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District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
I have 300 wins + and: (from left to right)
Bow, Sword, Fishing Rod, FnS, Golden Apple, Food, Food, Food, Arrows


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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don't put your sword on something else than the first field.
Why? It's just as easy to press the 2 key as it is the 1 key...and I don't even use the number keys. At all. Not even to switch to my sword.

I've always used the scroll wheel, and always will. I won't even use a number key to switch to my sword in instances like that. Why? Because I'm lazy...but as I've proven, I am still perfectly capable of showing results. Just like how I don't use any specific keyboard typing method, I mainly only use my pointer fingers, or what's called peck typing, yet I have an above average typing speed - my typing speed is actually considered really fast (And, from my memory of the typing speeds of most people on these forums, faster than 80% of all the forumers here, where the faster ones are still hardly faster than me, aside from a select few exceptional ones.) Also just like how I don't use the quake pro FOV as well...I understand the advantages, but it's honestly insulting when someone else shoves your preferred method aside because there is a "better way" and then insists on you to stop doing it even when you do it better than most as it is...

Well, that was a bit unnecessary of a rant from me, but anyway: I actually use that hotbar setup (for the most part. I seriously don't understand why you put the arrows in the middle of the food, or why you put the bread after the fish...I do it, from left to right, Best Food (Golden Apples.) - Worst food (cookies, melons, fish, etc.) - Arrows. If it works and you understand it though, I can't argue there's anything wrong with it.

For the longest time, I used my fishing rod on the slot to the right of my sword, and I didn't feel like breaking that habit, so when I switched, I put the bow to the left side instead of the fishing rod. After a little while, when I got used to it, it started working great for me. I have no problems with this setup whatsoever, aside from when I'm not paying attention. Some of the organizations you say are good, I also have to disagree with. (Assuming the people using it use the scroll wheel primarily, which I would assume since virtually any hotbar setup would work if you didn't consider that.) I would highly recommend you have the fishing rod one slot away from the sword if you want to seriously use it. Two slots away makes a big difference. It leaves far more room for mistakes...at least for me.

All of this...is just my opinion though. In reality, any setup will work if you practice it enough. Just like my typing method works just fine for me, since I've done it enough. I am not telling people to stop using any particular setup, I'm just giving my advice and opinions. If you use a different method than I do, or even something like your sword on slot 3 and your bow on slot 8, as long as it works well for you...well, all the power to you. It's up to you if you agree with and want to try my looks on things.


District 13
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Why? It's just as easy to press the 2 key as it is the 1 key...and I don't even use the number keys. At all. Not even to switch to my sword.

I've always used the scroll wheel, and always will. I won't even use a number key to switch to my sword in instances like that. Why? Because I'm lazy...but as I've proven, I am still perfectly capable of showing results. Just like how I don't use any specific keyboard typing method, I mainly only use my pointer fingers, or what's called peck typing, yet I have an above average typing speed - my typing speed is actually considered really fast (And, from my memory of the typing speeds of most people on these forums, faster than 80% of all the forumers here, where the faster ones are still hardly faster than me, aside from a select few exceptional ones.) Also just like how I don't use the quake pro FOV as well...I understand the advantages, but it's honestly insulting when someone else shoves your preferred method aside because there is a "better way" and then insists on you to stop doing it even when you do it better than most as it is...

Well, that was a bit unnecessary of a rant from me, but anyway: I actually use that hotbar setup (for the most part. I seriously don't understand why you put the arrows in the middle of the food, or why you put the bread after the fish...I do it, from left to right, Best Food (Golden Apples.) - Worst food (cookies, melons, fish, etc.) - Arrows. If it works and you understand it though, I can't argue there's anything wrong with it.

For the longest time, I used my fishing rod on the slot to the right of my sword, and I didn't feel like breaking that habit, so when I switched, I put the bow to the left side instead of the fishing rod. After a little while, when I got used to it, it started working great for me. I have no problems with this setup whatsoever, aside from when I'm not paying attention. Some of the organizations you say are good, I also have to disagree with. (Assuming the people using it use the scroll wheel primarily, which I would assume since virtually any hotbar setup would work if you didn't consider that.) I would highly recommend you have the fishing rod one slot away from the sword if you want to seriously use it. Two slots away makes a big difference. It leaves far more room for mistakes...at least for me.

All of this...is just my opinion though. In reality, any setup will work if you practice it enough. Just like my typing method works just fine for me, since I've done it enough. I am not telling people to stop using any particular setup, I'm just giving my advice and opinions. If you use a different method than I do, or even something like your sword on slot 3 and your bow on slot 8, as long as it works well for you...well, all the power to you. It's up to you if you agree with and want to try my looks on things.
Thats exactly me, besides the quake pro I use quake pro and I dont care about others that use it or not
I personnaly agree everything on your rant


Mapping Team Lead
Oct 6, 2012
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Why put arrows in your hotbar? Waste of a hotbar slot


Jul 14, 2013
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I personally use this order: sword, bow, fish rod, food, food, food, fns, fns, and fns/golden apples if I have any. I personally love this set up but do as you please! :p


Why put arrows in your hotbar? Waste of a hotbar slot
Not at all, actually. Unless you have a ton of arrows or Infinity, it is extremely useful for any types of fights, as you know that one arrow hit does 4.5 hearts of damage with no armor.

