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Do you believe in god?

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    Votes: 113 55.7%
  • no

    Votes: 98 48.3%

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Jun 6, 2012
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First off, let me just say that I was not saying anything bad about Catholics or Jews. "How are Catholics more Jewish than Christian?" That kind of threw me off and I have no idea what you're talking about that. What I was stating is that like Jews, Catholics are not Christian. The reason they are not Christian is because they aren't Protestant. The reason I said they were alike Jews specifically is because Jews do believe in God, yet they still are not Christians. See what I mean? When I said they needed to start paying more attention in church is because there were many people saying that they were Catholic and Christian, when they are not the same thing. Sorry if I came across as rude, but it was always just one of those things that I was really specific about. To be classified as a Christian believer in its full doctrine, you must be Protestant. That means you deny fact that the Pope is above you or the "universal authority" of him. Catholics don't believe this however, so they are not Christians. But hey, according to the Bible you don't have to be fully Christian to go to heaven. You just have to believe that Jesus is God's son while accepting God/Jesus as your savior and hopefully try your best to display that belief and love. I'm sorry if there was a miscommunication in that post, as there seemed to be.
I'm sorry, man, but this just doesn't seem right. Catholics are one of the oldest devisions of Christianity, one of the most prevalent, and the most known. You can't just say something that had been pretty much the core of Christianity (Roman Era) isn't Christian... the Protestants are a new era of the same old Christianity. Protestants are not Christianity itself. Its true, Protestants held a coup and overhauled Christianity, but from the global and non- politically religious point of view, Catholicism is just another branch of Christianity, by the standard definitions. In fact, I was Confirmed as a Presbyterian and a Methodist, both Protestant, both accepted Catholicism as a devision of Christianity.

The world Catholic itself means 'universal'. It was the universal, generalized, and known form of Christianity through many centuries.

Where did you learn that Catholicism isn't Christianity...? What branch holds this belief?


Jun 6, 2012
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Actually, Catholic was made way later than the Protestant Christianity. You have to remember that it took awhile for the spread of Christianity to be accepted by Rome. And not until it was stated at the official religion of Rome by the Roman Emperor after Constantine (Who basically introduced Christianity to his subjects, but it wasn't until the next Emperor whose name escapes me that made it the official language.) After it became the religion of Rome was it adding on Indian traditions like Fasting. Then they started to create these Bishops from Africa about 100 years later. There were about 8 of them at a time, until they created a single Pope. And thus the Catholic denomination was made. I don't know why those two churches would tell you that. I guess it can sometimes just come down to personal opinion, but Catholicism is not considered Christian according to the head doctrines of all denominations including Catholic. http://carm.org/is-catholicism-christian If you really want to look more into it, I would suggest reading this. It's a pretty detailed article that goes in depth between the two.
I find this article to be heavily opinionated, several other articles say the opposite. Perhaps it is just opinion, but the rules that the author pointed out as being broken seem like it's a political statement against how the Catholic church does things.

As I said before, Catholic means 'universal' in reference to being the universal church. At one point, some Christian churches were considered Catholic if they didn't specifically point out their denomination, leading to a very generalized term. In the modern day, however, there is a quite the specific definition of this church. By bending a few of the base doctrines of Christianity, they ride a thin line, but I still classify them as Christian. They don't necessarily put Mary before God, but she is seen as a holy subject. Who wouldn't thank the person who was the origin of their religion? They believe in the trinity still, in the terms described in the Bible, and most fundamental points of being a Christian.

Roman Catholics came about after Protestant Reformation, but Catholicism had been around before those days. When Catholicism and Protestantism parted ways, Protestants made it clear that they would have NO part in the Pope, and developed their own doctrines the way they wanted to get away from the tyranny in Rome and the Vatican. The doctrine they developed tried to stay away from the Pre-Catholic doctrines as much as possible leaving a massive difference between this prolific new Protestant division and the division of Catholicism, leading to some issues over the differences. It happened, and is still happening, that some Protestant faiths wished to drive off Catholicism. They made themselves different,but they are from the same origin: Christianity.

Doctrines and passages can contradict themselves often, especially after all of the religious reform. Those may be the accepted doctrines of most Christian Churches, but not all of them.

Alienate Catholics as you wish; they appear, at least to me, to be Christian.

Here's some opinionated articles:
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Jul 7, 2013
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Every follower of Christ has their doubts at times, and there's nothing wrong with that. Also, there's nothing wrong with being agnostic, or just completely confused. In the end, we're all trying to find out the same thing. I'm glad some people have been able to be so civil and respectful. That says a lot about some of the members on the forums.


Sep 22, 2013
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Im honestly Christian and i believe in god theres even proof that Jesus existed and walked on the earth :D


Sep 26, 2012
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Im honestly Christian and i believe in god theres even proof that Jesus existed and walked on the earth :D
The proof being...?
Personally I don't believe in God, science has far more justifications at hand, justifications/explanations/other synonym. However, I am not opposed to the suggestion that a man named 'Jesus' once walked the Earth and committed many good deeds, my take on it, though, is that he was a man, who, maybe healed people as a profession. Word got around that he was a talented guy and - as people do - they made stories about him, exadurated, created stories that would gain them favour or for whatever reason.
If he did once walk the Earth, he was no messenger of God.

I'd go further into it but I'm typing this on a kindle.


Mar 18, 2013
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Literally about 5 hours ago wrote a whole thing about the Universe. Time to make it shorter.
No, I do not believe in God, not going to explain this, simple to understand by reading other comments.
But, I guess I don't believe in religion because there is no proof for me to rely on, science does that, and I think science is a lot more interesting and fantastic than religion.
I like proven facts.
Everything in moderation works for most things. Be moderate with most things, it'll take you through life, moderate is the best way. Casual, easy, and not that bad.
So, basically be moderate with religion.
I cannot stand forced religion, like holy crap, if you are going to force your child to believe in a religion you are doing parenting wrong.
Religion shouldn't be something that is forced, it should be something that you have a decision to make, at a age where you understand it, well enough to make a informed decision.
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