in one of their famous events! This will be a great event for me to do and would benefit me in all sorts of ways!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 6439, I have won 76/424
Can you record?: Yes i have just started off on you tube i would really love to upload this! :D
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes i do and would love to upload this!
How many subscribers do you have? 12.... But i have just started and as im a SG pvp based channel i hope this would be great to upload!
What timezone do you live in? GMT
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? None!
Additional info: I have been playing MCSG now for a long time from account to account and im really into SG! I always play with friends and am always having fun on the games. I also am quite the pvp'er making me the one who will win....


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: LilyMay2000
Age: 12
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I've never been apart of the hell games before. I think it would be an excellent experience and would help improve my PVP skills.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: In the 95,000s but I just recently joined MCSG (about a month or two ago so I haven't had much of a chance to improve)
Can you record?: No.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): No.
How many subscribers do you have?
What timezone do you live in? EST
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? No.
Additional info: Like I said before, I just started playing MCSG a few months ago. I'm not that good at PVP but I think this would improve my PVP skills greatly. :)


Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: DreamyPanda98
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I want to be apart of this event because i think its a great way to meet and play with everyone and PVP is so much fun and i never been in a Hell Games before D:
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: #37,958
Can you record?: Yes, with QuickTime Player
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes i do :3
How many subscribers do you have? I have 4 but i will get more !
What timezone do you live in? Eastern Time
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? Nope, none
Additional info: I just started playing MCSG a couple months ago but i think i'm pretty good for a starter! :D
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
Why do you want to be a part of this event?:Because i love sg and This Sounds More Advanced And Challenging
Where are you located on the leaderboards?:7598
Can you record?:Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question):Yes
How many subscribers do you have?13 (channels only just being started up)
What timezone do you live in?GMT
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network?Nope
Additional info:I love sg and this seems like the perfect place to test my skills plus it would make good channel footage and meet new people like my district partner
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