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Conglamorate of Desired Features/Problems.

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May 7, 2012
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*Yes, I spelled conglomerate incorrectly. Please ignore this, I can't seem to edit the title.

Divided into problems/possible solutions regarding trends that I've noticed in games. Of course there are positives and negatives to each solution suggested, so feel free to discuss them and add ideas of your own.

Problem 1) Cornicopia becomes spawn camped by teams. Those teams consist of 2-6 players that crush anyone attempting to get the items... which is a problem, since players can only get diamond/iron in the center. Basically this means that any solo player unfortunate enough not to be in the team is stuck fighting the iron/diamond team with only leather/stone. As such, they tend to hide or run and the large team is bent on finding and killing the solo player before turning on each other... This not only makes games relatively unfair, but also makes them drag on and on.
Possible solutions:
  • Chests around the map get a slight "good items" percentage upgrade during sponsor refills. This means that you may find a diamond or iron/chain armor in the outer chests, though you'll have to go through a lot more of them to get lucky enough to find some. With this solution, the center still entices players with its numerous chests and good items, but those unable to get to the center due to teaming can still have a bit of a chance.
  • Randomize the refills for the spawn cornicopia (no longer a set time each night). This would increase the risk of heading to spawn when you get the "chests are refilled" prompt.
    • Downsides to solution: Players would probably form large teams and camp spawn the entire game, waiting for these random refills.
  • Possibly make it so players from the same district are allowed to win a deathmatch together (this would require death matches starting at 3 players left). If the districts are randomized each round, this could inspire various new alliances... and since it would change each round, a server would be less likely to get in a "rut."
Problem 2/3 (combined with 3 due to simularities) Players camping/sitting/afking/stuck in a trap/doing nothing.Sometimes a player will go somewhere obscure and then proceed to waste everyone's time by just sitting there. Sometimes this is because of a trap or hole they have fallen in... sometimes they're just doing it on purpose. However they got there, they are often very hard/impossible to find... and with the current deathmatch time limit, this becomes excruciating.
Possible solutions:
  • There's already a lightning plugin built in. Why not have it hit players who do not move 15 blocks in a 2 minute time limit? This will allow players stuck in traps to be "freed," and can also punish players who decide to sit in their obscure place and do nothing.
    • Downsides to solution: What about players who are well equipped who happen to fall in a hole? They could win in a deathmatch, so it might be unfair to kill them with lightning (though well equipped players rarely get stuck, since they tend to be the more seasoned ones).
    • Same thing for players without food, who are sitting still to avoid starving to death (though I would argue that they deserve to die if they're just going to sit there the whole game and do nothing).
  • Alter the traps to kill players if they trigger it.
  • Get rid of holes for players to get stuck in unless said hole is in a well-traveled area (such as a path, the capitol building, the village, etc.). Being trapped in a well known place is not bad, but being trapped in an obscure, odd location is.
Problem 4) Deathmatch time limit is far too long.By the end of the 2nd minecraft night, you can already tell who's going to win based on their equipment. So there's no point dragging it out so long. While this isn't normally a problem, occasionally you get on a server where a few people just hide from each other the whole time... and then you realize just how long the death match time limit really is.
Possible solutions:
  • Decrease the time limit. Right now it's... what? 40 minutes to an hour? Really, only about 2-3 minecraft nights are needed. In 90% of games, only 3-4 players are left at this time, and are just trying to find each other anyway. Deathmatch might as well start, so the games can move along at a better pace.
Problem 5 (similar to Problem 4. If one was implemented, the other might be unnecessary) Deathmatches start at 2 players. This is a problem due to what happens in the majority of games... there ends up being a team of 2, and 1 solo player. The team looks for the solo player, and the solo player avoids them. This is unnecessary and makes games longer than they need to be.
Possible solutions:
  • Deathmatches start at 3 remaining players (most needed on the 40 slot servers).
Problem 6) Players work the system to get points without losing any. A team will work together to kill all others... then when it gets to death match, one of them runs out of the circle to be lightning'd to death (or they'll shoot themself with arrows so the points even out). This makes it so that they never lose points: only gain them. Basically, this renders /top completely useless.
Please note that this problem is different than the one Chad's team already fixed. "We fixed part of the battlelog issue by making them drop their inventory on logout. Next build, it will reward the points to the last person attacked by. This should not be an issue anymore." (I potentially see this: Deathmatch. Two members who were once on the same team... One gently hits the other with their fist. The hit one logs out/gets lightning'd. Voila! Winner gets points, "loser" loses no points. In this way, the system is still being worked, so a solution is still needed).
Possible solutions:
  • Make it so being hit by lightning makes the player lose points on death.
  • Make it so killing yourself with arrows loses more points on death than gained by killing yourself. Comparable negative loss to other forms of death.
  • Make it so disconnecting during a death match loses the player points upon disconnect. Death match rule only, players should be able to connect/disconnect at will other than that.


