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Events Deception Games 3 (Community Event)

Deception Games 4 in which region?

  • EU

    Votes: 88 41.7%
  • AU

    Votes: 46 21.8%
  • US

    Votes: 77 36.5%

  • Total voters
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Jan 20, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: IlSaimo
Number (1-9): 7
Reason for applying: Why not? It seems a cool event and I never was in one.
Why will you win: Because this is the first time I play one ?_?
Do you agree to our rules: Yes.
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): No.
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: No.


Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: iProGames
Number (1-9): 4
Reason for applying: Always wanted to be in Deveption Games, also I love things that the community set up!
Why will you win: Tactics and trust
Do you agree to our rules: Yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): No
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes, already have one.


Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: bcfcant
Number (1-9): 5
Reason for applying: Playing deception games 2 was the most fun I had on minecraft in a long time. I'd love to take part again!
Why will you win: Because team EU duh ;)
Do you agree to our rules: Yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): Yes I was in the deception games 2 where I came third after helping thingy182 won and claimed 20% of the prize!
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: I'll turn up. But, yes.


Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: gregorffc123
Number (1-9): 7
Reason for applying: Im applying so that i can have some fun with some guys i havent really played that much with before get some friends and do a little killing at the same time ;)
Why will you win: 1. Im a god at pvp and i backstab everyone
Do you agree to our rules: yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): n0
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: yes


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: CrispDesire

Number (1-9): 9

Reason for applying: I would love to join the deception games as I believe it is a new adventure for me. I have been playing MCSG for 2 months now and I remember the watching the Deception games. I had always wished to get into them, but seeing as I wasn't that well know or that good at pvp I didn't get in. Over time I have been getting better and looking through the forums. I hope that this will be as enjoyable or even better then that and I think this is a great idea that should be carried on every month. I think doing this will help me get even more noticed then I already am and I think that I will have a great blast when doing it.

Why will you win: I think, despite my lacking in some PvP aspects, I could pull this off through the more subtle side of playing SG, which this event focuses on, which is deception. I love sneaking up on people, and backstabbing to.

Do you agree to our rules: Yes, I do.

Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): Sadly no, because I've never applied before.

Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yeah, I will have a few people, who are interested.
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Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Yozy_XD
Number (1-9): 9
Reason for applying: I was in the first deception games on my alt representing Au, but in the end the dm was glitched and didn't really get to finish of the match and I really want to redeem my self :D
Why will you win: New Zealand Ping
Do you agree to our rules: Yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): Deception Games 1 (Made it till dm). On my alt ShrekMC.
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes
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Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Before I apply, is there a certain date when the event will be held? I will be overseas sometime in March.


Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: PlausibleHD
Number (1-9): 6
Reason for applying: I am applying for this even because I believe this is a good chance to prove my skill to the more 'advanced' players out there by possibly winning this event.
Why will you win: I will win by playing defensivly in a team sitiuation (say a 1v3) And slightly offensive in a 1v1.
Do you agree to our rules: Yes, of course.
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): No, sadly ;'(
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes.


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: pearl_bubbletea

Number (1-9): 4 the number for death, something I can see coming a lot ;o

Reason for applying: I've been watching the Deception Games for a while now and it seems like a pretty cool concept and I would like to participate in it. Hopefully doing so I can have a lot of fun, learning some pvp techniques and make friends too. Although I would love to be the winner, but as long as everyone has fun, they are winners.

Why will you win: Something I've notice that has been missing a fair bit in the Deception Games is it's soul purpose. Betrayal. With me in the Deception Games, you will witness some sudden betrayals and maybe some other plot twists. Also my defensive plays will come in to good use ;)

Do you agree to our rules: Yes I do.

Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): Unfortunately I have never been able to partake in past Deception Games because of other important schedules.

Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Not for now I don't, but if I do I will edit my post. EDIT: Yes I do now.
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Dec 2, 2012
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN: ChrisComedies/Carlaee
Number (1-9): 1
Reason for applying: I had a lot of fun in the first event and I decided to not play the second one. I feel like Ive gotten better than before and am here to try and reclaim my title Deception Games Victor.
Why will you win: Ive been in the community since Sept 2012. Ive seen the community go through many changes in PVP and tactics and have been able to adapt to all of it. Good players arent made up because of reflexes or skill but their ability to adapt and change.
Do you agree to our rules: Yes
Have you been in a previous Deception Games (specify): I won the first Deception Games
Will you have a proxy ready in the event you cannot turn up: Yes


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
At first I wasn't going to apply, but then I thought to myself, why not? :p

Minecraft IGN:

*Purple bcuz VIP*

Number (1-9):

I choose 3.

I chose 3 because 3 is the best number. If you think about it logically 3 is 3 digits away from zero and 6 digits away from 9. 6 divided by 2 is 3, and 3 is the number I picked. It seems like no matter what you do the number is 3; unless you do 3 plus 1, which is 4, but I digress. My number is 3 because it is the logical thing to do.

Reason for applying:

I have been rather inactive in this community as of late, but it is still something that I find myself coming back to on a daily basis. While I do not have unlimited free time to engage myself in this community like I used to, I think this would be a fun way to become more involved. I also am I map maker, and I want to be one of the first people to play on the map. I feel if I am one of the "testers" I can be more beneficial to the event if I find any problem areas with the map that might should be fixed.

Why will you win:

I am a 6 year member of Major League Gaming. I have been inducted into the MLG hall of fame. I also GG 12 steamroll rekt everyone I see. Also because I'm practically a super hero.

Do you agree to our rules:

Yes. Your rules are very agreeable.

Have you been in a previous Deception Game (specify):

I have not actually, but, like I said, I have been trying to get more involved with community events, so I think this would be a good opportunity for me to become more involved.

Will you have a proxy ready in the event that you cannot turn up:

Yes, I will have 2-3 people in line in case of my absence. This should not be a problem.
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