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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Why do they think your account would be hacked?
It's called having overprotective parents. Not everyone understands that parents can go... well, let's just say that they sometimes go to a bit more than extreme measures to protect their children. My father was like that, and never let me jump from places above my head. (I'm a bit glad he's gone >_<)


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tell them that you will only add people you know in-real life, and that if they hack you, or whatever, your parents can beat up their parents. Also, you can't get hacked unless you share contact details with someone, which gives them your IP address, which permits (not legally) DDOS'ing. From there on, add everyone and just rename them to names of people your parents know you know irl, and put their Minecraft name in brackets. E.g. If you added someone called IH4ck3rz on Skype, name them "Freddy | IH4ck3rz", then your parents think that Freddy has a weird Minecraft name, and you know who Freddy, the one in your contacts list, actually is. I do this, although I don't rename people due to me being too lazy, and the fact that I don't share computers means my parents don't check.

Another way is to install a virus on your parents' computer, but one that you can uninstall comfortably, and then tell them that you'll fix it for them when they cry that their computer is telling them to switch off Google Chrome, or whatever. When your parents sigh in exasperation and ask you to fix it for them, do so calmly, and then, after they check, ask for Skype. Having just performed the extraordinary deed that you have, your parents will think in their minuscule brains, "son>hacker", and let you get Skype. If your parents have not yet evolved to a stage of such complicated thought process, and still think, "hacker=son", then you might need to say stuff like, I will only add my friends, and follow some of the above steps.

If your parents still don't let you have Skype, kill them with fire. Might work.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Another way is to install a virus on your parents' computer, but one that you can uninstall comfortably, and then tell them that you'll fix it for them when they cry that their computer is telling them to switch off Google Chrome, or whatever. When your parents sigh in exasperation and ask you to fix it for them, do so calmly, and then, after they check, ask for Skype. Having just performed the extraordinary deed that you have, your parents will think in their minuscule brains, "son>hacker", and let you get Skype. If your parents have not yet evolved to a stage of such complicated thought process, and still think, "hacker=son", then you might need to say stuff like, I will only add my friends, and follow some of the above steps.

If your parents still don't let you have Skype, kill them with fire. Might work.


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Tell them that you will only add people you know in-real life, and that if they hack you, or whatever, your parents can beat up their parents. Also, you can't get hacked unless you share contact details with someone, which gives them your IP address, which permits (not legally) DDOS'ing. From there on, add everyone and just rename them to names of people your parents know you know irl, and put their Minecraft name in brackets. E.g. If you added someone called IH4ck3rz on Skype, name them "Freddy | IH4ck3rz", then your parents think that Freddy has a weird Minecraft name, and you know who Freddy, the one in your contacts list, actually is. I do this, although I don't rename people due to me being too lazy, and the fact that I don't share computers means my parents don't check.

Another way is to install a virus on your parents' computer, but one that you can uninstall comfortably, and then tell them that you'll fix it for them when they cry that their computer is telling them to switch off Google Chrome, or whatever. When your parents sigh in exasperation and ask you to fix it for them, do so calmly, and then, after they check, ask for Skype. Having just performed the extraordinary deed that you have, your parents will think in their minuscule brains, "son>hacker", and let you get Skype. If your parents have not yet evolved to a stage of such complicated thought process, and still think, "hacker=son", then you might need to say stuff like, I will only add my friends, and follow some of the above steps.

If your parents still don't let you have Skype, kill them with fire. Might work.
Someone give this man a medal.


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tell them that you will only add people you know in-real life, and that if they hack you, or whatever, your parents can beat up their parents. Also, you can't get hacked unless you share contact details with someone, which gives them your IP address, which permits (not legally) DDOS'ing. From there on, add everyone and just rename them to names of people your parents know you know irl, and put their Minecraft name in brackets. E.g. If you added someone called IH4ck3rz on Skype, name them "Freddy | IH4ck3rz", then your parents think that Freddy has a weird Minecraft name, and you know who Freddy, the one in your contacts list, actually is. I do this, although I don't rename people due to me being too lazy, and the fact that I don't share computers means my parents don't check.

Another way is to install a virus on your parents' computer, but one that you can uninstall comfortably, and then tell them that you'll fix it for them when they cry that their computer is telling them to switch off Google Chrome, or whatever. When your parents sigh in exasperation and ask you to fix it for them, do so calmly, and then, after they check, ask for Skype. Having just performed the extraordinary deed that you have, your parents will think in their minuscule brains, "son>hacker", and let you get Skype. If your parents have not yet evolved to a stage of such complicated thought process, and still think, "hacker=son", then you might need to say stuff like, I will only add my friends, and follow some of the above steps.

If your parents still don't let you have Skype, kill them with fire. Might work.
;-; my dad is a computer engineer.


District 13
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
This is the only info i got on how skype is safe ;-;
What we do to keep you safe

Encryption overview
The internet, like any network, can be monitored by criminals and hackers at any number of points. This is one of the reasons why email and many internet chat programs are not secure. As there are so many ways for unknown persons to monitor your communications, you must take positive steps to protect yourself from these malicious third parties.

Encryption is the process of converting information, using principles of mathematics, in such a way that it is readable only by the intended recipient after they have converted the information back. Many kinds of encryption techniques have been developed over the centuries. This process is called encryption and decryption and forms part of the security discipline called cryptography.

As far back as 1900 BC the Egyptians utilized non standard hieroglyphs to protect a message; whilst the Greeks in 490 BC used strips of leather wrapped around a specific length and width of staff. This process of disguising a message is called cryptography. Julius Caesar possibly created and used the world’s first substitution cipher. Through shifting each letter a fixed amount, for example 'a' becoming 'e', 'b' becoming 'f' and so on, resulted in unintelligible words and messages. The approach of applying rules to a message and the result of a separate encoded message is called a cipher. The key to unlocking the hidden message was knowing the offset of which to shift the letters; forward to encode and backwards to decode.

These ciphers, whilst primitive now, were at the forefront of cryptography at their time but as with any advancement greater technological resources and knowledge can be used both to further a subject but also to work against it. As past ciphers can now be defeated trivially, modern ciphers must also continue to evolve.

Here at Skype we use standard internationally recognized and accepted encryption algorithms that have withstood the test of time over many years of analysis and attacks. This protects your communications from falling into the hands of hackers and criminals. In so doing, we help ensure your privacy as well as the integrity of the data being sent from you to your contacts.

Digital Identity and Encryption in Skype
One of Skype's main goals is to protect you from malicious attackers eavesdropping on your communications. In addition, we want to prevent the kind of impersonation that fraudsters often use over email (for instance phishing) to trick users into giving up valuable personal information. To achieve these goals, Skype issues everyone a "digital certificate" which is used to establish and confirm both the identity of the person placing and receiving a Skype call or chat.


Apr 22, 2012
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I'll beg your parents IRL.

Just give me your address c:


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
I honestly don't think you are going to get hacked. MCSG doesn't get majorly hacked that often (Happens, nevertheless.) and the user base for MCSG is HUGE. I really don't think you have pissed off any hackers (Real hackers, not people that use modded clients.) I don't know what you should say, but you should say something along the lines of you haven't made any REAL hackers mad.
Unless your clan beats forsaken. Then gg ddos for days.

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