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Community Opinion: Teaming

Should teaming only be allowed in certain servers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 381 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 231 37.7%

  • Total voters

Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
I think maybe only 20 to 30 servers of solo would be good. That way when we want to play with friends we can play a game where not every other person is teamed. At least those servers are dedicated to solo for those who want to join. Granted, non donors may have a tough time joining those, but that's just a hidden extra perk for a donor. Also, that means that more servers ARE available for teaming so casual friends don't have to play against at least 11 other teams. And solo is still playable on those servers, just not required.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I actually made a post about this I believe awhile back ago, it never really got much support because teaming wasn't nearly as big an issue as it is now.

I personally love the idea tho. I am one of those people who likes to play alone or in FFA's with friends. I team sometimes just as everyone does though.

One thing I see from your post chad is that you say that servers 100 and above would be FFA's, I feel these servers need their own spots in the hub like Classic and QQ has. That a way, people can't accidently join a high server and team, claiming they didn't know it was a FFA server. It will need to be 100% clear that the servers are FFA ONLY.

Also, with the fact that people are obviously gonna try to team on these servers anyways because there are always those certain people who just have to break every rule they possibly can, the thing if everyone looking like steve and no nametags above your names would be a MUST, else these servers will just be infested with teams.

But yeah, it would be a relief if I could play some games without killing countless teams of 2-5 players lol.

I voted no, because I think it wouldn't work and people would just team and work together but not stay by each other the whole game. But hey if the staff could actually make a no teaming server work I'd be down :D but come to think of it I would rather have a no HACKING server
Well if the team just stays away from eachother the whole game, then its not really teaming :p. As long as you aren't getting 2v1'ed, then there is no issue right? :O


Sep 14, 2014
Reaction score
First and foremost, 'solo servers' will do anything but eradicate the problem. Regardless of what regulations have been put in place, teaming cannot be condoned.

That being said, I vote against the idea of making teaming punishable under certain circumstances and/or designing a system to introduce more players to playing in a solo environment. The first note, which has already been stated and restated many times, is that such principles will drastically alter the workload for staff members in a negative way. Besides the fact it may easily be difficult to determine if two players are a part of a team or not, there are also many instances I can ponder where it may look like such, but actually is not. False and incorrect bans will increase based on the difficulty to determine these things.

Secondly, it is a part of the game. I understand the frustrations players may have when they constantly die to a team, but in the end, it is a part of the game and teaming will never be removed. Compare this delimma to hacking; even though it is against the rules, ppeople still hack. Even though regulations to discourage it are in place, people still hack, and always will - it simply is not possible to remove it entirely.

Another problem I easily see arising is community flame. While this discussions has easily turned out a decent number of 'solo' players, bear in mind there are easily just as many teamers out there. Attempting to push out regulations that limit what is meaningless is unfasir to these players. What if they do not read the forum board? What if they do not speak English, or very little of it? Keeping the players informed of these changes should be a major priority, if such changes were to be introduced.


May 21, 2013
Reaction score
I've actually had this idea for so long!! xD I think that it wouldn't be hard to moderate. Here's a thought: Make teaming in ffa servers like if you see a hacker in game (seeing as they are would both be against the rules and can proven the same way.) You would die and stay in game then take a video of the team killing someone and post it in a form thread (a new one that would be created if the idea goes through) Please make this happen!!! Team killing is the only thing that holds me back from playing more sg and I'm sure it's the same for others.


Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
Probably the best idea ever. I have been so inactive just because i tend to rage when all i do is die from teams. Great idea i'd love to see this happen. Since you're talking about having certain servers being different and all i was thinking of having a clan battle server?


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
I actually made a post about this I believe awhile back ago, it never really got much support because teaming wasn't nearly as big an issue as it is now.

I personally love the idea tho. I am one of those people who likes to play alone or in FFA's with friends. I team sometimes just as everyone does though.

One thing I see from your post chad is that you say that servers 100 and above would be FFA's, I feel these servers need their own spots in the hub like Classic and QQ has. That a way, people can't accidently join a high server and team, claiming they didn't know it was a FFA server. It will need to be 100% clear that the servers are FFA ONLY.

Also, with the fact that people are obviously gonna try to team on these servers anyways because there are always those certain people who just have to break every rule they possibly can, the thing if everyone looking like steve and no nametags above your names would be a MUST, else these servers will just be infested with teams.

But yeah, it would be a relief if I could play some games without killing countless teams of 2-5 players lol.

Well if the team just stays away from eachother the whole game, then its not really teaming :p. As long as you aren't getting 2v1'ed, then there is no issue right? :O
Those are some good points that you've brought up, but I'd have to disagree about how teaming is now an 'issue'.
Teaming has been around since the beginning of the server, either a group of friends or some people that teamed in-game. They weren't as big of an issue back then because the server was new and there wasn't as many skilled players out there. (There we some, but nowhere near as many nowadays.)

