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Give People A Second Chance to Apply for Mod if they've been Banned for Hacking.


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
They would become a JOKE? I've reported hackers/rule breakers throughout all my time here on MCGamer on a regular basis ever since I got banned. I've been active on the forums/ in-game. I think a person like that would be more trustworthy than someone with less than 20 messages on the forums, and 100 games or less of MCSG.

May I also mention that in the Staff Q&A a week or two ago, Dave announced that bans in v1 will be ignored if you're wanting to apply for mod. This includes any offences.
I think you're missing the point. It doesn't matter whether a person stays active on MCSG or reports as many people as they can, they still broke the rules. The Staff will easily overlook someone with no previous ban history than to someone who has. It doesn't matter whether the ban was in V1 or V2, deep down people self consciously know that they are deliberately breaking the rules and this consequently acts as a punishment for their actions. Whether they've learned from their lesson or not, the Staff aren't going to allow people to apply for moderator as it is simply too much of a risk, the only exception is that if your ban/punishment was unfair and that you have undeniable evidence to prove that you were not breaking the rule.

In addition to this, some Moderators I've known have a lot of experience on other servers, some are even server owners and they already understand the principles of correct moderation just from their experience. You can't assume and deduce that someone is automatically untrustworthy just because they have less posts on the forums when they may have a lot of experience. Though I agree that they have to be active because there is no point becoming a MCSG moderator if you are not willing to perform your duties to help the community.
Last edited:


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I think you're missing the point. It doesn't matter whether a person stays active on MCSG or reports as many people as they can, they still broke the rules. The Staff will easily overlook someone with no previous ban history than to someone who has. It doesn't matter whether the ban was in V1 or V2, deep down people self consciously know that they are deliberately breaking the rules and this consequently acts as a punishment for their actions. Whether they've learned from their lesson or not, the Staff aren't going to allow people to apply for moderator as it is simply too much of a risk, the only exception is that if your ban/punishment was unfair and that you have undeniable evidence to prove that you were not breaking the rule.

In addition to this, some Moderators I've known have a lot of experience on other servers, some are even server owners and they already understand the principles of correct moderation just from their experience. You can't assume and deduce that someone is automatically untrustworthy just because they have less posts on the forums when they may have a lot of experience. Though I agree that they have to be active because there is no point becoming a MCSG moderator if you are not willing to perform your duties to help the community.
So, someone who broke a rule over a year ago, learns their mistake and reports hackers/rule breakers actively throughout the rest of their time on MCGamer don't deserve a second shot at becoming a Moderator? I find that absurd, why would you all of a sudden start breaking rules when you are placed in a position of Authority after being a helpful and active member for so long in the Community? Also Moderators are accepting people for Moderators even if they have bans in MCSG v1.


Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
There is nothing a hacker can do to prove himself. Part of the punishment for hacking is you cannot be mod. If you should be allowed to be mod does that mean you shouldnt get banned.
Boboy, honestly, if you read what Mooclan said, he was correct in many things he stated. Just because someone hacked 1+ years ago doesn't mean they shouldn't be Moderator. There is a time period (12-15) where people tend to stop hacking/cheating at 15 and become more mature.

Your arrogance and no knowledge of the matter is not helping at all. Brandon brought up very valid points and they will not be overlooked I'm sure. This thread should be locked because I am pretty sure there's been a rule change regardless.


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
Boboy, honestly, if you read what Mooclan said, he was correct in many things he stated. Just because someone hacked 1+ years ago doesn't mean they shouldn't be Moderator. There is a time period (12-15) where people tend to stop hacking/cheating at 15 and become more mature.

Your arrogance and no knowledge of the matter is not helping at all. Brandon brought up very valid points and they will not be overlooked I'm sure. This thread should be locked because I am pretty sure there's been a rule change regardless.
I am sorry if you feel I am arrogent and have no knowlege of the matter but I am simply stating my opinion and I though this was the place to do so. If you dont agree with me that is fine but dont call me arrogent. We all have a different opinion and just because mine is different from yours does not mean you have to be rude to me.


Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
I am sorry if you feel I am arrogent and have no knowlege of the matter but I am simply stating my opinion and I though this was the place to do so. If you dont agree with me that is fine but dont call me arrogent. We all have a different opinion and just because mine is different from yours does not mean you have to be rude to me.
You are turning this into something it's not. That wasn't rude at all. If you understood the definition you would know. But you don't.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I am sorry if you feel I am arrogent and have no knowlege of the matter but I am simply stating my opinion and I though this was the place to do so. If you dont agree with me that is fine but dont call me arrogent. We all have a different opinion and just because mine is different from yours does not mean you have to be rude to me.
Well, I don't mean to get in the way of your argument (although I do think it should be taken to a PM) but I'd like to ask you a question.

There is nothing a hacker can do to prove himself. Part of the punishment for hacking is you cannot be mod. If you should be allowed to be mod does that mean you shouldnt get banned.
Hmm. I was once banned for sprint hacks, back in March 2013. Whether I hacked or not doesn't really matter, as at least 4 ban disputes have been unsuccessful.
I have over 4,000 posts on the forums, and a very large amount of those are helpful, well-written, and useful. I'm a person who can be claimed to be more helpful and active than many staff members to this date. I've redirected incorrect threads, reported flame and necro's, created guides that helped people with various things, have broken up countless arguments, and supported the forum community for several months. I've been appointed one of the most helpful members in the entire community.
Do you still think that there is nothing at all that a hacker can do to prove themselves? I've spent over a year since my ban, trying to prove myself to be worthy. I think I'm not the only one who would say that I've proven myself. And I will continue to do so until I cannot progress any further.

However, a person has to be dedicated.
"Love is measured by how dedicated you are."
If a person who hacked tried for maybe a month to reapply for Mod, odds are they wouldn't get it unless they were amazing and grabbed the attention of Administrators. It would take several months, maybe even a year, for someone to change enough that they are worthy of a staff position. Hundreds of hours and thousands of posts might be required, but a person can always prove themselves.

(I know this sounds really arrogant, but I'm using myself as an example. I wouldn't normally say these things if I wasn't trying to prove a point.)

Oh, and just to lighten the mood, here's a picture of some baby ducks:

I have one in my house that looks like the ones on the right side.


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I don't mean to get in the way of your argument (although I do think it should be taken to a PM) but I'd like to ask you a question.

Hmm. I was once banned for sprint hacks, back in March 2013. Whether I hacked or not doesn't really matter, as at least 4 ban disputes have been unsuccessful.
I have over 4,000 posts on the forums, and a very large amount of those are helpful, well-written, and useful. I'm a person who can be claimed to be more helpful and active than many staff members to this date. I've redirected incorrect threads, reported flame and necro's, created guides that helped people with various things, have broken up countless arguments, and supported the forum community for several months. I've been appointed one of the most helpful members in the entire community.
Do you still think that there is nothing at all that a hacker can do to prove themselves? I've spent over a year since my ban, trying to prove myself to be worthy. I think I'm not the only one who would say that I've proven myself. And I will continue to do so until I cannot progress any further.

However, a person has to be dedicated.
"Love is measured by how dedicated you are."
If a person who hacked tried for maybe a month to reapply for Mod, odds are they wouldn't get it unless they were amazing and grabbed the attention of Administrators. It would take several months, maybe even a year, for someone to change enough that they are worthy of a staff position. Hundreds of hours and thousands of posts might be required, but a person can always prove themselves.

(I know this sounds really arrogant, but I'm using myself as an example. I wouldn't normally say these things if I wasn't trying to prove a point.)

