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ERMAFree Iron donor x2

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District 13
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
Oh uhm... :3

Me an my wife Smitty have 19 children, 16 rabbits, 22 dogs and 58 daughters.

She takes care of them all while I cook kittens for us to eat.

My cooking pot broke and I need iron to fix it :c

Me, Smitty, my children, rabbits, dogs and daughters are starving because I need moar iron to fix my cooking pot.

Halp meh plz

You're funny


Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
Because I've always wanted to donate but don't have any money to do so.

My number is 33.


I think I deserve donor because I play heaps, and it might help me get more points which would benefit my self esteem (people seem to be a bit mean to people with 1 win that lose their points in the DM) and help me with getting more wins. Donor would also help not getting hammered in the lobby because I know so much and don't have donor/lots of points. Also, my parents dislike it when I play MCSG/MC, so I don't think theres much chance of me getting donor, even with my own money. I am active on forums and in game so it wouldn't be wasted.


attempting g33ke post #1

I'm an officer of the US Rebels. There are a few people who are prominent players in the US Rebels that need donor, but cannot obtain them as of this moment. I want to give back to the one clan that fostered my ability in MCSG and acted like a family to all of us. I've already bought two people donor in the clan, but I'm not able to pay any more...it'd be great if I could give the donor to one of the Rebels.

The thing about the Rebels is being surrounded by the competition. Pretty much every single one of them are fantastic players...when I first joined, I felt like I was the weakest player. I didn't have the least amount of wins, but that's because our graphics designer (chez <3) doesn't play MCSG. I had the second least amount of wins. I wasn't that good compared to everybody else. After playing with them for a decent chunk of time, I feel like they've gotten me to a point where I can call myself decent. I've gotten kinda good with a bow, and now I'm getting somewhat decent at sword fighting.

In the beginning of the Rebels, I was shy. I barely ever said anything (some of the old players didn't even realize I was one of the first members...(well, first applicants, but I was accepted much later)) in the skype chats, and I never played any games. I argued it was because they were so good...I felt like I would be kicked out because of how nooby I was. ;-; But, now that I've gotten to know them, I can see why they're the longest running clan in MCSG. They're a very close-knit community. And, with the rise of the AU division, it seems like we're going to make new friends here shortly...(golden_spec and darkrai played a game with me. They're awesome ;D)

Being able to play with them is something that's great, and with the rise of "christmas" donors, it's hard for a normal user to play. I want them to not be kicked so I can actually play with them and enjoy their company. Especially since the person I'm planning on giving it to is ranked in the top ten of the US leaderboards...and he's getting close to going higher. It's always been one of his goals to be ranked in the top three of the US leaderboards, but without donor, it's very hard for him to actually do so.

Think of #DemPuppies. Doing this will make the Rebels even stronger...seeing as you're a co-leader of the AU Division, I think you'd want that? :p

I'll take number 55, by the way~


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
My number is 33.
Okay, time to attempt a G33ke post.
Well, I'm AwesomnessFace, a person that enjoys having fun on MCSG and being helpful. As you can see, my donor ran out 13 days early (Rage moment) And I'm spending all $310 of my savings to repair my laptop, and I'm broke. Now to explain why I think I deserve the donor.

I honestly don't DESERVE the donor, you're just being generous and kind to out community. But if I actually did deserve it, I would be posting this-

I think I deserve the donor because I've been around here for a long time, donated 5 times before, and I'm sorta broke. But some real reasons might be because I'm active in-game and in the forums, so nothing will be wasted. I'm also helpful and kind, I've answered many questions over the forums and in-game. I also let people that aren't on forums know what's happening around here, like if there is a bug, I tell people immediately. Or the point glitch, if I see people exploiting, I warn them that they could get permabanned if caught. I also waen people with insane;y high points (Though gained legitimately) to bounty some off as Moderators / Senior Moderators may see the points as "unfair".

Other reasons may be because I have a lot of friends, and if they want me to play some SG with them, I could originally do that with donor as they also have that. But the problem now is, I have no donor, and it's harder to play with friends and have fun. I know others may need it for their reasons, but if I can take a chance to get this, I will. For my friends' sake. I may also want to try and make it into a livestream, but other donors will just kick the regular members before the game even starts. So it sort of ruins my chances of getting into anything really, just because I need to get my computer repaired. Also, I could have been still a donor, but it ran out 2 weeks early :(

That's my post, not very long, but I guess it's good enough. Thank you for your consideration, AwesomnessFace

P.S- Gaga, this is very kind of you to be buying donor using your money for others that are less fortunate. I respect you for that, and someday I hope to meet you in-game or over Teamspeak, as you're a really amazing person. I know this isn't a g33ke post, but at least I attempted to try and get some donor.

P.S.S (Humor moment)- I also want donor because I love people asking me this very question-
"Are you OP?"



Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Hey gaga I don't know how to enter so I'm just gonna say hi. :)
You get this way-
Say reasons you think you may deserve this donor, and try and make a G33ke post.

Then say a number 1-100 (The taken numbers are on the first page.)


My number is 33.
Okay, time to attempt a G33ke post.
Well, I'm AwesomnessFace, a person that enjoys having fun on MCSG and being helpful. As you can see, my donor ran out 13 days early (Rage moment) And I'm spending all $310 of my savings to repair my laptop, and I'm broke. Now to explain why I think I deserve the donor.

I honestly don't DESERVE the donor, you're just being generous and kind to out community. But if I actually did deserve it, I would be posting this-

I think I deserve the donor because I've been around here for a long time, donated 5 times before, and I'm sorta broke. But some real reasons might be because I'm active in-game and in the forums, so nothing will be wasted. I'm also helpful and kind, I've answered many questions over the forums and in-game. I also let people that aren't on forums know what's happening around here, like if there is a bug, I tell people immediately. Or the point glitch, if I see people exploiting, I warn them that they could get permabanned if caught. I also waen people with insane;y high points (Though gained legitimately) to bounty some off as Moderators / Senior Moderators may see the points as "unfair".

Other reasons may be because I have a lot of friends, and if they want me to play some SG with them, I could originally do that with donor as they also have that. But the problem now is, I have no donor, and it's harder to play with friends and have fun. I know others may need it for their reasons, but if I can take a chance to get this, I will. For my friends' sake. I may also want to try and make it into a livestream, but other donors will just kick the regular members before the game even starts. So it sort of ruins my chances of getting into anything really, just because I need to get my computer repaired. Also, I could have been still a donor, but it ran out 2 weeks early :(

That's my post, not very long, but I guess it's good enough. Thank you for your consideration, AwesomnessFace

P.S- Gaga, this is very kind of you to be buying donor using your money for others that are less fortunate. I respect you for that, and someday I hope to meet you in-game or over Teamspeak, as you're a really amazing person. I know this isn't a g33ke post, but at least I attempted to try and get some donor.

P.S.S (Humor moment)- I also want donor because I love people asking me this very question-
"Are you OP?"

33 is taken :( I had to change mine to 93. So yeh.


Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
My number is 74 84.
Now, I'm not gonna make a G33ke post because I gotta do some homework. Unfortunately.
But the reason I would like donorship is because...
It would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

~ 84 ~
(If that's taken, I'll go with 91.)


Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Well,... Because I'm tired and sleepy I'm just going to say.
Gaga you're sssssmexy and you smell like rainbows <3

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