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[Guide] Moderator Applications.


Aug 13, 2013
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Professional Moderator Applications Guide

Here are eleven tips on how to improve/format your Moderator application.

Tip #1:
Always use good grammar.

Example #1:
"My name is Mark , the server is really fun to play on."

Tip #2:
Don't type for words just for the sake of typing.

Example #2:
"I'm an independent self motivator, I like really love working with cool amazing awesome servers."

Tip #3:
Tell the reader why YOU should be chosen over anyone else.

Example #3:
"I think that all my experience that I have gained over time will help me moderate the server."

Tip #4:
Explain where you have been a moderator at. Don't lie about how you've been mod on 21 servers, even if this is true you don't want to have to be divided into more then 4 servers. Also you need evidence that you have truly been a moderator.

Example #4:
"I have been moderator on 3 quite popular servers, one of the servers was called '{Blank} network" I've been working on the server for a while now. The {Blank} network has been a really good learning experience for me, I learned a fair bit about how to moderate servers professionally"

Tip #5:
Explain your answer, explain what it was or where it is.

Example #5:
"I use to play on the {Blanks}'s server. {Blanks}'s server is a hub server containing the Survival games, a creative world and spleef."

Tip #6:
Don't get to ahead of your self. The part about saying "Do you want this?" it's not in the default application format.

Example #6:
" Do you want to be a Mod? : Ah, I want to be mod mod." Writing this is a No No in my eyes.

Tip #7:
Don't write multiple applications, There is no need to make multiple applcations because you can always just edit your current one.

Tip #8:
Always read the format before writing your application, Make sure that you've read it and your application has all the required questions answered.

Tip #9:
Be yourself, set a style of writing in your application you want to be know for.

Tip #10:
Make sure to shoot for between 800-12000 words.

Tip #11:
If you've been accepted for the interview, don't be nervous. It isn't as bad as you probably think it is. Just be yourself, and have a laugh from time to time during the interview. (From: Virtual)

Please do NOT post your application(and/or Link) on this thread.

NOTICE: I do not take any credits for making this, I have asked my friend who made this if I could post it on MCSG so it could help out players who have always wanted to be a moderator. I have added a couple more tips.

Thanks for reading,
Good Advice, yet I don't think you're qualified since you aren't a Moderator yourself...


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
Good Advice, yet I don't think you're qualified since you aren't a Moderator yourself...
Qualification doesn't have to mean experience ;).


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, but normally people prefer to see someone who has already been accepted to the job that he's giving people advice about...
Please don't double post.

Also, he said:

NOTICE: I do not take any credits for making this, I have asked my friend who made this if I could post it on MCSG so it could help out players who have always wanted to be a moderator. I have added a couple more tips.

This guide is probably made by a mod for another server, apples was most likely just sharing it with us

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