May 4, 2012
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Problem 1) This isn't a problem. It's not unfortunate to get a team, because if you ask in the chat, someone is sure to join you. Many people just don't want to be in a team and prefer to go solo.
Also most of the time when people try to hold the cornucpia, they go hunting after the chest refill either in the middle of the night or in the morning. I always do this.
Cornucopia*. You can find iron in any chests around the map, not just cornucopia. It is wood not leather sword for the worst sword. You missed gold sword.
Solution: Makes it too easy to get good items.

Problem 2) Lots of people camp because they don't have food and are almost dying of hunger. When you don't move, this problem is solved.
Solution: Some people might also purposely get trapped so that they don't get attacked (never seen it but it's possible). This would make the game go faster, but like you said in your downside, when someone that thinks they can win gets stuck and doesn't move, they lose when they still had a chance of winning in the deathmatch.

Problem 3) Same as Problem 2.
Solution: I agree with the first solution, for some traps only though.
I disagree with the second solution however, for the same reasons as Problem 2.

Problem 4) It's not far too long, but it is a bit too long. I don't have any good solution for this that people might agree with, sorry.
Solution: 60 minutes is 3 days and 3 nights by the way. 40 minutes is 2 of each (roughly) There are normally more then 3-4 players left and when it is that low, there is normally someone hunting for the rest. It is normally at about 5-8. Maybe death match could start when there are only 3 players left on the 24 player servers and 3-5 on the 48 player servers.

Problem 5) Said this in solution for Problem 4 :D

Problem 6) BIG PROBLEM. Luckily, Chad already said he was working on a solution! Yay! He has already made it so that when you die, your inventory is dropped. He said he is working on making it so the last person that hit you before you killed yourself or disconnected gets points as if they did kill you.
The bow thing could be a problem, but I'm sure it will be fixed soon.


May 2, 2012
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Problem 2) Players camping/sitting/afking/doing nothing.Sometimes a player will go somewhere obscure and then proceed to waste everyone's time by just sitting there. Sometimes this is because of a trap or hole they have fallen in... sometimes they're just doing it on purpose.

Possible solutions:
  • There's already a lightning plugin built in. Why not have it hit players who do not move 15 blocks in a 2 minute time limit? This will allow players stuck in traps to be "freed," and can also punish players who decide to sit in their obscure place and do nothing.
    • Downsides to solution: What about players who are well equipped who happen to fall in a hole? They could win in a deathmatch, so it seems unfair to kill them with lightning (though well equipped players rarely get stuck, since they tend to be the more seasoned ones).
If the person is underground, in a building, or under a tree, the lightning cannot make contact with them. You'd have to find a different solution.


May 4, 2012
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If the person is underground, in a building, or under a tree, the lightning cannot make contact with them. You'd have to find a different solution.
It can probably made so that lightning goes through anything except players, as it goes through air blocks already. And if there is a player directly on top of the person, it sucks to be them :D


May 2, 2012
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It can probably made so that lightning goes through anything except players, as it goes through air blocks already. And if there is a player directly on top of the person, it sucks to be them :D
Dang, squirrel, you're everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if you were under my desk right n--Ahh!
Nice activity, dude. And yeah, I guess it could work then. It just stinks when noobs run away during the dm and run under a tree for protection. :p


May 7, 2012
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Problem 1) This isn't a problem. It's not unfortunate to get a team, because if you ask in the chat, someone is sure to join you. Many people just don't want to be in a team and prefer to go solo.
Also most of the time when people try to hold the cornucpia, they go hunting after the chest refill either in the middle of the night or in the morning. I always do this.
Cornucopia*. You can find iron in any chests around the map, not just cornucopia. It is wood not leather sword for the worst sword. You missed gold sword.
Solution: Makes it too easy to get good items.
Good feedback, Squirrel.

1) I think on the first point, however, it depends on which server you go on... some servers are VERY team oriented (I've seen very large teams just camping spawn the whole game), and everyone else just has no chance. While it's true you can get iron or gold ingots in other chests, there aren't enough of these to make any decent armor, and only the center chests spawn full armor in the current game set-up. (Also, gold swords do about as much damage as a wooden sword. They're basically useless).