So, once you are able to calculate its damage with a certain amount of armor, you can speculate how many arrows you need to take down a person and see if you don't have enough, or have an overload for that kill.

Also, when taking down an enemy, you should be very cautious of how many arrows you still possess in your inventory, as arrows are an extremely valuable weapon in any type of combat.

You basically need them in your hotbar, as you don't always have time to press E.


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Why put arrows in your hotbar? Waste of a hotbar slot
Well part of what ShadowMasterZ said but also this:

If you run away from someone, he is like 6 blocks behind you and you cant see if you have any arrows and if - how many? But you need (at least in this situation) arrows to kill him. You could check whether you have arrows or not if you try to charge the bow but if it turns out that you have arrows you will slow down, mostlikely shoot yourself with a low charged arrow (if you shoot a low charged arrow whie walking forward you hit yourself) and your oponent will get some extra hits on you. If not everything is fine. At least for the running part but that automaticly means you don't have any arrows.
And why risk some extra dmg?

Or in a bowfight, you start with 10 arrows but your collecting some arrows of him but you're alos shooting and collecting again etc. It's really hard to keep your amount of arrows in your head since you have to concentrate on the fight aswell

And if you just got 5 arrows you (or at least I) try use every arrow perfect and look for the perfect moment to shoot.
But if you dont know your amout of arrows you might shoot more casual and they might miss their enemy more often because you're thinking you have enough arrows that you could do some shots where the chance isn't really high to hit him.

Well of course this is just my opinion and you can surround the facts above that you can save yourself if you in such a situation but in my opinion its handy and not a wasted slot. My game style is depending on how many arrows I have so I need to see how many I have all the time ^^ Maybe Probably I'm one of the only one who has arrows in his hotbar but at least you know now why :) And maybe you can keep the amout of arrows in your head perfectly- I definetly can't - it would be a wasted slot.

If I said that this arrow slot is necessarry or you must have it then I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I just wanted to show why I have arrows on my hotbar. It's of course up to you what you place in the hotbar.

what's the fishing rod for?
The fishing rod can safe your life multiple times in water. Why?
If you set a hit with it your oponent gets knockback and isn't able to reach you anymore (in water this usually works out better than on land because you're in water as fast as your oponent even though your swimming backwards and he probably forwards. And due to the fact he cant move really fast there its easier to hit him for you).

Also the fishring rod is used as close combat method by some players. Some don't use it some do. I would at least try it sometimes, if I was you, and then use / not use it.
How it works? If your oponent is running straight to you equippped with his melee weapon you can just use you fish rod once and then attack him. Why?
1st: The enemy stops sprinting and his possible strafe will be quite useless
2nd: Your enemy gets a mixture of pushed in the air and a little NCP (he cant hit you there) and you can make 1/2 hits while he cant do a single one.
It could take a while until you get used to this Fishing-Rod-Combat-Strategy

Then the third main reason for me to use the fishing rod:
If someone if trying to escape for you and your close you can just rod him and if he's near ahouse he will get pushed against the wall --> he'll stop sprinting and usually you can get some extra hits on him or sometimes you can kill him straight. (If he doesnt stop sprinting though he flew against the wall thats one of the best ways to proof that he has BSM)
But I sometimes use this even on big field with no walls where I could push them against just to make my enemy nervous and as "virtual sign" to show him I still stick at him and he can't escape.

I probably forgot something but this are my reason why I use it. Hope I could help, if you want to me ask something or you couldnt get what I want to illustrate feel free to ask me or anyone here about it.

Why? It's just as easy to press the 2 key as it is the 1 key...and I don't even use the number keys. At all. Not even to switch to my sword.

I've always used the scroll wheel, and always will. I won't even use a number key to switch to my sword in instances like that. Why? Because I'm lazy...but as I've proven, I am still perfectly capable of showing results. Just like how I don't use any specific keyboard typing method, I mainly only use my pointer fingers, or what's called peck typing, yet I have an above average typing speed - my typing speed is actually considered really fast (And, from my memory of the typing speeds of most people on these forums, faster than 80% of all the forumers here, where the faster ones are still hardly faster than me, aside from a select few exceptional ones.) Also just like how I don't use the quake pro FOV as well...I understand the advantages, but it's honestly insulting when someone else shoves your preferred method aside because there is a "better way" and then insists on you to stop doing it even when you do it better than most as it is...

