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Behind the Screen


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Behind each screen is a human being.
That human being has feelings that can be hurt, emotions that can be toyed with, and vulnerabilities they wish to hide.

As individuals, we all have stories behind us. Families who care about us, friends who stick with us.
There is something that forges us into the person that we are today... and there's something that can turn us into something else.

On the Internet, we can say what we want to, and express ourselves in ways that would be unacceptable otherwise.
We have freedom. Sometimes, I wonder if we have too much freedom.

"Too much freedom? How can that be?"
When it gets to the point that we can abuse the freedom... that's when it is too much.

People on the Internet seem to forget that every username represents a real, living person.
If you offend that person, it's not just a sad face that shows up on the screen. Sometimes, it can be a real mouth that curves downwards.
Dissing someone with your friends might seem funny, and telling 'Your mama' jokes could be really hilarious to you. But what about the person that you're hurting?

You never know what type of person you're talking to. You might think you do, but unless you are that person, you will never, ever
, know exactly how they feel or what they're thinking. How seriously did that person take your joke? Did your words have a hidden meaning to them that you didn't realize? Are they secretly depressed?

Often, words can have unintended impacts. Sometimes it might get you banned, but other times the words of a single person can offend dozens of others.
If you're a content-creator like a YouTuber with a large fan-base, what will happen if you insult and point out the flaws of an innocent person who just happened to kill you in-game? Your fans might go after and harass that person, too.
Or if you're a content-creator and you say something that directly conflicts with someone else's feelings, that spark could create a flame as well.

Even if it's just two random, unrelated players who are insulting each other jokingly, what if you make a scathing remark about their old, ugly mother, without knowing that their beloved mother has actually passed away? That person could take it very seriously, without meaning to.

The list of ways that people can be offended goes on and on. Speech is more powerful than some may think. It can make or break relationships, marriages, friendships... it can even kill.

But in the same way that it can hurt, it can also heal.

Sticking by a friend in their time of need could turn into something that helps them recover. Whether it be from a depression, a family issue, an abusive relationship, or something else... sometimes, the only thing that you can do is to be there for them and be the one person that sympathizes with them.

As a person who has gone through depression, the biggest factor in my recovery was my clan family, The EliteSquad. Many of us have split and gone our separate ways, but I still haven't forgotten the impact that their kind words have made on me. I was on the verge of death, but they carried me through it using words. They were there to counsel and guide me throughout the entire thing, and I can only hope to repay their kindness.

Even though the awesome guys in The EliteSquad only knew me from a video game, and vice versa, I was able to share with them more than I shared with my family... They know more of my story than my mom and sisters do. My closest blood-relatives don't know what I had done in the past, but I entrusted to those close friends the woeful tale of my life and innermost feelings.

Likewise, there are other people who have made incredible relationships on the Internet. Even if we're separated by a few thousand miles, two screens can bring some people closer than brothers.

Don't misuse that potential. Recognize what you can do, and help out. Whether it be someone who needs a friend, or someone who has major issues, words can quite a bit - the person behind the screen may appreciate it more than you think.

Last edited:


Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
First! Now to read. (Sorry, gotta say this on a Mooclan thread)

EDIT: Darn!

2nd EDIT: Damn, thats... Really deep.


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
This... This is inspiring.

I'm being serious here. Moo, you need to write a book, and every chapter contains a "rant".


District 13
Dec 8, 2013
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Hopefully this can shut up some of the trashtalkers.
But really, this is pretty true. Some of the things people say when you've killed them or chased them around a bit off corn for that one diamond or piece of iron armour can be a bit extreme. I can easily recall a couple of cases when I had killed a team and had them target me for a couple of games, telling me to die, etc.


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
This point is something I've always agreed with, even bringing up this point in my moderator application. It's important to think "what will be the consequence?" when doing anything online, because like yourself, there's things about people you know online that you don't know, that they'd rather keep hidden about some things in their lives and saying the wrong thing can really affect your relationships with them.

Here's that quote from my moderator application which conveys how I feel about this in a moderation context.

Despite any frustrations and annoyances with the player, behind that IGN is a person, a person with feelings and emotions, and it is my obligation and responsibility as a moderator to help them out.

Written very well as always Moo, keep it up :)

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