2) I would also argue that people who have run out of hunger should die... because if they are just sitting there doing nothing, they aren't progressing or prepared for a death match anyway. Again, this is a "some servers" sort of thing. But after playing a game where someone with no armor and no food just sat on a building the whole time and hid from everyone, I felt the spectator rage appropriate enough to add this to the list.

I also added a problem 6 to the OP post. On a server I frequented today, a three man team did this every single match. For people like this have their names in /top--but they don't deserve it.


May 4, 2012
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Dang, squirrel, you're everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if you were under my desk right n--Ahh!
Nice activity, dude. And yeah, I guess it could work then. It just stinks when noobs run away during the dm and run under a tree for protection. :p
I'm not under your desk, I'm inside the drawer! I'm in most places, not everywhere :p And I agree. Maybe on a side note, the death match space should be edited so that the boundaries are no passing the tribute stands.

Good feedback, Squirrel.

1) I think on the first point, however, it depends on which server you go on... some servers are VERY team oriented (I've seen very large teams just camping spawn the whole game), and everyone else just has no chance. While it's true you can get iron or gold ingots in other chests, there aren't enough of these to make any decent armor, and only the center chests spawn full armor in the current game set-up. (Also, gold swords do about as much damage as a wooden sword. They're basically useless).

2) I would also argue that people who have run out of hunger should die... because if they are just sitting there doing nothing, they aren't progressing or prepared for a death match anyway. Again, this is a "some servers" sort of thing. But after playing a game where someone with no armor and no food just sat on a building the whole time and hid from everyone, I felt the spectator rage appropriate enough to add this to the list.

I also added a problem 6 to the OP post. On a server I frequented today, a three man team did this every single match. For people like this have their names in /top--but they don't deserve it.
1) I have been on some big teams, I think the biggest was 9 on a 48 player server. There was 1 person who killed like 3 people in my team, but he was a hacker with super sprint powers.
Maybe there isn't enough iron in a general cluster, but there is enough to get a stone sword or something. Once you get that, you will probably have found 1-2 iron in your cluster. So you can go on a killing spree and get more, and you will probably get enough to make some boots or a hat. Maybe if you're lucky and get a lot of kills, you can get some armour and enough iron to make pants/chestplate. All it takes to win the game, is a sword before the first night.

2) When I have no food, I generally camp near a cluster of chests. This gives me a high chance of getting food by the nightfall, if I don't get killed first. And if you know how to hide, that won't happen.


May 7, 2012
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All it takes to win the game, is a sword before the first night.
Ah, that's where we have the difference of opinion, then. You must play on very different servers from the ones I play on XD... on eu14 the only way to have a chance of winning is if you have a sword and a few pieces of iron/chain armor before the first night comes. Otherwise, you have no chance against the couple of players who already have full armor and a diamond sword at that point.


May 4, 2012
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Ok I will change that to all it takes is a sword, a good set of armour, and some early game kills to win. :p

Ber Ric

May 16, 2012
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I must say I agree on almost all the points that were raised in the first place.
And as far as it concerns the lack of useful things to build / gain more powerful weapons outside the corn while there is a team holding it, I totally disagree with HalfSquirrel point : even if you CAN find enough ingots / sticks (or even if there was diamonds in chest outside the corn) to make a weapon or an armor, you still need to go to the corn to use the (almost) only workbench of the map...
And I dare you to do so when you have a team of 9 guys camping there beating the hell out of you with diamond swords... ^^


May 8, 2012
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I must say I agree on almost all the points that were raised in the first place.
And as far as it concerns the lack of useful things to build / gain more powerful weapons outside the corn while there is a team holding it, I totally disagree with HalfSquirrel point : even if you CAN find enough ingots / sticks (or even if there was diamonds in chest outside the corn) to make a weapon or an armor, you still need to go to the corn to use the (almost) only workbench of the map...
And I dare you to do so when you have a team of 9 guys camping there beating the hell out of you with diamond swords... ^^
Not true, there are at least 4 other crafting tables on the city map, one in each cardinal direction, and I have no problem crafting at on of these every single game.

Also, add potions to the list of desired features

Ber Ric

May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah but for most people (almost 90-95% maybe ?...) there's only 1 crafting table... so it does not encourage people that doesn't know perfectly maps...
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