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Community Opinion: Teaming

Should teaming only be allowed in certain servers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 381 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 231 37.7%

  • Total voters


Mar 19, 2014
Reaction score
What actually gets me mad the most is when people ask for a team against you in pre death match. I propose pre death match mute, and players spawn evenly around the corn, just like Alaskan village, this means it's harder to team by just shifting and right clicking your sword at the person next to you to team, you would be too far away do that leading to less random teams now yes sometimes I don't mind the challenge but other times when they both are full iron diamond sword, heaps of arrows and gapples, it's frustrating. Who supports this idea?


Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
I really don't like this, teams are part of the game, taking them out is one of the most fun things to do.


Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
I don't really mind teams. Without them, montages would die. I do think there should be some FFA servers but not that many. If there were any more then 50, it would be hard to keep track of who is breaking the rules. Also, people who don't check the rules regularly might not know that those servers are FFA. And what about random teaming on hackers? If there is a hacker and there is no possibility of him fighting more than 1 person, there is almost no chance of him/her dying.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
No thanks.

I haven't read through all the comments but of the ones I have read this problem hasn't been brought up so I will:

If 100+ is for teams, imagine what 1-99 will be like. 99% of people will start only ever playing on 1-99 when they are teamed. Those servers will become completely unplayable for solo players since a game will consist of something like this:
- a 7 team
- 2 4 teams
- 3 3 teams.

You would either have the choice of playing completely solo or in a game with a ridiculous number of teams, and no one would want to play solo in one of the teaming servers, worsening the problem.

This would in turn COMPLETELY ruin clans: they will get banned if they play in solo servers and if they play in teaming servers they will come up against more multi-teams which isn't what clan wars are really about.

Then there's the problem of how difficult this would be to enforce which has been brought up. Can you imagine how many unfair bans there would be? If you've ever played on an ffa server where teaming is against the rules you will have probably been accused of 'teaming' or at one point due to you not seeing someone it may actually look like you're teaming with them.

Yet another problem that arises in FFA servers: people can team but be very subtle about it. If my friend and I come up on either side of a player, both go for him, kill him while not coming in contact with each other and then simultaneously run off then there will be no evidence of us teaming even though we just worked together to kill someone. Furthermore I might just happen to leave a spare set of full iron on the ground and my friend might just happen to find it 20 seconds later. The list goes on.



Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
This is a great idea and it was suggested many times here on MCGamer Network but I do not think it would be a good thing to add it.
I personally would not like this option on the server as of right now for a few reasons.

When I do moderate on the MCGamer Network there is always a rule breaker in the game, making this option available would take moderators way too much work to ban the rule breakers that team in a non-team game.
Even know it is not possible to cover every game without rule breakers, we need way more mods to make a game clean and fun.
New people always come and hack on our server which makes this an endless circle.
To be honest I am happy when I see a team rather than a hacker which could kill a team just like its nothing.
Its true that people team always, but a hacker always gets in their way and moderators are here to ban them to make a game fair, but as I said its not possible to cover every single game on the server.
And we are talking about Survival Games a game based on a movie which is really great.
Do not forget teaming is always dangerous because you can't trust anyone, which makes you risk you own life when teaming.
And do not forget there is only 1 winner at the end.
Its fight for you own or try to team with someone and take the risk.

And now the question for you.
Would you rather get killed by a team or a hacker? (Even if we make a non-team games hackers are always there.)

My answer: Rather a team, teaming those not make you bad it shows only the strategy you want to use, and it has its own good and bad sides, same goes when going alone.
Think about it before we do make any changes.
Thanks for your time. :)


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
If we were to do it for 'certain servers' it would be incredibly hard to moderate as rules would be different on many different servers. Teaming is a large part of 'The Hunger Games', therefore I doubt we will be removing this aspect as it is a part of the films.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
This is a problem for clans, because if they go in a server that teaming is allowed, they will just get wrecked from 8 teams... I was thinking of making some servers only for clan wars, as this solves a lot of problems.
I will actually play mcsg and have fun if this happens.
lol a bit extreme don't you think? Teaming is allowed on our servers right now as it is, so if this was a thing that happened, wouldn't it already be happening? :O Besides, if it's a clan war, its gonna be a team of clanmates, I'm sure they can handle that lol.

If anything, they need to make less server FFA. Having like 40+ like people are suggesting would just be too much to moderate. I'd say like 10-15 max really.

This is a great idea and it was suggested many times here on MCGamer Network but I do not think it would be a good thing to add it.
I personally would not like this option on the server as of right now for a few reasons.

When I do moderate on the MCGamer Network there is always a rule breaker in the game, making this option available would take moderators way too much work to ban the rule breakers that team in a non-team game.
Even know it is not possible to cover every game without rule breakers, we need way more mods to make a game clean and fun.
New people always come and hack on our server which makes this an endless circle.
To be honest I am happy when I see a team rather than a hacker which could kill a team just like its nothing.
Its true that people team always, but a hacker always gets in their way and moderators are here to ban them to make a game fair, but as I said its not possible to cover every single game on the server.
And we are talking about Survival Games a game based on a movie which is really great.
Do not forget teaming is always dangerous because you can't trust anyone, which makes you risk you own life when teaming.
And do not forget there is only 1 winner at the end.
Its fight for you own or try to team with someone and take the risk.

And now the question for you.
Would you rather get killed by a team or a hacker? (Even if we make a non-team games hackers are always there.)

My answer: Rather a team, teaming those not make you bad it shows only the strategy you want to use, and it has its own good and bad sides, same goes when going alone.
Think about it before we do make any changes.
Thanks for your time. :)
I honestly don't see how it is more or less difficult to moderate these servers than any other one. It works the same way as a poke over a hacker lol. You get a poke, record 2 people teaming on the server, then ban, simple. Sure I mean this teaming on solo servers will probably happen a lot, but thats where you guys have to make it difficult for people to do this, and make the punishment for breaking it severe enough to where ppl won't wanna risk it. Of course, no matter how much you try, people will team anyways, just like people would hack even if it was first offense being perma ban, but making it difficult to team, such as the all steve and no name tags above their heads would help.

The only issue with the no name tag thing above your head, is that it would make it difficult to report these people. Not sure how that would work out. Hard to report someone who you don't know their names. Unless you make it to where when you are a spec, you can see their true names?
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May 20, 2013
Reaction score
errrrrr I guess it would be good if you want to play to get loads of wins but for me it wouldn't feel like as much of a challenge, taking out teams has always been a challenge and something that separates great players from good players, and for me it wouldn't be as exciting but as I don't play very much anymore it's not really my business.
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