From how I see it, teaming has increased over time due to the fact that more and more players became good at the game, so in order for not-as-good players to have a chance, they formed teams in order to win. Also that the server has a bigger population now there's more groups of friends around teaming with each other.

I'm not trying to say that your wrong in what you said, for hey are good points. I just didn't like the fact that you stated that teaming is an issue. It's more so of a part of the game and as increased in poularity due to the reasons above.
(Sorry for any grammar mistakes, on my ipad.)


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I do agree with this ChadTheDJ but the only reason why people team is because that's their strategy to win. So if you make separate servers or FFA then there will be no strategy. Also disappearing the names and making them Steve skins won't help cause if their in a skype call they can tell each other where they are at and put an amount of armour on so the teammate knows what he or she looks like. But Yeah this is my opinion :)


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I voted no, because I think it wouldn't work and people would just team and work together but not stay by each other the whole game. But hey if the staff could actually make a no teaming server work I'd be down :D but come to think of it I would rather have a no HACKING server
Those are some good points that you've brought up, but I'd have to disagree about how teaming is now an 'issue'.
Teaming has been around since the beginning of the server, either a group of friends or some people that teamed in-game. They weren't as big of an issue back then because the server was new and there wasn't as many skilled players out there. (There we some, but nowhere near as many nowadays.)

From how I see it, teaming has increased over time due to the fact that more and more players became good at the game, so in order for not-as-good players to have a chance, they formed teams in order to win. Also that the server has a bigger population now there's more groups of friends around teaming with each other.

I'm not trying to say that your wrong in what you said, for hey are good points. I just didn't like the fact that you stated that teaming is an issue. It's more so of a part of the game and as increased in poularity due to the reasons above.
(Sorry for any grammar mistakes, on my ipad.)
Lol what you said is sort of what I was meaning. Yes teaming has been around forever. I have been around since beta, so I know how long they have been around, but back in the day, it was teams of bad players for the most part teaming, which isn't really a problem for a good player to kill. Now a days, you still have the teams of players who are less skilled, but I run into teams of 2-5 of players who have over 1000 wins each. That becomes frustrating and it really wasn't something that happened too often back in the day. As you said, its because the amount of great players has increased so much in the past year.

Why I say it is and "issue" is because it seems like playing solo is becoming more and more difficult to do with the amount of good players teaming in the servers. It is very frustrating to get teamed on by skilled players every game. I know it is a part of the game, and is in no way illegal, but with this huge increase in teaming lately, especially skype and teamspeak teaming, it makes it to where players have to team in games, just to have a chance of winning.

It's like when I join a server and I KNOW that there is 3 really good players teaming together. I typically am gonna have to either 1. Find a team myself (but I don't want to because I want to play solo) or 2. Just leave the game. Those are really your only option in those situations. You can stay and play in the game, but you're odds are extremely slime in those situations.

I do agree with this ChadTheDJ but the only reason why people team is because that's their strategy to win. So if you make separate servers or FFA then there will be no strategy. Also disappearing the names and making them Steve skins won't help cause if their in a skype call they can tell each other where they are at and put an amount of armour on so the teammate knows what he or she looks like. But Yeah this is my opinion :)
Just because there is no teams doesn't mean there is no strategy :p. I do see what you are saying about people skype teaming and putting on specific armor to tell the difference between the teammate and the enemy, but at least steve skins and disappearing names decreases the amount of times this happens. It doesn't eliminate it all together, but it does reduce it. If people are wearing the same armor to tell who their teammate is, then just put that armor on yourself also :D. That will confuse em into hopefully hitting eachother lol.

lol just putting a "nope" really isn't helpful. A reason would be helpful?
Last edited:
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
One idea that really stood out to me was having certain servers not allow teaming (example would be server's numbered 100+ would be FFA servers only).
This is a problem for clans, because if they go in a server that teaming is allowed, they will just get wrecked from 8 teams... I was thinking of making some servers only for clan wars, as this solves a lot of problems.

I heard other ideas go as far as making everyone's skin to Steve + masking their usernames for an extreme example.
This is just too extreme...

Now... this is a bit hard to explain.
You can either have 100 servers for FFA and 100 for teaming and then let's say 50 more for clan wars, or you can have 60 solo servers for FFA and 100 for teaming and 40 for clan wars.
I will actually play mcsg and have fun if this happens.


Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
This is a problem for clans, because if they go in a server that teaming is allowed, they will just get wrecked from 8 teams... I was thinking of making some servers only for clan wars, as this solves a lot of problems.

This is just too extreme...

Now... this is a bit hard to explain.
You can either have 100 servers for FFA and 100 for teaming and then let's say 50 more for clan wars, or you can have 60 solo servers for FFA and 100 for teaming and 40 for clan wars.
I will actually play mcsg and have fun if this happens.
Agreed 100%

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