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How do you think MCSG will end?

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District 13
Jul 5, 2012
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It's good for you, as it means you're capable of writing multiple paragraph posts about such a simple topic.
It's bad for us because we need to take the time and read all of it xD (G33ke is an ex-moderator who posts just like that all the time)
I read it and dear god dem feels sub... watch out you baked potato


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
It's good for you, as it means you're capable of writing multiple paragraph posts about such a simple topic.
It's bad for us because we need to take the time and read all of it xD (G33ke is an ex-moderator who posts just like that all the time)
G33ke's not mod??


Dec 8, 2012
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This was the saddest thread I've ever read in my entire life. I remember the good times :(

I remember skype teaming with people on Map 1 and Map 2, and having a Tier 1 exclusive route.

Ah, I hope MCSG doesn't end anytime soon. People who are saying it ended already are downers. Also I really like Lively's story. I like the last game part, that sounds very sad. I'm going to admit I almost dropped a tear. (Actually I cried like a little girl ;-; ) I think we need a book or movie about this. We need a kickstarter now! :p But in all seriousness, I will continue to donate as long as these servers are up. I won't do it for the perks, I will do it to make the memories last.


May 7, 2012
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It has already started to end. I think it started to end when the first set of admins was fired. Ever since then, MCSG has just felt so much different.
Different in a bad way. I think new players will not really understand what I mean, its partially the little noob playing his first game on sg2 talking out of me right now.
But if you compare MCSG, or MCGamer with MCSG back in the day, you will see a really really big difference.

I'm probably gonna get some hate here, but MCSG's community is poisioned. I kniw that kne thing that makes me think so is the fact that it hurts too see MCSG, the thing that occupied pretty much all my free time for a year, go down.

Back in beta, maps would be really good quality, they were bigger and games would sometimes last for almost an hour.
Chests would not have cooked steak or pumpkin pies all over the place, they would have rotten flesh, bones, string and arrows weren't in stacks.
Monsters were still in the game and every game about 10 people would die from monsters. You sometimes wouldn't be able to sprint for a long time until finding a chest.
MCSG has changed so much, and it's bad.

Nowadays, the age limit for moderator is 15. I remember how the age limit used to be 18 and it would say exceptions may be made. The staff was a lot higher quality and would actually help you when you asked them for help. I really think the staff quality has gone a lot worse. I kind of want to say that MCSG could fire half the mods, keeping the good ones and the amount of bad players wouldn't change, well, maybe it would, because less players would be unfairly banned.
I think peole in the community used to be a lot nicer and you would not see swearwords even without chatfilter. I think the filter makes people swear a lot more because they know they won't get in trouble.

I don't really know if this post makes sense, but I'm writing it because i was still logged in into ejegun when I checked the mcsg website with my ipad, I probably won't reply if you reply to me.

TL;DR: MCSG has already begun to end. And things are worse than back in the good days.


May 7, 2012
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I am honestly disgusted by your theory as there is a major flaw in it. At the part where you mention all of those people are in a final game of MCSG, you end it wit "You congratulate each other on a well fought battle".

You see, the problem with this is I was present in the game. If this were to be true, we would not congratulate each other at the end because everyone would be dead as a result of my presence.
I'm pretty sure this is why it won't end right here...
Someone will alawys win the "last game" and everyone else will want ot play another round... For each game 1 person wins and 23-47 people decide to join an additional server, often times the winner doesn't feel satiated with the win and will continue playing as well. It is a never ending cycle.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Thank you. I assume that was a compliment.
People generally use it as one. :p

It's just a compliment that basically says "Wow, that was a really long, thought out post.", since I write multiple paragraph posts about my views or opinions on subjects all the time. (Other people do as well, but every other post of mine generally was just that, and I used to post several times every day.)


Jun 17, 2012
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When Chad presses the button right as a perfectly timed explosion destined to hit the computer(s) hosting MCSG sent by the mystical penguin Pablo of the underground corporation of Penguins 'n Seals in Antarctica who is secretly at war with Sweden because for some reason Sweden NEVER fights ANYONE even though they live near Germany who fights with EVERYONE or at least did, and Pablo is also secretly betraying Penguins n' Seals because they're actually butt-buddies with MCSG (You can ask Chad) but since they took Pablo's chair from his office, he is now mortal enemies with everyone in the world and really the "perfectly timed explosion destined to hit the computer(s) hosting MCSG" is really a giant nuclear bomb heading towards some place in Siberia but will never explode because Pablo forget to set the timer but somehow the dinosaurs resurrect and come out of the ground from millions of years ago and start feeding on eucalyptus tress so the koalas can SUCK IT and go eat some bamboo or some shiz and afterwards the nuclear bomb actually does blow up but it only kills the dinosaurs so if anyone asks how dinosaurs became extinct you can tell them it was because a nuclear explosion sent be the mystical penguin Pablo who is secretly at war with Sweden and mortal enemies with Penguins n' seal EVEN THOUGH he works for them.

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