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Havoc EU

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Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: I have 2 which are snakester88 and SnakesterMC

How old are you?: Well… I am 11 but don't think that I am immature because I'm not but if this bothers you but you are thinking of accepting me at least give me trial to see if I am mature or not in your mind

What is your name in real life?: My IRL name is Scott but you can call me Snake or Snakester.

What is your Skype username?: My Skype is snakester88

What country do you come from?: I am from Scotland

How many wins do you have on MCSG? On snakester88 I have 87 wins and on SnakesterMC I have 18 wins. and I also have 201 wins on snakester88 on Hive and 145 on SnakesterMC

How many games have you played on MCSG? I have played 496 on snakester88 and 83 on SnakesterMC

What are your PvP strengths?: My strengths are probably Flint n Steel since I get to use it on Hive and MCSG I can easily use it to take my opponent down about 3 hearts and get them killed with my weapon easier than normal and especially if they are using a Resource Pack that has high fire it goes exceptionally in my advantage. Since the rod tactic got wasted by Mojang I can't really put that in my strengths but I believe my accuracy with my sword and other things like strafing etc… Is almost up to date.

What are your PvP weaknesses?: I don't really want to state my weaknesses as it may be used against me ;3

How often do you play MCSG?: If I get accepted I can play from 2 hours+ a day.

Are you donator on MCSG? No, but if needed I can buy one.

Why do you want to join Havoc?: Great Clan <3 And it will also improve my PvP skills wiv da pro's blud.
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Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score

  • · What is your Minecraft IGN?: xIPompey

    · How old are you?: 15

    · What is your name in real life?: Josh

    · What is your Skype username?: Connor and Jamie have me

    · What country do you come from?: Britain

    · How many wins do you have on MCSG? 67 (at time of application) (Cough 500 hive wins Cough)

    · How many games have you played on MCSG? 268

    · What are your PvP strengths?: I am good with my bow, If I have enough arrows I can take out teams with my mainly my bow easily, I am half decent with my sword and I know how to abuse my connection, This is incredibly useful for winning fights VS better geared players. I can use my F’n’S half decently but I can’t aim it expertly.

    · What are your PvP weaknesses?: I am not very good with using a rod with offensively but I am still practicing and I am getting better.

    · How often do you play MCSG?: 5 games a day now. But I am going to play more when I get premium.

    · Are you donator on MCSG? Non-donor is love, Non-donor is life,

    · Why do you want to join Havoc?: Connor is my babe. And I have wanted to join A hive clan for a longish time now.


Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, add me on skype if you want a clan war vs The Rebels: t1mmaaaah. Oh and good luck!


Apr 4, 2014
Reaction score
  • What is your Minecraft IGN?: Minecraft_Hill
  • How old are you?: 14
  • What is your name in real life?: Elliot
  • What is your Skype username?: U have it, but for any1 else theminecrafthill
  • What country do you come from?: England
  • How many wins do you have on MCSG? 172. Only reason is because I practice a lot and got pretty good at the game a month ago
  • How many games have you played on MCSG? 1000 :(
  • What are your PvP strengths?: fishy rod, bow, sword, strafe, fns placement, water battles and close quarter battles.
  • What are your PvP weaknesses?: 4 teams (on my own) I cant remember anymore but you will probably find out.
  • How often do you play MCSG?: everyday
  • Are you donator on MCSG? Yes GOLD
  • Why do you want to join Havoc?: I would like to join your clan because I would like a clan that has nice members and community. And that have good players instead of people with 10 wins saying gg when they clean up in clan battles -_- Not just all of that but to have more friends around the Minecraft communtiy.


Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
  • What is your Minecraft IGN?: xReih

  • How old are you?: Im a 14

  • What is your name in real life?: Adrian

  • What is your Skype username?: You have me :D

  • What country do you come from?: Norway

  • How many wins do you have on MCSG? Well atm 94/350 (really bad, but hackers everywhere).

  • How many games have you played on MCSG? 350

  • What are your PvP strengths?: Good with taking out teams and sometimes hackers really depends on what hack client they are using. Im good with my rod and FNS. Connor you should know this (kinda)

  • What are your PvP weaknesses?: When i miss my chest-route and when there is a 3 team stacked with players that has 1000+ wins.
  • How often do you play MCSG?: Everyday about 10 games :D

  • Are you donator on MCSG? Im a gold donor

  • Why do you want to join Havoc?: Cause the cool KnrMC is here. And other players and MCSG is more fun and it has better PVP.
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