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Hell Games 4-Apply Here!

Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
i was having second thoughts on applying this morning but sadly i do have to say school comes before gaming so i sadly wont be taking part but if the time is right the hell games 5 may await me
(ps: i would have taken because i love sg more than school but my big exams are coming up :( )


Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: ExKing
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I really want to play at hell games once because I died unfairly at the game on HellGames 2
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: I have like 318 wins but I have to play for 4 months (You know why ._.
Can you record?:
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yeah but I stopped ExKingFTW
How many subscribers do you have? 60+
What timezone do you live in? GMT +2
Additional info: I really want to take part in this game because of my unfair death on Hell games 2 : Spawned in lava


Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Age: 12 soon 13.
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I would like to try out a mcsg "event" sometime, and this looks good.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?:like 27th worldwide.
Can you record?:Nope, sorry.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question):Nope
How many subscribers do you have?
What timezone do you live in? gmt+1

Gustav Mahikano

Nov 10, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: My IGN is Kytria
Age: I am currently fourteen but I will be fifteen on the 24th of September.
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I want to be a part of this event because it looks like a tremendous amount of fun and competing with other strong MCSG players seems like a really great time in general.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: As of this moment, I am located 36th on the leaderboards with (currently) 594 wins.
Can you record?: Yes, I do have the ability to record.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): I currently do not have a youtube channel but I expect to have one up soon.
How many subscribers do you have?
What timezone do you live in? I live in UTC/GMT +10 (Melbourne).
Additional info: This seems like a lot of fun and a great recreation of the actual Hunger Games to me. I'm keen to take part in this and I hope you consider to allow me to take part in this event.


Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: wronsiski
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: So, somehow or another I managed to spectate the last game, and it look rather intriquing, the set out of it and so on. I think it could help me meet new people, of whom I've never spoken to before due to the "district teaming" idea.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: Low, only 12 wins, not sure on my actual position.
Can you record?: I can, yes.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question):Only my own private one.
How many subscribers do you have?
What timezone do you live in? GMT
Additional info: Uhm, yeah. What kind of additional info do you want. I'm a cool dude... right?


Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: roellie89
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: Because I like SG and I would love to play a hard edition
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: I think around 110 Idk
Can you record?: No im sorry
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): iPownGamez Quikscoping though :/
How many subscribers do you have? Not many xD
What timezone do you live in? GMT+1? Idk I live in The Netherlands, so 1 hour later as brittain
Additional info: Im good with bow, And I play with tactic :D


Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: jdogsnell
Age: almost 14
Why do I want to be apart of this event: Because its awsome
Where am I located on the leader boards: I was around 30000th at one point.
Can you record: no
Do you have a channel: no
How many subs: 0
What timezone: EST
Additional Info:I did have 47 wins but they reset. I dont play sg anymore, so I would really like to be in it.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: Darlo2k4
Age: 19 (20 in two weeks)
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I think it is a great expansion to the MCSG, just like these servers are a great expansion on Minecraft. I would love to be part of it as it grows <3
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: Really far down, like, 3000 i think. I have 45 wins at any rate.
Can you record?: Nope
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes...
How many subscribers do you have? Like, 5 :p
What timezone do you live in? GMT
Additional info: I'm an ex Sr. Mod here. Was the 15th person to sign up to the forums :p. Became mod last May, got promoted to Sr. Mod on the 6th of June. Then left last year in October.

Hope this is good enough! :D


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: echo_555
Age: 14 ( 15 in 1 week )
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: because it is an amazing thought up event and is a good way to get the community together and all have fun
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 57th globally
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes its TeamNitrideFTW
How many subscribers do you have? atm I have 32 but rising
What timezone do you live in? Britain GMT
Additional info: I have 508 wins atm but there going up. I am a good fun guy to play with and would love to take part. I took part in the Very first one and thought it was an amazing game. Ive waited patiently past the 2nd and 3rd to let other members have a go and want to now play again.


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: RaddishDew

Age: 12

Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I've applied for the last 2 games and I really want to be a part of this event, the concept is intriguing and seems so much more exciting than the usual survival games experience, with continuous sponsoring and other exciting features. I got into the votes in the last time, but lost horribly due to the fact I am not well known and/or popular, but hey, what happens happens. The games seem well hosted and fun to play, the maps well built and the people friendly. I've been desperate to compete and I really want to get in this time.

Where are you located on the leaderboards?: I'm not sure, honestly. I'm not a bad player, I'm sort of mediocre in combat, but I survive longer than most. Of course my abysmal wins show that I'm awful, but they don't really account for what occurs during the games, and really, that's what matter.s

Can you record?: Yes, I have the means and the ability to post in 720p.

Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, MrRaddishDew

How many subscribers do you have?: None, I don't post content. Or atleast no regularly or properly. I will however record footage and feature it on there, but it depends on whether I can get a decent upload speed.

What timezone do you live in?: GMT

Additional info: I am secretly god.


Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: CharlesYummyegg
Age: 14
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I have seen the previous 2 and they both look thrilling and entertaining. I would also like to take part in an event which is more similar to the actual Hunger Games, and the Hell Games seems pretty close ;).
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: At this stage 11th, but it keeps changing
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes
How many subscribers do you have? 87
What timezone do you live in? GMT
Additional info: I am good with a sword and at close combat

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