Well, that was a bit unnecessary of a rant from me, but anyway: I actually use that hotbar setup (for the most part. I seriously don't understand why you put the arrows in the middle of the food, or why you put the bread after the fish...I do it, from left to right, Best Food (Golden Apples.) - Worst food (cookies, melons, fish, etc.) - Arrows. If it works and you understand it though, I can't argue there's anything wrong with it.

For the longest time, I used my fishing rod on the slot to the right of my sword, and I didn't feel like breaking that habit, so when I switched, I put the bow to the left side instead of the fishing rod. After a little while, when I got used to it, it started working great for me. I have no problems with this setup whatsoever, aside from when I'm not paying attention. Some of the organizations you say are good, I also have to disagree with. (Assuming the people using it use the scroll wheel primarily, which I would assume since virtually any hotbar setup would work if you didn't consider that.) I would highly recommend you have the fishing rod one slot away from the sword if you want to seriously use it. Two slots away makes a big difference. It leaves far more room for mistakes...at least for me.

All of this...is just my opinion though. In reality, any setup will work if you practice it enough. Just like my typing method works just fine for me, since I've done it enough. I am not telling people to stop using any particular setup, I'm just giving my advice and opinions. If you use a different method than I do, or even something like your sword on slot 3 and your bow on slot 8, as long as it works well for you...well, all the power to you. It's up to you if you agree with and want to try my looks on things.

Wow if I read my own message it seriously looks like I meant "This is the one and only way to place your sword" and actually thats for me the case but probably definatly not for everyone else here. I did formulate this totally wrong and if you don't need to press the buttons and can use the switch on your scroll then do this. I just showed my own point of view at this thread which turned out as horrible idea... I should have wrote this thread way more objective.
By the way the first I wanted to show why I use thw 1 Key and not the 2 or any key but then I had to explain why I use this strategy and why it is - in my opinion - useful to use this strategy but that would have been another strategy.

Some Guys use Bow or anything else in the first field of their hotbar-field but I really recommend to have your main melee weapon in the first field.
Why? Often experienced PvPers (at least in my friends and me) press "1" instead of scrolling to get on your sword. Of course there are much Guys who dont do this but it has really much advantages (for my friends and me at least).
But this is a different topic.
So maybe the reader could understand this more if I explained this Press-the- 1-Key-"Strategy" but as I said in my opinions this doesn't fit in this thread. I suppose what this "Strategy" is about, maybe not - doesn't matter anyways...

About the way my food is organised I really don't care ^^ I normally have enough time to check where what is - even if the is a team og 4 with full iron behind me (no sarcasm) I still can run straight and got enough time to scroll.
Normally my arrows are next to the fishing rod (1 Sword, 2 Bow, 3 Rod, 4 Arrows) This has something to do with the durability bug (thx for this one btw) but it really isn't worth it explaining why its necessarry for me.
Well I got used to the fishring rod 2 spaces away nearly perfectly. Rarely I charge the bow instead of throwing the fising rod (maybe 1/30 times) though I know that this one fail could cause my death. But I can look over that :) And I can't remind that this really caused my death once.

Sorry again for formulating this thread so wrong and arogant I really wasn't used to. I Should have formulated that way more objective.


May 4, 2013
Reaction score
I go 2 ways (Left To Da Right):
Sword, Bow, Fishing Rod (Fishing Rod Tactic User), FnS, G Apples, food, food, Arrows. Or...
Sword, Bow, FnS, G Apples, Food, Food Arrows & Fishing Rod.
Please tell me which one will be better, and I do use numbers.


District 13
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
My hotbar always looks something like this, depending on the map a fishing rod will be in there too around slot 4.​
Lol nub, you don't keep cookies, fish or watermelon, or maybe fish cos your a walrus by no cookies and melons.


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
1. Sword
2. Bow
3. FnS
4. Rod
5. Boat (or extra FnS if i don't have a boat)
6.Extra FnS ( or food if i don't have extra FnS)
7.Extra FnS (or arrows if i don't have many)
9. Golden apples

Now let me explain why i think this is the best one.

First of all the moments where you eat a golden apple and getting shot at the same time, sword is there for quick blocking
Bow on the second slot when you decide not to shoot and switch to sword instead of wastind durability on FnS or something else

FnS on the third slot for quick switch from number 3 to 1 example:

Just instead of scrolling up then pressing 1 press 3 then press 1

fishing rod on the fourth slot for quick switch from number 4 to 1

5 boat on slot 5 for quick escapes on water or blocking arrows in water

extra FnS is more usefull than food obviously

You can never have enough fire, another extra slot for FnS, but if im low on arrows i want to take my shots carefully

Food on the slot 8 since its the least usefull slot, therefore i use it as my food slot

Doing the sword on slot 1 and rod on slot 9 combo is worse than my 1-4 combo since you can do it faster, and if you have num keys on your mice then you'll be able to have better movement as well, very usefull, same thing with 1-3 combo with flint and steel.

I also put food where my extra FnS would be if i don't have it.


Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
I use the third one with arrows and bread switched. And I like it that way :)
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