Oh, and just to lighten the mood, here's a picture of some baby ducks:

I have one in my house that looks like the ones on the right side.
I understand what you are saying and I completely undertand. I really do not want to seem like a harsh or mean person but there are many people who have hacked that would like to become a mod. In my opinion it is very hard to set rules for people who hacked to apply for mod. What would they have to do to prove that they are truely sorry. The rule would have to be the same for all and it would be a very hard thing to do. If the rule was that you have to help people or report hackers in order to prove them selves worthey of mod than everyone that hacked would do it to get mod. If someone in real life commits a crime they should be punished wether or not they are sorry for what they did. Rules are put in place for people to follow them not to break them and be sorry later. I think they should be happy enough to be allowed to play on the server again. There are plenty of people who have a clean record and have followed the rules why should someone who has not be allowed to become mod. I understand that some people have learned their lesson and should become a mod but it is hard to allow that because of the countless others who want it too. I do want others to get mad at me but this is my opinion and I should be entitled to one. I am not against what others say but I am not going to side with them either. I am kind of in the middle.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I understand what you are saying and I completely undertand. I really do not want to seem like a harsh or mean person but there are many people who have hacked that would like to become a mod. In my opinion it is very hard to set rules for people who hacked to apply for mod. What would they have to do to prove that they are truely sorry. The rule would have to be the same for all and it would be a very hard thing to do. If the rule was that you have to help people or report hackers in order to prove them selves worthey of mod than everyone that hacked would do it to get mod. If someone in real life commits a crime they should be punished wether or not they are sorry for what they did. Rules are put in place for people to follow them not to break them and be sorry later. I think they should be happy enough to be allowed to play on the server again. There are plenty of people who have a clean record and have followed the rules why should someone who has not be allowed to become mod. I understand that some people have learned their lesson and should become a mod but it is hard to allow that because of the countless others who want it too. I do want others to get mad at me but this is my opinion and I should be entitled to one. I am not against what others say but I am not going to side with them either. I am kind of in the middle.
I don't think any ex-hacker will go through being very dedicated to the community, make lots and lots of helpful posts to help out others in the community, report hackers on a regular basis for a solid year and then all of a sudden abuse my Moderator powers? Who in the right mind would do that? Even if there were a few abusive mods that were hackers, don't we already have abusive moderators today? Another thing may I point out.
"The rule would have to be the same for all and it would be a very hard thing to do. If the rule was that you have to help people or report hackers in order to prove them selves worthey of mod than everyone that hacked would do it to get mod."
You must be one hell of a person if you're going to Report hackers all the time, be a really friendly person and help out others that need help in the community for 1 year and just do it for mod... too be honest I never considered applying for mod till a month or two ago. Before those 2 months of me really wanting to become a mod I have been reporting hackers a lot and reporting rule breakers in chat for well over a year without even thinking about mod. So like I said, do you really think a ex-hacker will go through all that trouble just to become a mod and abuse? No. They would go to a different server where it is fairly easy and simple to get mod, they wouldn't go to a professional runned Network such as MCGamer.


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
I don't think any ex-hacker will go through being very dedicated to the community, make lots and lots of helpful posts to help out others in the community, report hackers on a regular basis for a solid year and then all of a sudden abuse my Moderator powers? Who in the right mind would do that? Even if there were a few abusive mods that were hackers, don't we already have abusive moderators today? Another thing may I point out.
"The rule would have to be the same for all and it would be a very hard thing to do. If the rule was that you have to help people or report hackers in order to prove them selves worthey of mod than everyone that hacked would do it to get mod."
You must be one hell of a person if you're going to Report hackers all the time, be a really friendly person and help out others that need help in the community for 1 year and just do it for mod... too be honest I never considered applying for mod till a month or two ago. Before those 2 months of me really wanting to become a mod I have been reporting hackers a lot and reporting rule breakers in chat for well over a year without even thinking about mod. So like I said, do you really think a ex-hacker will go through all that trouble just to become a mod and abuse? No. They would go to a different server where it is fairly easy and simple to get mod, they wouldn't go to a professional runned Network such as MCGamer.
The thing is, MCSG cannot just change a rule for ONE person. Maybe you could get mod, but they cannot change a whole rule saying you have to be active on the forums, report hackers, etc... Sure hackers prove themsevles. Not very often. And like I stated if you hacked you did it knowing it was against the rules and it would've made you never get mod. I get it was long ago, but still you have to realize things like this. Maybe take this and learn from it in the future.

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